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  1. #1
    steven0420 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    College student=limited $ and time

    hey guys, i need some help with a diet. sofar ive been just trying to eat as much protein and whey shakes as possible and ive gained like just over 10lbs. but ive been stuck here for a couple of weeks so i decided to change up my diet.

    height 5'11"

    i have limited money but even more limited time. i go to school full time and work part time. i workout for about an hour 4 to 5 days a week. my daily schedule is hectic and id rather spend that time in the gym rather than putting together meals in the kitchen.

    Basically im looking for good meals to throw together within 5 min. lots of just opening cans or somthing easy of that sort.

    any suggestions on foods and/or meals would be appreciated. thanks.

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    you should really spend some time preparing your food.......90% of the members here will have a busy schedule.....(not me im not working at the min)....its how bad you want it mate....

    tined...salmon...tuna...chicken...veg....kidney get the can get most things in a tin...

  3. #3
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    Why even use already prepared food?

    The best and easiest thing to do is prepare food early in the week. For instance I prepare my meals Sunday and Thursday.

    I grill all my chicken and steak, boil my rice, hardboil some eggs etc and have it easy to grab for the next few days safe in a tupperwear container in the fridge. Other meals are easy - egg whites are in a container, almonds, peppers, fish oil, potatos, etc.

    Time isn't an excuse - if you want a way, you'll find a way.

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