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  1. #1
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    What Do You Do When It Feels Like Too Much??

    I just finished priming and started my cycle just over a week ago.

    I ran a TKD for 15 weeks to cut down naturally for my cycle... I swung right into my cycle so... basically I am 17 weeks into a strict diet. With no end in sight or so it seems

    I have 2 vices when it comes to food One is Pizza but I can control that without too much trouble but the other is Doritos Spicy Nacho Flavour. The cravings get soooo bad I wanna smash my head into a wall sometimes. I can't just have a couple chips either I need the whole giant 270g Bag and I will destroy it.

    Any advice on what to do to stop these cravings cuz sometimes I think I am just gonna give in. I did have a bag the night I started my cycle to reward myself for 15 weeks of solid progress. If you look at the nutritional info on a bag of doritos they are amazingly terrible for you.... what do I do??

  2. #2
    biggerisbetter1827 is offline Junior Member
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    I have more of a sweet tooth.. but to kill my cravings I would have some sugar free yogurt its sweet and only like 30 cals and it usually took care of my cravings depending how bad the craving was it might take a couple yogurt containers lol

    But other than that I would just avoid the things I\m not buying them or avoiding the university cafeteria at lunch time
    out of sight out of mind theory

  3. #3
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    You pick 1 or 2 meals/wk and you eat the hell out of them. If a 270 gram bag of Doritos 1-2x/wk is going to ruin your physique, you were not meant to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and accept it. Life is short, I'm not saying go nuts, but 1-2 meals/wk isnt going to kill ya, you can still get plenty ripped

  4. #4
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the responses.... I appreciate your positive feedback.

    Here is the Nutritional info on a whole bag of chips approx

    Cal: 1400
    Fat: 70g
    Sodium: 2100mg
    Carbs: 180g
    Protein: 20g

    Thats not a cheat meal.... thats a straight up binge... or am I wrong... Does that qualify as a cheat meal... I dunno... I don't really want anyone to justify it to me, becuae then I'll just eat them

    Just looking for something to fight the cravings.

  5. #5
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    1400 calories? hahahha, boo hoo, dude do you know what my cheat meal(s) was today? A large caramel cheesecake ice cream from Baskin Robbins, yes a large it was about 5 lbs!! Then I had a 32 oz sweet tea, some fried chicken, mac and cheese, biscuit, fries, then came home and had an Oreo "Cakester" and a large glass of Hawain punch. But I'll go the next 7 days clean, this is like once every 7 days, 10 if I can make it. **** all that shit man, enjoy it once in awhile. Arnold Schwarzenegger and those guys from the day would go eat junk meals even 1 wk out from a competition, Arnold would eat an entire pie every week. He looked pretty good didn't he? Like I said bro, if its meant to be its meant to be, and if you aint making a living off it live life a little!!!

  6. #6
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    As for stopping cravings, I'll just have a couple Michelob Ultras and let that be my little treat. Less than 95 cals each, 2.4 grams carbs, 0 fat, 2 or even 3 of those is still better than an entire bag of Doritos, I would do that a few times/wk if you had to, but only 2-3 MAX, just take the edge off, works for me

  7. #7
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    1400 calories? hahahha, boo hoo, dude do you know what my cheat meal(s) was today? A large caramel cheesecake ice cream from Baskin Robbins, yes a large it was about 5 lbs!! Then I had a 32 oz sweet tea, some fried chicken, mac and cheese, biscuit, fries, then came home and had an Oreo "Cakester" and a large glass of Hawain punch. But I'll go the next 7 days clean, this is like once every 7 days, 10 if I can make it. **** all that shit man, enjoy it once in awhile. Arnold Schwarzenegger and those guys from the day would go eat junk meals even 1 wk out from a competition, Arnold would eat an entire pie every week. He looked pretty good didn't he? Like I said bro, if its meant to be its meant to be, and if you aint making a living off it live life a little!!!
    I am not training to be a pro or anything... I do it for myself. I am just very hard on myself and when I set out goals I achieve them and I do them to perfection. I can't help it, thats just they way I am. I know what your saying and like I said.... I appreciate your positive advice and outlook but I am not looking to justify it... not unless 10 other guys come in and tell me I am being a women Then I will give into my temptations and peer pressure .

    I am not diet guru by any means but have been going off the advice of a very well respected member of this community who helps me with my diet... so I dunno, but it sounds to me like you over do it on your cheat day.... everything I have read is it is not good to go completely nuts, just have one or two cheat meals.

    Please correct me if I am wrong and I am just being an anal prick....

  8. #8
    biggerisbetter1827 is offline Junior Member
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    Don't go too crazy, I wouldn't have the bag of doritos more than once a week if you must have it. Personally I would try and find another food that can kill your craving and has more nutritional value. Even a couple slices of pizza would be better than a bag of Doritos.

    If you go to offense to the other guy posting on here but your cheat meal was ridicoulous even if you eat clean for seven days after. Its like taking two steps forward and one step back. You will spend the next seven days working off the empty calories you consumed in one day.

