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  1. #1
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Diet revised, need critqued again


    13-14% bf
    Trainging for 2-3 years hard now. Diet was never there until this year though
    2 cycles, one was test/deca , second one im on my last week 4 wks of trene/stane.

    Wanna get my diet checked because im picking real gear up on friday. Not starting till sometime in janurary, but i wanna fix my diet and make sure i can make the neccisary changes that you guys will make to it. New cycle will be dbol /test/deca then i will add clen with the pct.

    Goals: I wanna gain size and strength with this new cycle, and hopefully keep my diet clean that i will stay lean. Then with the clen cut bf to 10% by April of this coming year. So 4 months. I turn 30 and wanna be in the best shape of my life to hit this milestone.

    Times might change occisionaly for meals. Sometimes i work days, sometimes i work nights. So i just adjust accordingly. For instance my 2 shakes will definately change in times.

    Work out weights 5x a week. Cardio is consistent 3 days a week, if i feel motivated 4-5.


    730am wake up Black coffee

    8am meal 1
    5 egg whites 1 whole egg
    1 cup cooked oats
    1 tbsp natty pb

    915 Preworkout Shake

    Workout 45mins-60mins (maybe 20 mins cardio depening on the day)

    11-1115am Postwo Shake
    Add 1/2 raw oats
    1tbsp natty pb

    1230 meal 2
    8oz Chicken Breats
    1 med/large Sweet pot (not on fit day, this what i it right...360/0/82/8???)

    3pm meal 3
    2cn Tuna Water
    1tbsp Lite mayo

    5-530pm meal 4
    8oz chicken (might change salmon)

    730-8pm meal 5
    8oz Chx (might do 93/7 ground beef sometimes)
    natty pb
    1cup Brussle Sprouts

    10pm meal 6
    8oz chx
    Fish oil 2 caps

    1130 Before Bed
    1/2 cup nofat cottage cheese
    Fish oil 1 cap


    The things i see are, not enough veggies. When i go to the store saturday i will change. Picking up Broccli, green beans, Brussle sprouts. Those i will add for meals 4-6. The other thing i see is too much protein. But not sure how to cut protein from the diet. Do i just cut down portion size?

    Supplements i take too by the way.
    L-arginine, Multi-v, Glucosamine, Fish oils, Pre-workout, Milk thistle, Vitamin C.

    Any help guys i would appriciate it. Tear it apart!

  2. #2
    **TOP**'s Avatar
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    Its not horrible! Have you ever thought of doing a keto diet and carbing up (or refeeding) on the weekends?

  3. #3
    bcbrett is offline Associate Member
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    Try for a standard 40/40/20 split. Definitely not enough carbs if you want to grow. Also your last meal of the day is defiantly lacking. Only 90 cal to last you through out the night?> you need more protein for sure in that meal.

  4. #4
    **TOP**'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcbrett View Post
    Try for a standard 40/40/20 split. Definitely not enough carbs if you want to grow. Also your last meal of the day is defiantly lacking. Only 90 cal to last you through out the night?> you need more protein for sure in that meal.
    I highly disagree with everything said.

  5. #5
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by **TOP** View Post
    Its not horrible! Have you ever thought of doing a keto diet and carbing up (or refeeding) on the weekends?
    See not sure how to go about that yet. Need to research keto diet and figure out the right way.

    And its not horrible? Meaning not good though huh?

  6. #6
    Twist's Avatar
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    If bulking with gear your diet is ok. try to add slow digesting proteins before things like the gym, any fasts throughout the day, and bedtime; fast digesting proteins after workout and in the morning.

    add some more veggies is an ok idea.
    RED MEAT is a must. 2x per day minimum in a bulk, especially before bed.

    Make sure your workouts have breaks in between days, not just at the end of the week. I like 2on 1off.

  7. #7
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    If bulking with gear your diet is ok. try to add slow digesting proteins before things like the gym, any fasts throughout the day, and bedtime; fast digesting proteins after workout and in the morning.

    add some more veggies is an ok idea.
    RED MEAT is a must. 2x per day minimum in a bulk, especially before bed.

    Make sure your workouts have breaks in between days, not just at the end of the week. I like 2on 1off.
    Twist, was waiting on your opion. Ok i usally will not have chicken for meals 5-6. It will either be filet migon or ground 93/7 beef. Ocassional Sirloin but the sirloin in my restuarnt has alot of marble. Some of the top beef you can get, so i try to stay away from it lol.

    Slow digesting protein is beef first, then chicken, fast would be fish then correct?

    Workouts are

    monday Legs
    tuesday Chest
    Wed Back
    Thurs Off
    Friday Shoulder/trap
    Sat Arms
    Sunday off

    anything you would change?

  8. #8
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goode80 View Post
    Twist, was waiting on your opion. Ok i usally will not have chicken for meals 5-6. It will either be filet migon or ground 93/7 beef. Ocassional Sirloin but the sirloin in my restuarnt has alot of marble. Some of the top beef you can get, so i try to stay away from it lol.

    Slow digesting protein is beef first, then chicken, fast would be fish then correct?
    ****fish and eggs
    Workouts are

    monday Legs
    tuesday Chest
    Wed off
    Thurs Back
    Friday Shoulder/trap arms
    Sat off
    Sunday Repeat
    **See above, that's what I recommend. Break between big muscle groups
    anything you would change?

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
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    I like:
    Steak at bfast with eggs
    steak or beef like at lunch time
    steak before bed
    slow digesting proteins throughout the whole day.

  10. #10
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    alright cool, ill try this out.

    But wouldnt that bring my protein totals to over 400? That would be way over 2g/#

    Whats happens then when you eat more then 2g/# by the way?

  11. #11
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    adjust your calories to match. I did not break down how much macros in each meal when I type. that is your tedious job. also you should know that just because you put protein in your mouth, you only get a certain percentage of that. eggs being the highest, fish, chicken, steak etc. so if you eat 100grams of protein of steak I think you only get 60 or so.

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