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  1. #1
    HeavyL is offline Junior Member
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    Diet help (trying to lean out)

    Help ME get Ripped

    Alright guys and girls I need some help with my diet and maybe some help with my work outs too..

    But here’s some info on me Im 23 and a former football player, Ive lost about 60 pounds in the last year and I want to make sure im doing everything I can right now.. Ive always worked out for maximum strength and I really don’t need to do that any more. So my routine has changed a bit but I still have lots of mass. no im trying to lean my body and get rippped

    My diet hasn’t been set in stone for everyday but its gone something like this..
    Meal 1 -4-6 egg whites and 1 whole egg, about ½ cup oatmeal and some low fat peanut butter mixed in.
    Meal 2- apple and an orange maybe a banana.
    Meal 3– 1 chicken breast and steamed vegetable
    Workout- 2 body parts usually, cardio I usually do about 45-60 min ( I think ill start doing cardio in the morning again on an empty stomach but I found I was soo drained for my workouts after this. Maybe ill do it just a couple days a week)
    Meal 4 meal- tuna and vegetable
    Meal 5- cottage cheese 1% with low fat yogurt 1/2 cup each
    Meal 6- And maybe more chicken and vegetables if I have time after this

    Like I said earlier I have lost quite a bit of weight doing this, but im wondering if there something lacking in my diet or lately ive started too cut out most carbs from the day. Before I would have like whole wheat past or rice. Also lately ive been eating no oatmeal in the morning trying to cut more carbs is this a mistake?
    Ive just purchased some protein and bcaa and some EFA’s so I will incorporate these into my diet.
    But any feed back would be appreciated!!!!

  2. #2
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyL View Post
    Help ME get Ripped

    Alright guys and girls I need some help with my diet and maybe some help with my work outs too..

    But here’s some info on me Im 23 and a former football player, Ive lost about 60 pounds in the last year and I want to make sure im doing everything I can right now.. Ive always worked out for maximum strength and I really don’t need to do that any more. So my routine has changed a bit but I still have lots of mass. no im trying to lean my body and get rippped

    My diet hasn’t been set in stone for everyday but its gone something like this..
    Meal 1 -4-6 egg whites and 1 whole egg, about ½ cup oatmeal and some low fat peanut butter mixed in.
    Meal 2- apple and an orange maybe a banana.
    Meal 3– 1 chicken breast and steamed vegetable
    Workout- 2 body parts usually, cardio I usually do about 45-60 min ( I think ill start doing cardio in the morning again on an empty stomach but I found I was soo drained for my workouts after this. Maybe ill do it just a couple days a week)
    Meal 4 meal- tuna and vegetable
    Meal 5- cottage cheese 1% with low fat yogurt 1/2 cup each
    Meal 6- And maybe more chicken and vegetables if I have time after this

    Like I said earlier I have lost quite a bit of weight doing this, but im wondering if there something lacking in my diet or lately ive started too cut out most carbs from the day. Before I would have like whole wheat past or rice. Also lately ive been eating no oatmeal in the morning trying to cut more carbs is this a mistake?
    Ive just purchased some protein and bcaa and some EFA’s so I will incorporate these into my diet.
    But any feed back would be appreciated!!!!
    We need a bit of info; bmr and tdee. Here we can tell you where to start.

    If youre trying to cut, heres a few things that I have changed personally that is working for me. Lose the fruit in meal #2. Too much sugar. Same for the cottage cheese and yogurt. Try doing pwo cardio for the same time but keep your hr at 65%. ( 220 - age x 65% = target hr for fat loss )

    As far as protein shakes, I use them for pwo and before bed. Use real food for all you other meals. If you get bcaas in powder form I reccomend sipping on them DURING training. If in cap from, take them pre-workout.

    If you can post your stats and break down your macros I can help you out a bit more....Last thing, Im no pro, but the advice I give is what has been working for me and this is what some great guys here have had me doing. Anyway you look at it, what works for me doesnt mean that it will work for you..

  3. #3
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    we need the macronutrient breakdown for each meal and your tdee.
    also age (repost) weight bodyfat percentage (post pic not flexing if you don't know)

  4. #4
    HeavyL is offline Junior Member
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    alright i will do this when i get some time to figure it all out.. thanks guys

  5. #5
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    what are your stats in the meantime?

  6. #6
    HeavyL is offline Junior Member
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    age 23, ht 5 11 weight 210.. body fat not sure yet but i think i should be able to get to 185 legit...

  7. #7
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    For your bmr I came up with 2120. So lets say that you train in the 3-5 days per week spot. Which brings your tdee to 3286 cals per day.

    As far as your diet, like Twist said you need the macro breakdown for each meal. There are so many ideas and theories that will come into play when it comes to cutting or bulking. It comes down to what works for you.

    Have the most of your carbs for breakfast and pwo only. For your other meals have fats instead of carbs. Cut out the sugar completely! Drink tons of water. Have a re-feed meal every 2 weeks. Stick to cardio pwo for 45 min at low intensity. Have your PROPER supplements ready to go : multi, fish oil, bcaas, vitamin c, whey protein, etc...

