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  1. #1
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    48 yr Old, cycling, plateaued, Need Advice

    Greetings: Stats: 48 yrs old, 225lbs, Bf% 28, 4th week into the following cycle. 500mgs Test Cyp with 250mgs Deca , will begin winny on week 8. This is 4th cycle, and first cycle after 6mo break from gym due to surgery. At the end of third cycle, I was at 200lbs and 18%bf. Please see my post with progress pics here if you like: It can be done - 300lbs to 205Lbs

    I have a physically demanding job as a deep comercial diver, so my day starts early in the gym and I keep going all day. however some days i sit doing reams of paperwork!

    I have reached a plateau with my weight loss and before I change up my current diet, I wanted to get some advice. I am currently on the carb cycle diet shown in the three word doc attachements: you can see my goals,my BMR, etc. My goal now is to lose the 20lbs while continueing to build my mass back. Any sugestions on diet change would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind I am using the gear as at my age it is a huge benefit both in stamina, strength gain <as well as other nice benefits my gf loves > Here are some questions:

    Q1: I use NO Explode in the early am as I need the caffeine boost at such an unGodly hour. Is this bad for me? should I use somethign else? I can't stomach coffee so early.
    Q2: As you can see below, I am not meeting my caloric goals on my three carb cyucle days. before i add toast, or rice cakes, etc. Should I include more meats or something else?
    Q3: Should I even be on a carb cycle diet with my current goals in mind.

    Thanks for taking the time bros and i appreciate any comments.
    Last edited by DeepDiver; 10-26-2010 at 07:04 AM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I don't see anything wrong with carb cycling in general. It's just a matter of tuning things (high carb days and low carb days) that work for you.

    I don't have the time to go through all those word docs, but the first one, the high carb day, the carbs aren't even that high. I calculated them at 197 (including the trace carbs from fibrous veggies).

    As for you questions, if you don't life coffee in the am, take a caffeine pill. they are like $5 at any supplement store. I don't know what in that NO stuff. Might be alot of sugars?

    I don't think you need to up your protein at all. I think on high carb days you need to actually eat carbs to jumpstart your metabolism, raise letpin levels, etc. And on your low carb days, I'd increase fats. Your body needs an energy source, and if you're going to take carbs away for your body to use, then you best add some fats, and you need good fats to loose fat.

  3. #3
    Kiki's Avatar
    Kiki is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry to hijack a little bit, but is card cycling needed to reach around a 10% BF give or take?

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    ^I don't think so, but it can help, sure.

  5. #5
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks D7M, will work in come changes to the carbs and fats on the lower days. AS far as the NO Explode, it says no sugars but who knows whats really in some of these sups. I will check into the caf pills as an alternative, thanks again.

  6. #6
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    Updated diet plan

    Thanks for the advice, I updated my plans, sorry for word docs, I have these on excel spreadsheets and can't upload those and the file is to large to upload one word doc. I think I leveled the diet off quite a bit.
    Last edited by DeepDiver; 10-26-2010 at 07:05 AM.

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