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  1. #1
    NC600cbr's Avatar
    NC600cbr is offline Associate Member
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    Revised Diet. Input Appreciated.

    Big Thanks to TOP for help in my earlier thread.

    Goals - lose some of the body fat - gain some muscle.
    (some pictures in my previous thread and in profile)

    First off my BMR using the Harris-Benedict formula is 1,980
    so for me TDEE assuming

    Moderate exercise is 3,069 which seems low.
    Heavy = 3,415
    Very Heavy = 3,762

    I lift 5 days a week - would like to add cardio 30 minutes or 3-4 days a week in Mornings. Alternating HIIT and Incline Walk on Treadmill

    Here is the diet with macros.

    7am - Oatmeal 58g's
    8g Protein - 38g carbs - 4g fat 200cal

    2 Whole Eggs
    12g Protein - 2g carbs - 10g fat 154cal

    10 Egg Whites
    36g Protein - 2g carbs - 1g fat 170cal

    10am - 2 TBSP Natty PB
    14g protein - 12g carbs - 32g fat 380cal

    Celery roughly 5 stalks
    0g Protein - 5g carbs - 0g fat 15cal

    Canned Tuna in Water
    39g Protein - 0g carbs - 1g fat 179cal

    1pm - 8oz chicken
    72g protein - 0g carbs - 8g fat 368cal

    2 cups mixed Vegetables
    12g Protein - 48g carbs - 0g fat 236cal

    4pm - 8 oz chicken (with sweet potato OR brown rice)
    72g Protein - 48g carbs - 8g fat 368cal

    Sweet Potato
    4g Protein - 41g carbs - 0g fat 180cal
    1 cup Brown Rice
    8g Protein - 66g carbs - 2g fat 300cal

    PreWO - ON Whey Shake
    24g protein - 3g carbs - 1g fat 120cal

    Post WO - ON 2:1:1 shake
    35g Protein - 70g carbs - 1g fat 430cal

    9pm - 1 London Broil Steak 8oz
    65g Protein - 0g carbs - 17g fat 430cal

    2 Cups Mixed Vegetables
    12g Protein - 48g carbs - 0g fat 236cal

    2TBSP Natty PB
    14g Protein - 12g carbs - 32g fat 380cal

    Daily Totals.
    419g Protein - 281g Carbs - 115g Fat (plus EFA's)
    Cal 3,846

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I would run it as planned and make adjustments as needed. My guess is you are going to end up adding cardio or cutting carbs or fats to get leaner. 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week isnt much especially on nearly 4,000 calories a day. But..try it and see what happens.

  3. #3
    NC600cbr's Avatar
    NC600cbr is offline Associate Member
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    Well just a little update. I'm having a good bit of trouble getting down this much food. I guess i'm just not used to it. I've been getting around 3,400 calories. (peanut butter at night and the can of tuna seem to be falling out the most)

    Been doing cardio 3 times a week for 30 mins in the morning.

    Starting monday I am moving this to two 30 min sessions twice a day Mon - Thurs

    and one 30 min session fri - sat

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