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  1. #1
    adzy's Avatar
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    Same Old Breakfast

    Firstly I’d just like to say I’m new to this site and still tying to find may way around! The first thing that has to be done is get my diet in check!!

    My some of my current stat cause i know someone is bound to ask:

    Height: 6’1
    Weight: 88.5kg=195lb
    BF: ?? <20 (never measured)
    Training: 2yrs (last 6 months have started developing better eating habits)

    Anyway, my breakfast looks like:
    150g rolled oats with soy milk, about 40g WPI and a piece of fruit.

    Just curious, is it at all beneficial to mix it up a bit and change my breakfast once in a while, and if so what kind of things should i substitute in? Also is it in my best interest to induce an insulin spike at this time??

    Thanks in advance guys!
    Last edited by adzy; 05-11-2010 at 01:52 AM.

  2. #2
    gettingthere's Avatar
    gettingthere is offline Senior Member
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    Breakfast is a tricky one, not as many options as every other meal!! are you looking to bulk, cut or maintain?

    You'll find most people going with egg whites (like me) and maybe a bowl of oats, personally i would leave out the fruit as it can contain sugar also!!

    Once you get sick of egg whites.....AND YOU WILL theni found out you could maybe mix in some protein powder with porridge though not recommended every day!!

    Im sure there will be more people on here with more breakfast plans but thought id get you started, keep this thread going because itd be good to see the dfferent answers

  3. #3
    QuickTwitch is offline New Member
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    Being in college and having a very limited selection of food to choose from I usually stick to the same thing everyday. Thats about 1/2 cup rolled oats mixed with a scoop of whey. Sometimes I'll mix in some fruit or peanut butter to change things up but thats about it. Im not againist fruit at all but usually only have it with breakfast or around my workout. It really depends on what your goals are. There really isnt any reason to change up your breakfast other then getting bored of th same thing. If your happy with and enjoy what your eating now I dont see any reason to change.

  4. #4
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
    YoungGunsNY is offline Associate Member
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    There are certain types of fruits to stay away from - those high in sugars like bananas.

    I saw another post advocating berries, grapefruit, apples & oranges.

  5. #5
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Last edited by MaNiCC; 05-08-2010 at 05:48 PM.

  6. #6
    adzy's Avatar
    adzy is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys; as far as cutting or bulking goes I’m definitely planning on bulking! Im definitely getting sick of the same thing day in and day out! I usually have my egg white a little later in the day but i might give it a try in the morning.

    Thanks for the links MaNiCC; great to see others preferences! The second one one wasn’t working, might just be me though.

    I might gave to do a quick search on fruits with high sugar content, but my understanding was that because I’m bulking it shouldn’t be a problem?

    Also, is this the best time of the day to have some quality carbs, or should i be pushing fo a little more protein?

  7. #7
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Fixed the link for you bro

  8. #8
    QuickTwitch is offline New Member
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    When it comes to fruit most of them have a decent amount of sugar no matter what. The differnce I believe is the ratio of glucose and fructose in them. The more fructose the slower it digests and the more glucose the faster. Apples would be slower with higher fructose, while a banana has a little more or equal glucose so its faster digesting. Since you are bulking also I wouldnt worry about the sugar in the fruit, the vitamins an minerals will benefit you alot more.

    As for breakfast its definitely an important time to get in a good amount of quality carbs especially since your planning to bulk. Gonna need all you can get anyway. Its also important to get a decent amount of protein in there as well but dont stress to much about it as long as you hit your total macros for the day. Bulking, just eat enough an you wont have to worry anyway.
    Last edited by QuickTwitch; 05-09-2010 at 12:40 PM.

  9. #9
    adzy's Avatar
    adzy is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for that advice QuickTwitch! So what kind fruit should i be aiming for in the morning, a faster or slower digesting? Also how will these types of carbohydrates (sucrose & fructose) affect insulin levels?

    Sorry again fellas as i said I'm relatively new to this.

  10. #10
    SEAviator is offline Junior Member
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    I love my breakfast....

    2 whole wheat breads with egg whites like a sandwich

    skim milk with banana shake...


