Hey guys, long time reader and first timer poster here. I am 27 yrs old, 5'10 240lbs 30-35% bf?? just guessing. Regardless I am getting married in 4 months and want to lose some weight and look better before then. I do have knowledge of nutrition and training as I studied it in college but let myself go a bit in past few years and I'm dedicated to getting back on track. I tried to do most of the leg work myself in laying this out, im just hoping to get a critique/advice.

Using Harris Benedict formula, my BMI is 2266. 2266 X 1.37= 3115calories to maintain current weight. I am going to drop calories to 2500 calories and gauge weight loss from there. Based on that I think I'd be looking at this;

I am aiming for 250 grams of protein per day (1000 calories), 75 grams fat (675 calories) and 200 g carbs

Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories

I will be doing weight training 5 days per week 1 major muscle group a day. I will also incorporate cardio training (tred mill, eliptical) for 30-45mins at target fat burning heart rate 5-6 days/wk

I am not going to write out a daily diet of things I'll eat day in and day out as it will vary. These are the foods I will include to reach my macro totals mentioned about;

Proteins- boneless skinless Chicken Breast, egg whites, whey/casein powder, cottage cheese, tuna, fish, 90/10 lean ground turkey

Fats- Flax oil, olive oil, natty pnut butter

Carbs- whole grain brown rice, sweet potato, whole wheat bread, sometimes fruit

So my questions are;

Do you think dropping the calories to 2500 is sufficent or should I go lower?

Do the ratios of my macros look correct or should I make adjustments?

Do you think it's possibly to make very noticeable changes in 4 months time if I follow the plan laid out and all the advise given?

Hope to get some feedback, I welcome all advice and critisism.