    It is also good to have a cheat meal every now then to not only keep your sanity but also keep your body guessing so it doesn't become habituated.
    Just my .02

  9. #9
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggerisbetter1827 View Post
    Don't go too crazy, I wouldn't have the bag of doritos more than once a week if you must have it. Personally I would try and find another food that can kill your craving and has more nutritional value. Even a couple slices of pizza would be better than a bag of Doritos.

    If you go to offense to the other guy posting on here but your cheat meal was ridicoulous even if you eat clean for seven days after. Its like taking two steps forward and one step back. You will spend the next seven days working off the empty calories you consumed in one day.

    It is also good to have a cheat meal every now then to not only keep your sanity but also keep your body guessing so it doesn't become habituated.
    Just my .02
    Me and you are on the same page, no doubt.... and I agree with you on everything you said about the whole cheat meals...


  10. #10
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    be strong, nothing tastes as good as being big and ripped feels !!!

  12. #12
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    My advice would be dont buy the doritos, if u do t have them u cant eat them, simple

    the banging ur head against the wall made me laff lol

  13. #13
    n00bs's Avatar
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    Your reserach monosodium glutamate and its effects on your health...

    Then you stop wanting to eat food its in..

    I.e dorritos..


  14. #14
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Bert, don't worry bro. This isn't that bad of a case. I think you're fine to have a slice or 2 of pizza once a week; I'm a firm believer of having a good cheat meal once a week while on a cutting diet. If that cheat meal consists of a few slices and some doritos, go for it.

    Having said that, I think you do need to get the dorito thing under control - if you have to, dump out half the bag and then smash up the other half into crumbs and throw it out immediately, or drench them with water so you have no choice. Sounds drastic, but sometimes we have to ruin our vices so we can't get to them.

  15. #15
    D7M's Avatar
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    Ah geez, B.

    Have some damn doritos already and relax.

  16. #16
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    im sorry to keep teasing, but i think you should let your self go once in a while, after all that strict dieting 1 bag of crisps aint gonna hurt, it will probably help....

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post

    im sorry to keep teasing, but i think you should let your self go once in a while, after all that strict dieting 1 bag of crisps aint gonna hurt, it will probably help....
    Metabolism boost!!!

  18. #18
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    I'm with NVR on this one. If you can make it 7-10 days between bags of doritos and pizza; then let it be. I'm not saying eat several bags on that 10th day but one 1400 cal bag and a medium pizza for dinner will be fine; Just maybe eat pro/veg only for your other meals on that day.

    Now, if you really wanna ensure your diet is on-point and not cheat period (what I do because I can't stand getting bloated from cheating). Just don't have ANY. I'm a true binge-eater and after my first bite of anything sweet/salty/creamy - it becomes an all-out binge. When you get these cravings - drink a gallon of water, eat 2 cups of broccoli and wait an hour or so until your next clean meal. Don't make excuses. Motivation = willpower and if your motivation isn't there, you may as well eat Doritos all day.

  19. #19
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the kind and amusing words.... I had great fun reading this thread this morning. I think I should just relax and eat them twice a month and I'll be ok.... I hope

    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Ah geez, B.

    Have some damn doritos already and relax.


    You were the one guys I was hoping wouldn't justify it for me...

  20. #20
    Cousinbutch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    1400 calories? hahahha, boo hoo, dude do you know what my cheat meal(s) was today? A large caramel cheesecake ice cream from Baskin Robbins, yes a large it was about 5 lbs!! Then I had a 32 oz sweet tea, some fried chicken, mac and cheese, biscuit, fries, then came home and had an Oreo "Cakester" and a large glass of Hawain punch. But I'll go the next 7 days clean, this is like once every 7 days, 10 if I can make it. **** all that shit man, enjoy it once in awhile. Arnold Schwarzenegger and those guys from the day would go eat junk meals even 1 wk out from a competition, Arnold would eat an entire pie every week. He looked pretty good didn't he? Like I said bro, if its meant to be its meant to be, and if you aint making a living off it live life a little!!!
    I cheat like this too, sometimes just one meal but I get outta control most the time, like a junkie.

    Next day, look like complete crap. Day after that? Better than before the cheat day... Something to that maybe?

  21. #21
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Ive been addicted to different things, computer games even. One thing I found is the longer you go without it if you don't think about it it stops being a habit to get it. In the case of food I would eat a small bag of it every once in a blue moon and try to break the habit of having some of it every week. Maybe look at how you motivate yourself also. Some people like to take before and after pics and have them where the bad food is.. so they know what fate is waiting if they fall into that trap.

  22. #22
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Ive been addicted to different things, computer games even. One thing I found is the longer you go without it if you don't think about it it stops being a habit to get it. In the case of food I would eat a small bag of it every once in a blue moon and try to break the habit of having some of it every week. Maybe look at how you motivate yourself also. Some people like to take before and after pics and have them where the bad food is.. so they know what fate is waiting if they fall into that trap.
    I dunno if 7-11 will let me put half naked pictures of myself up on the chip racks.... but I'll ask!

  23. #23
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    I dunno if 7-11 will let me put half naked pictures of myself up on the chip racks.... but I'll ask!

  24. #24
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Update: The girl who works at 7-11 said yes, but the guy wasn't havin it.... so it's a no go on the picture thing

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