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Thread: Updated Diet

  1. #1
    LGM's Avatar
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    Updated Diet

    8:00 AM Protein powder 1 scoop
    Milk 1 cup
    Bannana 1 medium
    Oats 1 cup
    Egg Whites 1 cup

    62 g Protein, 78g carbs, 7.5g fats, 31g sugars, 511 calories

    Meal 2:
    10:30 AM Chicken ground 6oz
    Brown Rice 1 cup
    Walnuts 1 tblspn

    47g Protein, 47g carbs, 25g fats, 0g sugars, 580 calories

    Meal 3:
    1:00 PM Chicken ground 4oz.
    Sweet Potato 1 large

    36g protein, 37g carbs, 15g fats, 12g sugars, 415 calories

    PWO: Protein Shake 1 scoop
    Oats 1 cup

    27g protein, 36g carbs, 5.5g fats, 2g sugars, 285 calories

    Meal 4:
    4:00 PM Chicken ground 6oz.
    Broccoli 1/2 cup chopped
    Brown Rice 1/2 cup chopped

    45g protein, 29g carbs, 19g fats, 2g sugars, 560 calories

    Meal 5:
    7:00 PM Bison 6oz.
    Brown Rice 1 cup

    49g protein, 46g carbs, 2g fats, 0g sugars, 525 calories

    Meal 6:
    9:00 PM Casein Shake 1 scoop
    Flax See Oil 1 tbsp

    24g protein, 3g carbs, 15g fats, 0g sugars, 250 calories


    Protein: 290 grams
    Carbs: 276 grams
    Fats: 88 grams
    Sugars: 47grams

    Caloric Intake: 3126

    I'm still working out the amounts, but I'm wanting to be at about 250g protein per day; I'm wanting this to get me around 240, but more importantly, around 10-12% bf.

    Once I've done this for about 6 weeks, I'm wanting to put my carbs at about a 40% reduction for 3-4 days, then about 15% higher for one day. Of course, I'd make up the differences with fats and proteins. Similar to the priming idea from Marcus.

    So, other than a general kind of "how good is it" reply(ies), anyone care to tell me what kind of carbs I should add for my PWO shake? I'm a little confused about that.
    Last edited by LGM; 10-11-2010 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Seems well-structured and food choices are fine but I can't help you reach your goal without specific quantities and macros. For all I know, your calories are high and your ratios are bad.

  3. #3
    LGM's Avatar
    LGM is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, still working on the macros. Any suggestions on carbs PWO?

  4. #4
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    1/2 cup of oats is usually good when cutting. No need for high GI or a large portion as long as you're eating a quality meal right after, which your 4:00 PM seems to be.

  5. #5
    LGM's Avatar
    LGM is offline Senior Member
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    Okay, macros in. Rip me apart.

  6. #6
    LGM's Avatar
    LGM is offline Senior Member
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    updated again.

  7. #7
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    do u know your tdee?

  8. #8
    LGM's Avatar
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    tdee is 3974 at 250, but I don't honestly think that'll get me to 10%bf. I went a bit lower on that.

  9. #9
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    That's fine. How bout cardio?

  10. #10
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post
    8:00 AM Protein powder 1 scoop
    Milk 1 cup
    Bannana 1 medium
    Oats 1 cup
    Egg Whites 1 cup

    62 g Protein, 78g carbs, 7.5g fats, 31g sugars, 511 calories For your goal, the banana and milk should be removed. 50g protein/50g carbs via the whey, whites, and oats is sufficient. The less sugar in your diet, the faster you'll reach 10% - even if that means avoiding low GI fructose choices.

    Meal 2:
    10:30 AM Chicken ground 6oz
    Brown Rice 1 cup
    Walnuts 1 tblspn

    47g Protein, 47g carbs, 25g fats, 0g sugars, 580 calories Fats seem high for only 1 tablespoon of nuts. Is the chicken lean? Either it's not and it needs to be or you're eating a large portion of nuts and you shouldn't. It's best to separate protein/carb and protein/fat meals when cutting regardless. Just go with lean chicken and rice.

    Meal 3:
    1:00 PM Chicken ground 4oz.
    Sweet Potato 1 large

    36g protein, 37g carbs, 15g fats, 12g sugars, 415 calories Good meal. I realize now why the fat seems high. I think when you did your macros, the chicken was presumed to be skin-on. Provided it's boneless, skinless breast, this meal is perfect.

