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  1. #1
    im9boss is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    cottage cheese or greek yogurt?

    first off is greek yogurt mostly casein like cottage cheese?

    secondly, if so, which one is better (as far as taste, or whatever other opinion you have about it)only reason i mentioned taste is cause i heard plain greak yogurt is pretty gross and i had cottage cheese before it was also pretty bad but I don't really have a problem downing stuff

    So i'm more concerned with the macros, ....i'm looking for about 15-20g protein, minimal fat (zero, to <3g), minimal carbs(zero to <10g)

    i'm looking for something convenient to add to my preworkout meal, which consists of eggs for the protein source, so i want to get a mix of some slower digesting protein. i don't want to add a shake i already have 2 scoops in my day, i prefer to get the rest from whole food, especially preworkout.


  2. #2
    bmit is offline Member
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    Apr 2008
    either one should work for your goals

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Good question. To be honest, i'm not quite sure of what the protein composition is for Greek yogurt. I am going to take an educated guess and say no, it's not mostly casein - based on the fact that people never recommend yogurt before bed. I most definitely could be wrong here and urge somebody to disprove me, because i'm too lazy to do the research lol!

    As for taste - it's up in the air. Both taste like sh!t to me, but I add some splenda to sweeten either up and their fine. I add granola (high quality) and berries to my greek yogurt and now I actually look foward to it every day.

  4. #4
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2010
    Greek yogurt is made from goats milk but in the us mostly cow milk is used, they whey is separated, leaving only the casien protiens, I believe I read it rite

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