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  1. #1
    123Algirdas is offline New Member
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    west yorkshire

    Is my diet good for loosing weight???

    I am now 250pounds 6.5 tall i want to lose some fat.My body fat is 25%

    meal 1:Free fat cottage cheese 400g,5 slices of brown bread with some almonds 2 bananas and grapes + multivitamin and c vitamin and T5 on emty stomach.

    meal2:tuna 200g with mayo,4 slices of brown bread,banana and some almonds

    meal3:Grilled lean beef or chicken breast 200g,with baked patatoe size of my fist,and some pepers with green beans and fish oil

    meal4 befour training: Reflex one stop and t5

    meal5 after training:Reflex one stop with banana and soya milk

    meal 6: 200g cottage cheese,2 bananas and fish oils

    What you thing about my diet what i need to change or its good???

  2. #2
    gettingthere's Avatar
    gettingthere is offline Senior Member
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    Leaving the rest of your diet to other people with a bit more experience at it but my god lay off the bananas, they may have some carbs but it is basically sugar that you are puttig into your body.

    Change to sweet potatoes
    Lay off so much brown bread, and it should be whole weat bread 2!!

    Theres is more but as i said let more experoenced guys handle it

  3. #3
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    Hi, look when it comes to dieting there is more than one way to go about things, and different systems work better for different people, but having said that here's my 2 cents worth.

    I'll start with some of the things I think your doing right:

    *nice meal frequency
    *nice taper from larger meals early in the day down to small
    *nice verity of food sources and selection of lean meats/low GI carbs/vegies etc
    *inclusion of unsaturated fats

    At a glance here's what I would personally change:

    *less carbs
    *no carb meals proceeding meals containing fats
    *less bananas
    *no bananas at night
    *include a different source of high GI carbs in the first meal aside from bananas, i.e drop the bananas and include approx 2tsp table sugar or keep a banana and add some glucose/dextrose
    *more vege

    btw I dont know anything about thre Reflex supplement so I wont comment on that. Also hope you are drinking plenty of water.

    Hope thats of some help, if you want me to elaborate further on anything I'm more than happy to do so. Will finish by adding that if your getting the results you want by eating as you are then there's probably no need to make any drastic changes
    Last edited by mick86; 05-08-2010 at 01:05 PM.

  4. #4
    123Algirdas is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    west yorkshire
    thanks for your advises i gona try eat less bananas

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