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Thread: Diet Help

  1. #1
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Diet Help

    I want to drop fat. I know by dropping the yolk and peanut butter it will help but i am not doing a show....just going for a beach body. I definately want to take something...not sure what though. Clen is an option but i am not sure what time to take it and for how long. A friend recommended Winstrol followed by thermos and diet.....I am a little confused with what to do first...I am 6'1 235 pds 10 percent bodyfat w/ mesomoprhic build. I want to come in around 210 5-6%

    Here is the break down of my diet. I usually do cardio after my work and i am aware that a thermo and cardio in the morning is the way to go...but that means i have to wake up at 3:30....gheyness! Any pointers would be good. I usually hit the treadmill on 3.5-3.8 at max incline with HIT prior to. I sprint every third leg workout.

    Total Calories= 2790/Fat=68g/Carb=234/Protein=246g
    FAT 24%
    CARBS 37%
    PROTEIN 39%

    5:00 Calories=500 /Fat=10g /Carb=70 /Protein= 34g
    ¾ cup of oatmeal dry – 225 Calories/5g Fat/40 Carb/8g Protein
    6 egg whites, one yolk - 165 Calories/5g fat/3 Carb/24gr Protein
    Cup of OJ - 110 Calories/0 Fat/26g Carbs/2g Protein
    (Multi-Vitamin, 1000mg Vitamin C, 1200mg Vitamin D, 500mg Glutamine, Flaxseed oil, Dandelion Root, Vitamin B12)

    Snack Calories=95 /Fat=8g /Carb=4 /Protein=4g
    Cup of coffee/Tbsp of PB

    8:00 Calories=500 /Fat=5g /Carb=45 /Protein=35g
    6oz Chicken – 284 Calories/Fat=3g/Carb=0/Protein=30g
    1 cup of cook brown rice – 216 Calories/Fat=2g/Carb=45/Protein=5g
    (Fish Oil)

    11:00 Calories=500 /Fat=5g /Carb=45 /Protein=35g
    6oz Chicken – 284 Calories/Fat=3g/Carb=0/Protein=30g
    1 cup of cook brown rice – 216 Calories/Fat=2g/Carb=45/Protein=5g

    2:00 Calories=470 /Fat=12g /Carb=40 /Protein=47g
    Syntha 6 - Calories=400/Fat=12g/Carb=26/Protein=45g
    2 Rice Cakes – Calories 70/Fat=0g/Carb=14/Protein=2g
    Cup of Coffee


    5:00 PWO Calories=400 /Fat=12g /Carb=26 /Protein=45g
    Syntha 6 - Calories=400/Fat=12g/Carb=26/Protein=45g
    (500mg Vitamin C)

    8:00 Calories= 230/Fat=8g/Carb=0/Protein= 42g
    Salmon 6oz - 230 Calories/Fat=8g/Carb=0/Protein= 42g

    Snack Calories=95 /Fat=8g /Carb=4 /Protein=4g
    Tbsp of PB

  2. #2
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I also swap out the carbs with sweet potato, grits, etc and the meats stay lean (salmon, filet min, and flounder) Tuna is ok but i have to have mayonaise or lots of mustard. My job is sitting at a computer and after the gym I usually rock my little one since he is still in that phase.....Other than the gym I am pretty stagnate.
    Last edited by mojoetcm; 02-24-2010 at 08:45 PM.

  3. #3
    mojoetcm is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Going to bed....I will check up on this tomorrow..thanks for the advice guys!

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