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  1. #1
    MurphDawgg485's Avatar
    MurphDawgg485 is offline Junior Member
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    getting ready to cut and have a few questions.

    These are the supps I will be implementing
    lean extreme
    animal cuts
    for my cuttin stack that i will be starting in about 10 days (will be my first ever time actually cutting)

    I am also taking SP250 (which I will have to cut out due to the added stims in cutting stack) fish oil, flax oil, protein, amino acids, joint packs, mult vit, and a good diet.

    here are some pics of me, first is from 2 years ago fat as hell, the 2d is after working out for 2 years building and learning, 3 and on are from about 3 months of serious dedication combined with the actually following a 40 40 20 diet.

    My questions are, what should my diet look like while cutting? As far as how many carbs and when to eat carbs, and if the intake should be lower on off days and if refeeds are required when cutting.

    If I am working out doing cardio in the morning and weights in the evening, should I continue the way Ive been lifting (4-6 sets of ea exersize i do with reps starting from 10 going to as low as 2) or should I drop some weight off and stick with reps 8 and higher and maybe stay at 5-6 sets.

    thanks for everything, here are the pics.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-1.jpg   getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-2.jpg   getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-3.jpg   getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-4.jpg   getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-5.jpg  

  2. #2
    MurphDawgg485's Avatar
    MurphDawgg485 is offline Junior Member
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    here are the rest

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-6.jpg   getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-7.jpg   getting ready to cut and have a few questions.-8.jpg  

  3. #3
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Looking way better in the last three pics bro. I wouldn't cut if I were you. You still need to get a better base going. IMO it is better to stay the course and you probably need to up your cals a little because of the added muscle. Post up your workout routine so it can be critiqued. 4-6 sets is too much most likely.

    Some quick tips that I think might help your physique:
    1. Chest and bis, back and tris
    2. For chest: decline should be your first exercise and you should be using db and go heavy with 3 sets 5 reps or so, then 1 set 16 reps. Flat bench should be next focusing on the 8 rep range and last incline flyes OR incline super closed grip (hands touching close)
    3. For back, use grips and do the rowing machine where your chest is against a pad and stretch the back (shoulder blade area) as much as possible doing one arm at a time. go heavy and use a spotter to get 2 forced reps in
    4. Use dips for triceps on back day and make sure back day is at least 2 days away from chest day, one day being a rest day.
    5. for shoulders do standing military press with the curl bar and use the wider grip. In front of body.
    6. All those stimulants are a little rough if you ask me. Lay off it as much as possible.

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Twist! Where you been bro?

  5. #5
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Twist! Where you been bro?
    Busy man. I stop by all the time, I just don't post unless someone asks me a question directly because I don't have the time to follow up with questions. Don't feel it is right to lead someone one way then abandon them without making sure they are in fact on the right track. So I just answer pms if people send them and if they message me like murph and provide a link I can go to the thread. anyway back to op, murph where you at?

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Busy man. I stop by all the time, I just don't post unless someone asks me a question directly because I don't have the time to follow up with questions. Don't feel it is right to lead someone one way then abandon them without making sure they are in fact on the right track. So I just answer pms if people send them and if they message me like murph and provide a link I can go to the thread. anyway back to op, murph where you at?
    Glad to see your still around! Haven't seen alot of the peeps who helped me so much when I first joined the board. I need to PM you my diet - i'm struggling bro, and getting insanely frustrated. Let me know if you don't mind.

    Murph - sorry for the hijack bro.

  7. #7
    MurphDawgg485's Avatar
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    twist thanks on that comment man. Im embarrased to say I have not done any decline press and ive been really focused on flat and alot of incline. I will wait another 3 months before I hit the cut you think? Anyway twist ill pm you again if I need some more help

  8. #8
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Glad to see your still around! Haven't seen alot of the peeps who helped me so much when I first joined the board. I need to PM you my diet - i'm struggling bro, and getting insanely frustrated. Let me know if you don't mind.

    Murph - sorry for the hijack bro.
    you can pm me or start a thread and just send me a visitor or pm to remind me to look at it. Perfectly ok with that. I must say though that looking at your avatar, you have made good gains since last time I saw you and far from the first brice when you started.

    Quote Originally Posted by MurphDawgg485 View Post
    twist thanks on that comment man. Im embarrased to say I have not done any decline press and ive been really focused on flat and alot of incline. I will wait another 3 months before I hit the cut you think? Anyway twist ill pm you again if I need some more help
    Don't worry about the cut until you start getting fat. You need more base. Don't be eager to cut because you will not look the way you think you will. You will look skinny. Keep on the path bro. Focus on muscle development like these key factors:
    1. Chest is well shaped with little to no collarbone showing
    2. traps are thick and not just tall.
    3. Back is thick and wide
    4. Legs are big (no pics make me wonder...)
    5. Triceps almost over-run your biceps and are super strong
    6. Shoulders are nice and round, go from bottom of middle delt, all the way to the top and make the bone hard to see.

    focus on getting rid of the boniness with added muscle. You are gaining well and remember that this takes time. I think that the problem that both you and gbrice have is that you guys are looking to change things up too much and too soon. Bbers cut for comps.

