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  1. #1
    digismash's Avatar
    digismash is offline Associate Member
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    Diet question, currently on CKD

    I have been running the CKD diet for most of 4 weeks with excellent results. I started around 306 and am currently at 292. My BPs way down and I feel great.

    I workout with a PL coach T/Th/Sa, workout consists of squats/dead/bench/rows 5x5

    My question is, I read that keto is great for losing fat and retaining muscle, but you wont add new muscle.

    So what would be the best diet to do both?



  2. #2
    digismash's Avatar
    digismash is offline Associate Member
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    would carb cycling help me build muscle, and lose fat?

    I know keto is quick but I would rather lose fat a bit slower and be able to build muscle along the way.

  3. #3
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Any diet that yields significant fat loss simply isn't going to build unless you're very new to the game. Most people see a tremendous change in strength and appearance in the first few months without knowing what the hell they're doing. After the first 6 months or so, not much will happen without proper nutrition to fuel growth.

    That said, I'd stick with the keto diet since you seem able to and are seeing great results. If the feeling of just being too weak in the gym is getting to you, I understand. Especially since your heavy compound movement days aren't following closely after your carb refuel as is recommended with such diets; I can see how it may be rough.

    Now, would a carb cycle change that? Yes. You'd still lose fat quite quickly as well but you'd likely need a bigger deficit/more cardio to be happy with the fat loss results as compared to keto. Would you be able to gain muscle? Probably not any real mass gain possible but you WOULD have more energy for the big lifts and your muscles would feel more full and probably look better as a whole. Also, it's a more balanced diet and I do think that glucose is a better energy source for the brain than ketones.

    Taking all of these factors into account, I think you'd be happier carb cycling. Maybe do no carb, low carb, moderate, high 4-day thing.

  4. #4
    digismash's Avatar
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    Damien I was hoping you would chime in! thank you

    So if I do a 4 day thing, taking into account my t/th/sa workout schedule, what would be the best way to set it up?

    Also I have you to thank for my progress so far, its working well, but as you said I notice the workout energy and flatter muscles.

    At the very least though I know keto works and can always have it to fall back on.

  5. #5
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Hmm. I'd run it like this.

    Don't have a carb-up/Cheat day this week. Wait for Monday and stop keto. Up your carbs by like 50 per day until you hit 250-350g depending on how you respond to carbs as a whole. I'd use this week as an opportunity to reefed - don't focus on a deficit but don't gain an ounce of body fat either, keep fats as low as they need to be as carbs increase obviously. Also, lower saturated fat to the bare minimum and focus on EFAs and poly/mono fats. So less red meat, cheese, coconut products, more nuts, avocados, oils obviously. On the following Monday when you reach your high carb day total at ~300g. Stop all carb intake the following day for your tuesday session:
    Tuesday - 0-20g carbs All meals protein/veg/fat
    Wednesday - 50-75g Pre/post WO carbs, all other meals pro/veg/fat
    Thursday - 100-150g AM/Pre/PWO carbs plus any other active periods during the day. At least 2 solid pro/veg/fat meals
    Friday - 250-350g All carb meals until a few hours before bed.

    NO EXCUSES TO CHEAT. ALL CLEAN CARBS. on ckd, you can get away with it but now, you need to maintain balance.

  6. #6
    digismash's Avatar
    digismash is offline Associate Member
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    ok so what about Saturday, Sunday, Monday (after the 250-350 Friday)
    0-20 on Sat?
    50-75 and Sun?
    100-150 on monday?

    Then start the whole cycle over?

    Last edited by digismash; 08-30-2010 at 12:19 PM.

  7. #7
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Play with it and see what works.

  8. #8
    digismash's Avatar
    digismash is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009
    will do, thanks bud!

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