37 yrs old 5 11'' 197ibs 17% bf
I work out 3 times a week at work at 12 noon ,and once a week at night 7pm.
This i have found to be the only way i can get my workouts in.
Between kids homework ,making dinner, working late,fixing up the house ,getting in shape has been a challenge to say the least.
Since i am very limited on time i do not have time to eat a full lunch.

On workout days my diet is as follows.7 am ,3 egg whites 2 slices of whole wheat toast.9 30 am 1 serving greek youghurt with Muesli,12 noon 1 banana 1 30 to 40 gram protein shake.
Dinner usually lots of red meat ,fish ,chicken with salad,evening snack 1 cup of mixed nuts.
I know i am cheating myself of calories or protein.
Any suggestions of a better diet .I try to be realistic with my goals,i cant eat 15 egg whites in the morning like a bodybuilder