    These are most of the guidelines that I am currently following. Im eating about 500 cals below my tdee and this is working out fine. Some guys will disagree in lowering cals, but like I said, everyone is different.

    Hope this helps out!

  8. #8
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    I would not give tdee advice until I know what bf is at.. what if he is 40%. totally different than if he is 16

  9. #9
    HeavyL is offline Junior Member
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    i gurantee im no where around 40%, but what formula is best to do at home for body fat?

  10. #10
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyL View Post
    i gurantee im no where around 40%, but what formula is best to do at home for body fat?
    take a pic ( non flexed ) of yourself and one of the guys here will get you in the ball not waste your time and $ on those ones that you hold in front of your face. And the formulas, well I have no idea.....

  11. #11
    HeavyL is offline Junior Member
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    Im at school and have no camera Im probably around 16-18% so ill say 17% that sounds about realistic. anyways heres my diet with all the number i believer..

    Breakfast- 1/3 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites 1 Egg. 1Tbs Natural Peanute Butter.

    9g/ 23g/ 35g

    Meal 2- 1 fillet of sol fish/ 1/2 cup rice/ 1 cup veg

    6g/ 37g/ 33g/

    Work out usually about 1.5 hours weights very quick pace, includes 10 15 minutes of abs and 10 min warm up, usually weights ill do 4 days a week and one just body weight workout where i do 250 push ups, 110 pull ups, 150 dips, 250 sit ups, and 200 leg ups.
    I sip on bcaa thorughouit this ..

    PWO meal- 1 protein shake, 1 ***** 3 pill, 3/4 extra lean ground beef, 1 cup veggies, 1 fibre bar.

    15.5g/ 40g/ 60g/

    Next Meal- 1 skinless chicken breast, 1 cup veggies, 1/2 cup yougurt and 1/2 cup 1% cottage chesse.

    1.5g/ 22g/ 55g

    Same meal again 2.5 hours later wihtout cottage cheese and yogurt.

    0 g/ 10/ 35

    Protein shake before bed

    2g/ 4g/ 25g

    Total Fat = 34g this is without the ***** 3 pill i take i dont know how much fat there is in it,

    Total Carb 136g.

    Protein 243g

    Alright that doesnt include one serving of bcaa's

    Also for cardio i usually do an hour 5 or 6 nights a week either ona bike, swimming or running,

  12. #12
    HeavyL is offline Junior Member
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    alright any insight would be greatly appreciated. I feel like my body stores carbs to fat very easily so I guess i would be carb sensitive... also im still young and I do have alot of muscle mass everyone who looks at me thinks im about 230 pounds or so even though im only 210 right now

  13. #13
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE=HeavyL;4957987]Im at school and have no camera Im probably around 16-18% so ill say 17% that sounds about realistic. anyways heres my diet with all the number i believer..

    Breakfast- 1/3 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites 1 Egg. 1Tbs Natural Peanute Butter.

    9g/ 23g/ 35g

    Meal 2- 1 fillet of sol fish/ 1/2 cup rice/ 1 cup veg

    6g/ 37g/ 33g/

    Work out usually about 1.5 hours weights very quick pace, includes 10 15 minutes of abs and 10 min warm up, usually weights ill do 4 days a week and one just body weight workout where i do 250 push ups, 110 pull ups, 150 dips, 250 sit ups, and 200 leg ups.
    I sip on bcaa thorughouit this ..

    PWO meal- 1 protein shake, 1 ***** 3 pill, 3/4 extra lean ground beef, 1 cup veggies, 1 fibre bar.WHAT IS IN THE FIBER BAR?

    15.5g/ 40g/ 60g/

    Next Meal- 1 skinless chicken breast, 1 cup veggies, 1/2 cup yougurt and 1/2 cup 1% cottage chesse. DROP THE YOGURT AND COTTAGE CHEESE AND HAVE 2 CUPS OF BROCCOLI OR GREEN BEANS
    1.5g/ 22g/ 55g

    Same meal again 2.5 hours later wihtout cottage cheese and yogurt.

    0 g/ 10/ 35

    Protein shake before bed

    2g/ 4g/ 25g

    Total Fat = 34g this is without the ***** 3 pill i take i dont know how much fat there is in it,

    Total Carb 136g.

    Protein 243g

    Alright that doesnt include one serving of bcaa's

    Also for cardio i usually do an hour 5 or 6 nights a week either ona bike, swimming or running,THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE FOR A MIN OF 45 MIN AT LOW INTENSITY - 220 - AGE X 65% = TARGET HEART RATE FOR FAT BURNING. PROBABLY ON EITHER THE TREADMILL, ELIPTICAL OF BIKE.[/B]

    Reccomendations are in bold....

  14. #14
    HeavyL is offline Junior Member
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    ok guys ive cut out the sugar completly from the yogurt and cottage chesse. but how much carbs should i eat and when in the day. I work out hard and do cardio 4/5 daays a week.

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