    PWO: Protein Shake 1 scoop
    Oats 1 cup

    27g protein, 36g carbs, 5.5g fats, 2g sugars, 285 calories Perfect. Just enough protein to aid in recovery until you get home. 1 cup of oats is actually 53g carbs, 1/2 cup would be better.

    Meal 4:
    4:00 PM Chicken ground 6oz.
    Broccoli 1/2 cup chopped
    Brown Rice 1/2 cup chopped

    45g protein, 29g carbs, 19g fats, 2g sugars, 560 calories Looks good but I'd double up on the rice as it should be removed from your next meal completely. Again fat is likely under 10g

    Meal 5:
    7:00 PM Bison 6oz.
    Brown Rice 1 cup

    49g protein, 46g carbs, 2g fats, 0g sugars, 525 calories I'd replace the rice here with a large serving of fibrous veggies and 15-20g healthy fats. Ideally walnuts, almonds, EVOO, mac nut oil, or udo's.

    Meal 6:
    9:00 PM Casein Shake 1 scoop
    Flax See Oil 1 tbsp

    24g protein, 3g carbs, 15g fats, 0g sugars, 250 calories Perfect.


    Protein: 290 grams
    Carbs: 276 grams I'd run carbs as low as 150 on non-workout days with increased pro/fat after midday to really speed up the process.
    Fats: 88 grams Based on the inaccurate chicken fat macro - you're probably closer to 60g but replacing the rice with a fat source in meal 5 will keep you in the 80g range.
    Sugars: 47grams Let's try to keep this number under 20g every day.

    Caloric Intake: 3126

    I'm still working out the amounts, but I'm wanting to be at about 250g protein per day; I'm wanting this to get me around 240, but more importantly, around 10-12% bf.

    Once I've done this for about 6 weeks, I'm wanting to put my carbs at about a 40% reduction for 3-4 days, then about 15% higher for one day. Of course, I'd make up the differences with fats and proteins. Similar to the priming idea from Marcus.

    So, other than a general kind of "how good is it" reply(ies), anyone care to tell me what kind of carbs I should add for my PWO shake? I'm a little confused about that.

  11. #11
    LGM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    That's fine. How bout cardio?
    Much to my hatred... I'm doing HIIT 3 times a week for 15 minutes each day, then 2 longer days of running (about 30 minutes). Saturday or Sunday I'll play around in the gym to work out the lactic acid in whatever muscles are sore from the earlier week. I usually work each bodypart once a week, rest days on Wednesday, Sat/Sun.

  12. #12
    LGM's Avatar
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    Thanks; you're right; I misread the macros for the chicken. I'll have to change them, but I think your rough calculations are actually pretty close. I'll make those changes and start her up!

    Thanks again.

  13. #13
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    You'd be much better off longer, slower cardio sessions of the days you don't lift. That would be ideal. 45-60 minutes at 120-130 bpm.

  14. #14
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    Last edited by scotty51312; 10-11-2010 at 07:32 PM. Reason: Damien already posted

  15. #15
    LGM's Avatar
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    Okay, how would you do your cardio if you were me? My schedule is this:

    Monday: Chest
    Tuesday: Legs
    Weds: abs/calves
    Thursday: Back
    Friday: Arms/abs
    Sat: Lactic acid blow out (really light, high reps), and calves usually.

    These workouts are usually in the afternoon/evening, so cardio can be done before work. Suggestions?

  16. #16
    desizon is offline Associate Member
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    I like to do 15-20 min mod pace after every lifting session.
    either do 45-60 SLOW on a day off; or you can double up and do it AM.

  17. #17
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    I'd do 45-60 minutes of LIT every day on an empty stomach. Maybe every third day vary the intensity and do HIIT directly PWO before your shake. Just like the cooking in advance and eating clean thing, rolling out of bed into jogging shoes and doing cardio will become second nature. It will also cut the time it takes to reach your goal in half.

  18. #18
    GoNoles99 is offline Junior Member
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    Does doing cardio first thing in the morning slow muscle growth? I heard that once and it makes me second guess doing cardio that early. I believe the numbers they said was that it burns 60% muscle, 40% fat.

    I'm trying to lose some fat but not at the expense of any muscle, which I know is not an easy task.

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