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  1. #1
    ss135 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    Bulking w/ Test-E, how much calorie increase?

    Always wondered about this to get the most out of your cycle with lean gains..

    Say you were doing 250 mg Test E bi-weekly (500 mg for the week)..

    How would you go about increasing calories? Would you still do ~500 over maintenance, or would you increase protein/carbs drastically to say 1500+ over maintenance? Which produces the best results for lean gains?

    Also, what's the best macro split? 20/40/40?

  2. #2
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
    YoungGunsNY is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2009
    I guess I would go higher than 500 over maintenance with AAS - maybe 1000-1500 IMO... but it also depends on your body - have you been dieting prior to cycle? 40pro/40carb/20fat should be used as a reference - you shouldn't pull hairs out if you don't hit it exactly and get to 42/37/21 etc... but yeah that's a great split

    Why are you so worried with 'lean' gains - if you diet properly - even while bulking you'll gain lean mass.. just gota make sure the foods are proper.. i was eating 700-800 over maintenance without AAS and had striations coming along that I never had before...
    Last edited by YoungGunsNY; 06-28-2010 at 02:45 PM.

  3. #3
    kenny1022 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2010
    I had a similar dilemma myself on the same cycle (500 mg EW of Test E). I figured out my TDEE from my BMR then added 500 cals daily to my TDEE. From the research I did, I found caloric intake shouldn't vary too much on/off test and should really be tailored more towards your specific goals (cutting, bulking or maintaining). In other words, if you want to gain a pound a week, add 500 cals every day and go from there.

    The primary objective coinciding with your macro ratios should be to perform a clean bulk and eat properly (ie. 40/40/20) versus a dirty bulk which will ultimately help you achieve more muscle gains than fat.

    I think this would be the best starting point as everyone is different. BF calipers and weighing yourself once or twice a week helps. Adjustments in your macro ratios and caloric intake should be done based upon BF and weight whether it's too up your caloric intake using the same existing ratios or to change up your ratios keeping the same caloric intake (i.e. more protein less carbs, etc) or a little bit of both.

    Good luck!

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