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  1. #1
    JackSparrow is offline New Member
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    Better to eat crap or not eat at all?

    Hi Guys,

    Im just wondering if the situation arose and you only had access to things like chocolate bars is it better to eat one and cause an insulin spike or eat nothing and risk your body going into starvation mode?

    Im asking because I found myself in this situation recently where I was in hospital with my gf from 7pm - 2am and this was all that was available. (I chose to eat nothing).

    Obviously i'd hope not to be in this situation again but if it did happen what would you guys do?

  2. #2
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    it's a double edged sword..

    eat nothing and lose mass or eat crap and add fat..

    i would have ate a little bit of something, even if it was chocolate.. i'd rather not go into starvation.. and one little cheat in your whole diet (and i do mean ONE) isn't gonna kill you...

    if you starve yourself your body will go into muscle and fat to feed...
    prob is, if your eating chocolate then your not putting any amino acids (protein) in your system... it'll help, but not by much.. if it was like a chocolate bar with peanuts in it, they you'll get a little bit of protien in there and that would help out more..

    it's a shitty situation either way

  3. #3
    JackSparrow is offline New Member
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    Cheers Jamy, like i said rather not get into the situation again but then didnt plan on getting into that situation last time!

    Thanks again for the input

  4. #4
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    your body isn't gonna burn any muscle just because you're starving for a few hours.. it's a one off... and the first to go is obviously your glycogen stores

    that said, dont think protein... think calories. 100 kcals of chocolate is enough to last you 1-2 hours past your missed meal so ur body doesn't have to "starve"

    but if you chose to eat nothing... i doubt you're losing any muscle... that's just overreacting... cmon, u sleep 8 hrs without eating... why dont u worry abt that

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