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  1. #1
    Dan111 is offline Associate Member
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    In my apartment.

    What is the explanation for why solid food is better?

    I "know" it's better to eat solid food and to limit protein shakes...but I was thinking earlier and I actually am not sure what the scientific explanation for this is? I only use shakes PWO (whey) and before sleep (casein), so it's not like I'm trying to justify me using shakes as a meal replacement.

    I would just like to know what the actual answer is so that if I were to ever be asked I could explain it. I've seen some people say that shakes are just as good with their reasoning being something along the lines of "an amino acid is an amino acid, regardless of where it comes from". But 99% of the time the advice on here is always given to replace shakes with solid food.

    So what is it about solid food that makes it so much better than shakes?


  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan111 View Post
    I "know" it's better to eat solid food and to limit protein shakes...but I was thinking earlier and I actually am not sure what the scientific explanation for this is? I only use shakes PWO (whey) and before sleep (casein), so it's not like I'm trying to justify me using shakes as a meal replacement.

    I would just like to know what the actual answer is so that if I were to ever be asked I could explain it. I've seen some people say that shakes are just as good with their reasoning being something along the lines of "an amino acid is an amino acid, regardless of where it comes from". But 99% of the time the advice on here is always given to replace shakes with solid food.

    So what is it about solid food that makes it so much better than shakes?

    I agree with the statement "an amino acid is an amino acid", but the problem with shakes is there's barely any thermogenesis involved, which is obviously a desireable process for anybody wanting to change their body and keep their metabolism fired up.

    Furthermore, most shakes are full of a bunch of nasty artifical sweetners and other crap - it's not like they're pure protein like a piece of chicken breast is. So real food will ALWAYS be the better choice where clean eating is a concern, and I believe it should be for all of us.

    My .02

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