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
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    ps. I would bet money you are overtraining in an effort to gain muscle fast which is counterproductive. post your workout routine, it will help

  10. #10
    MurphDawgg485's Avatar
    MurphDawgg485 is offline Junior Member
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    ok BACK day

    pull ups wide: 5 sets (no added weight) reps-10,9,7,6,5
    pull up close: 5 sets: 12, 10, 8, 8, 7
    seated row: 5 sets: 130, 140, 150, 160, 130: reps-10, 7, 5, 4, 10
    bent over rows: 90, 100, 130, 130, 110: reps- 10 7 5 4 10

    then cardio.

    Militry d bell press: 50, 55, 60, 60, 45: reps- 10, 8, 3, 5, 10
    front raise db: 25, 30, 35, 40, 25: reps- 10 8 6 2 10
    side raise db: 25, 30, 20, 20:reps- 6,2,6,7
    shrugs: 60, 70, 60, 90, 100, 80: reps- 20, 17, 10, 8, 6, 15
    then cardio


    bi bbell curl: 70, 80, 90, 100, 80: 10, 8, 6, 2, 6
    skull crusher: 60 70 70, 60: 10, 8, 6, 9
    alt curl: 35, 40, 45, 50, 40: reps- 10, 9, 7, 5,5
    tri pushdown: 70, 80, 90, 100, 80:reps 10, 8, 4, 1, 6
    preacher curl:60, 60, 60: reps 7, 5, 5
    incline curl: 30, 35, 35, 30: reps- 8,5,4,4
    dips: (with 25 lbs) 10,8,6,4,4 (with 0) 10
    cardio (btw abs is done every 3 days)

    Bench: 170, 180, 190, 200, 170, 130: 10, 6, 6, 4, 1, 9
    incline bbell: 130, 150, 160, 170- 10,8,7,4,
    incline dbell:60 65 70 65: reps 9 5 5 2
    fly dbell: 45 50 50 40: 8 8 6 6
    dips: (0) 8 8 8 8 8

    legs(will post pic of legs in a week there on par with rest of my body, and i work them regularly)

    squat: 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 200: 10, 8, 8, 6, 3, 5
    leg exten: 160 170 180 190 200: 10 8 8 6 3
    leg curl: 110 120 120 130 140: 12 10 8 6 3
    calf raises seated: 115 5 sets of 12

    cardio is basicaly everyday, but it isnt hi cardio, it is just 30 mins of tred walkin at in incline. also im on my feet moving al day at work.

  11. #11
    Twist's Avatar
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    Your workout looks much better than I expected! I would only make some minor changes.
    1. pick your rep range bro you are all over the place. Pick the muscle fiber you want to build up then work with that. I would stick with low reps for one month.
    2. sets. You have too many for: pullups (10 sets), biceps (tiny muscle too many exercises), triceps (14 sets!)
    3. Your chest routine is no good. Do this:
    db decline 5 sets (warmup, 4, 4, 4, 16) followed by
    flat db 3 sets (4,4, 16)
    incline cable flyes (Set up flyes like flat level, then bend over so that the pulley is pulled in front of you at shoulder level) 3 sets (10,10,16)
    standing military press with curl bar wide grip 2 sets 16 reps.
    Your incline is too small to be worked hard. stick with light flyes and standing military press to bring it up.
    4. Deadlift

    You seem to be making a common mistake, attempting to fatigue every muscle from every angle possible to make sure you get great gains in every segment. However, it doesn't work like that. Your (and mine and almost everyone on this site) muscles do not benefit from this kind of training because our muscles are too small to be worked like this. Focus on the big picture first. trying to develop the short head of your bicep (for example) is useless when your whole bicep needs work. Less is more sometimes.

  12. #12
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    you can pm me or start a thread and just send me a visitor or pm to remind me to look at it. Perfectly ok with that. I must say though that looking at your avatar, you have made good gains since last time I saw you and far from the first brice when you started.

    Thanks bro! I will be PMing you shortly!

    Don't worry about the cut until you start getting fat. You need more base. Don't be eager to cut because you will not look the way you think you will. You will look skinny.

    I can't tell you how right Twist is on this. My BF was relatively high, but I thought I had a decent base underneath. I started cutting, and the more I lost the more I realized I had next to nothing under there, and I just started looking scrawny - no more fun than looking fat.

    I think that the problem that both you and gbrice have is that you guys are looking to change things up too much and too soon.

    Again Twist, you are spot on. Of course, I can only speak for myself.
    comments above

    Ok Murph, last hijack, I swear!!!

  13. #13
    MurphDawgg485's Avatar
    MurphDawgg485 is offline Junior Member
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    alright then twist, last question, should I not take the supps mentioned in first post as far as the lean extreme and animal cuts? and how long you think until a cut is needed?

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