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  1. #1
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    little disappointed today...

    Okay, so for the past 5 weeks, I've been steadily losing about a pound per week, looking better in the mirror every week, getting compliments from others daily. I weigh in every Saturday morning, so I weighed in today, and I am almost a pound Heavier than last week. I know, I know, don't concentrate on the scale. But that thing can just really piss me off sometimes, ya know? Over the last 5 weeks, my diet has been VERY strict. Every once in a while, I would have a Coke Zero or a sugar free Red Bull. This week-NOTHING! This week has been the most strict week yet, and I even increased cardio from 30 minutes to 45 minutes this week. The first 5 weeks, I had a bit of sugar and too much fat on my carb refeed days....not this past Sunday.....I kept it VERY clean (about the same amount of carbs, but I kept them all starchy; nothing with sugar or high in fat). The ONLY thing that I did different with my carb-depletion diet is that I increased protein by about 25 grams due to the fact that I lost one rep on my bench press, and I was worried about losing LBM. I'm still, however, at a 300 calorie deficit. Anyways, why the increase in weight? What's going on? I eat the same things everyday at the same time everyday. I get up to piss on Saturday mornings and weigh in. I actually look better in the mirror, but I'm just pissed off that the scale doesn't reflect it.

    Anyone else get upset about this?

  2. #2
    cue_artist's Avatar
    cue_artist is offline Associate Member
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    My advise is to measure progress by the way you look, the scale can get you dissapointed sometimes. Also, I would rather increase my fat intake rather protein intake on a keto diet if I feel that I am lossing to much strength and stay smart on your refeed days and dont lose yourself. Refeeds if not done correctly can be really counterproductive.

  3. #3
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Use a tape measure along with your scale. You could be retaining water or added some muscle.

  4. #4
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    Haha I can lose five pounds in the next two days by dehydrating myself...You cant really measure your weight loss and gain by single pounds...Do you look better?...Have you lost more weight than you have gained back?...Those are all that matters

  5. #5
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    CueArtist-Why would you increase fat instead of protein? As far as the scale goes, I'm not going to weigh myself until I finish my keto diet at the end of the year. I'm going to go strictly by the mirror. I must say that I look better this week than last, so I'm happy about that. It just pisses me off that the scale does not reflect it.

    I'm concerned about one other thing also. Like I mentioned, I increased protein by about 25 grams this week. I don't have keto stix (can't get them where I live). Instead, I basically know how my body feels and what symptoms I have when I'm in ketosis. I can tell you that this week has been different than the last 5 weeks. I don't feel that I entered ketosis as fast as I have before, and when I did go keto, it didn't feel as "strong" as the past times. Symptoms and feelings of ketosis were there, just not as intense. I know this had absolutely nothing to do with my training this week; this week was probably the most intense and best training that I've had since I started the diet and, like I stated, my carb refeed day was much more strict (no fruit, no sugar). Do you think that the fact that I altered my protein intake had something to do with this? If so, should I change protein intake back to what it was and increase fat a bit??

    Thanks a lot, guys.

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    You already said it yourself - you look better in the mirror. So, even if the scale told you you weighed 300lbs, who gives a sh!t? It's just a number - nobody walks around saying 'I bet that cat weights 190lbs'. What they DO say is 'damn, that dude looks like he works out, I wish I had his body'.

    So use the scale as a measuring device if you want, but don't put much merit into it. Look at me - I've had my best 2 weeks yet, fasted cardio 5x a week for 1 hour, diet on point, etc. and i've stayed at 190.

  7. #7
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Thanks, GBrice. Yea, I've decided to put the scale away until the end of the year. I'm only going to rely on the mirror and others' compliments/opinions as measuring devices until then.

    Does anyone have an answer to my above question? Cue Artist?

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Thanks, GBrice. Yea, I've decided to put the scale away until the end of the year. I'm only going to rely on the mirror and others' compliments/opinions as measuring devices until then.

    Does anyone have an answer to my above question? Cue Artist?
    Great! Do you have any current pics to post up? 3 of us right now are posting every 2 weeks, you should join in. I'll try to answer your question below

    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    CueArtist-Why would you increase fat instead of protein? As far as the scale goes, I'm not going to weigh myself until I finish my keto diet at the end of the year. I'm going to go strictly by the mirror. I must say that I look better this week than last, so I'm happy about that. It just pisses me off that the scale does not reflect it.

    I'm concerned about one other thing also. Like I mentioned, I increased protein by about 25 grams this week. I don't have keto stix (can't get them where I live). Instead, I basically know how my body feels and what symptoms I have when I'm in ketosis. I can tell you that this week has been different than the last 5 weeks. I don't feel that I entered ketosis as fast as I have before, and when I did go keto, it didn't feel as "strong" as the past times. Symptoms and feelings of ketosis were there, just not as intense. I know this had absolutely nothing to do with my training this week; this week was probably the most intense and best training that I've had since I started the diet and, like I stated, my carb refeed day was much more strict (no fruit, no sugar). Do you think that the fact that I altered my protein intake had something to do with this? If so, should I change protein intake back to what it was and increase fat a bit??

    Thanks a lot, guys.
    Sounds like splitting hairs over protein/fat ratios to me. What is the current split?

  9. #9
    charcold is offline Associate Member
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    The 25g of protein is only 200 calories, which is probably wipped out with the additional cardio. As gbrice said, what splits are you eating, and whats your TDEE and total cals as well?

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