  11. #11
    QuickTwitch is offline New Member
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    First thing in the morning is when you would want a faster digest carb source or even a mix of simple and complex carbs. My favorite morning fruit is a banana, since it has an equal amount of both glucose/fructose.
    Small list:
    Higher Fructose


    Higher Glucose

    The fructose will have less of an effect on spiking your insulin due to the fact that it is first sent to the liver to replenish liver glycogen, however if liver stores are full then some will be converted to fat stores while the rest is then circulated throughout the body to your muscles. Not ideal for post workout or anytime when your muscles need energy fast.

    The glucose has a higher insulin spiking effect. Goes straight to your muscles and replenishes those stores which would be ideal morning/postworkout.

    Alot of people fear the sugar in fruit and avoid it at all cost but unless your to a point when your trying to hit sub 10% levels of bodyfat I dont think it would have any noticable effect what so ever.
    Check out this article
    has the amount of ratios fructose/glucose in the fruit

  12. #12
    sheckeyshabazz is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome advice from everybody, im getting tired of eating the same thing for bfast everyday too so I feel ya on that one. Any other ideas on a good breakfast as far as switching it up goes?

  13. #13
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    mix in one whole eggs with a cup of egg whites, mabye some salsa and or hot sauce. some onions and or mushrooms if you like. make an omlette and eat it with some whole grain bread, i do that when im bored. Sometimes when i gotta get it done quickly i just mix one whole egg with a bunch of whites and some vanilla protein powder. not as interesting but quick and painless.

  14. #14
    sheckeyshabazz is offline Junior Member
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    hell yeah that sounds real good

  15. #15
    adzy's Avatar
    adzy is offline Junior Member
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    Very helpful article QuickTwitch and a quality post!

    2Jz, im going to have to try that omelette out when i get a little more time, I think time is the main factor here as to what i make in the mornings.

    Anyone ever used liquid egg whites in a carton to make their morning omelettes?

  16. #16
    QuickTwitch is offline New Member
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    I love the liquid egg whites. Makes everything quick and easy, omelettes, scrambled, or even blended into my morning shake if Im in a hurry. The only problem is theyre kind of expensive. If moneys no issue then they're definitely something you could give a try. Nutritionally they're just as good as eggwhites from a cracked egg.

    Since you said you wanted to bulk though don't just aim for the whites. The yolk has all the important nutrients in it (makes it taste better too lol). The only reason to cut it out is if your trying to cut back cals.

  17. #17
    adzy's Avatar
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    Very true, i felt guilty waisting all those yolks! i will in future include a couple of yolks, the cholesterol just put me off, thanks for the tip.

    Oats and eggs(i.e. omelettes, scrambled ect.) seem to be a staple in most peoples breakfasts, anybody got any obscure kinds of things they eat for breakfast?

  18. #18
    hilly2010's Avatar
    hilly2010 is offline New Member
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    some form of meat - steak, turkey steaks then some thin cut sprouted grain bread toasted on frying pan and spread with sugar free maple syrup and sprinkle cinnamon.

    Healthy french toast option

    1 whole egg - 4 egg whites - mix together. soak wholemeal grananry bread. fry in 1 cal spray. seperate plate with sweetner and cinnamon mixture on. take fried eggs toast out and dip in mixture. serve with choped banana/sultanas and cover in a little sugar free syrup.

    Make healthy pancakes using buckwheat or oat flour, eggs and egg whites and protein powder in a blender. make pancakes then spread low sugar jam and peanut butter and roll over so peanut butter melts. chopped bananas are nice here to.

    Make fruit bread. Grind oats and use half grinded and half whole oats. add raisens,cinnamon,splenda, chopped apple. mashed banana. add egg white and little milk and mix then pour into small loaf tin that has tinfoil inside and bake. lift tinfoil out of tray and cool once done.

    keep in frige slice and toast and have with eggs on the side or a protein shake.

  19. #19
    adzy's Avatar
    adzy is offline Junior Member
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    Those are inventive, actually making me hungry. Wouldn't hit those target macros though.

  20. #20
    hilly2010's Avatar
    hilly2010 is offline New Member
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    they were just examples off the top of my head. you can manipulate the macros to suit ure needs i do.

    For instance with pancakes use more wheat germ instead of oat flour to lower carbs. increase whole eggs to add fats,

    Get some protein powder and add a touch of water and mix into a thick paste and use as a mouse/spread on top of the bread loaf warmed as a cake desser type meal.

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