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  1. #1
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    This is for all you people preachin' about diet!

    listen ive gotten some great advice from you guys, but i wanna make one thing clear: in many cases, including my own, the proper food is not AFFORDABLE. im at university and living on tight budget most times, so im lucky enough to be able to avoid ramen and easy mac and other such processed foods. but as soon as i posted about myself in Q&A everyone jumped down my throat telling me im doing something wrong and my diet isnt right and so on and so forth.

    well i eat what i can pay for fellas! and that being said i think i do pretty well with my diet; i spend about but what about those living in the dormatories? i certainly have friends who are living on campus and they have no control over the food that is served.

    so how about this: for someone who might have a meal plan with the dorms what can they do about diet???

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    I can't speak for everybody, but I try to consider all of this when critiquing a diet, provided of course that the situation is brought up from the jump street.

    The answer here is simple; you have to do the best with what you have. Make the smartest choices available to you. Campus food is never going to be on par with that of a BBer's diet, but the good news is that won't last forever.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    You do plenty in a dorm with a small microwave: oats, shakes, tuna (hell, even sweet potatoes, and grab some lean meat from the caf).

    If you're at anything close to a decent University, they should provide a large variety of food (like those stations), where you can easily get some healthy food.

    The Uni I teach at now sucks for a lot of things, but their cafeteria kicks ass. I can walk over there and get whole wheat pita with grilled chicken with this salsa-like topping.

    You don't have to only get cheeseburgers, pizza and fried chicken.

    Like GBrice said, do the best with what you can, and supplement to the best of your ability in your dorm room.

  4. #4
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    I havent read your other thread but depending on what your goals are... groceries for bulking can be done without breaking the bank. (mostly)

    first off... get a basic diet. nothing fancy. make it simple. same thing everyday, even some of the same meals in one day. if your goal is to get big, you need to make sacrifices.

    second... buy in bulk. save a few bucks and join Sams Club or BJs or Costco.

    tuna, peanut butter, eggs, milk, chicken, oats.

    those are some of the staples. keep it simple, eat as much as you can.

    it can be done. lots of members here are in college and dealing with it.

    try to talk to a member named ******. hes in college and has bulked to 250. not sure if he has done it all on college food of course. but im sure he can give ya some tips.

    you and others have to remember... your not going for your Pro Card anytime soon. your young. if life doesnt let you put 1000% into this lifestyle yet, then make the most of it any way you can. we still look better then 90% of the population.
    Last edited by Dukkit; 11-18-2010 at 12:18 PM.

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!

    If u use ur head a bit u can cook most things in the microwav

    Chicken etc...

    Buy a slow cooker if ur bored

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    ^^Agree. I always weigh the pros and cons of purchasing a particular supplement/vitamin. I always try to go the bulk powder route first. Also, I try to avoid products that "bundle" supplements together, preferring, instead, to purchase only those things that come as a single ingredient. There is so much expensive crap out there. I'm not saying they don't work. Some are a simple arginine based bundle. Why not just get the arginine by itself and save yourself a ton of cash?

  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    you and others have to remember... your not going for your Pro Card yet. your young. if life doesnt let you put 1000% into this lifestyle, then make the most of it anyways. we still look better then 90% of the population anyways.
    Well put

  8. #8
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    I havent read your other thread but depending on what your goals are... groceries for bulking can be done without breaking the bank. (mostly)

    first off... get a basic diet. nothing fancy. make it simple. same thing everyday, even some of the same meals in one day. if your goal is to get big, you need to make sacrifices.

    second... buy in bulk. save a few bucks and join Sams Club or BJs or Costco.

    tuna, peanut butter, eggs, milk, chicken, oats.

    those are some of the staples. keep it simple, eat as much as you can.

    it can be done. lots of members here are in college and dealing with it.

    try to talk to a member named ******. hes in college and has bulked to 250. not sure if he has done it all on college food of course. but im sure he can give ya some tips.

    you and others have to remember... your not going for your Pro Card anytime soon. your young. if life doesnt let you put 1000% into this lifestyle yet, then make the most of it any way you can. we still look better then 90% of the population.

    thanks for the advice... i live in an apartment and ive been struggling with groceries, half because my roomie is a bum and eats my food, but also i tend to eat large sandwich meals that eat up my budget... but i think what i need to do is exactly what you said and stick to those staples... the more bland my food is the less my roommate will eat!

    i dont intend to go pro, but those guys are my inspiration; even if i look half as good as most of those guys i will be happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ^^Agree. I always weigh the pros and cons of purchasing a particular supplement/vitamin. I always try to go the bulk powder route first. Also, I try to avoid products that "bundle" supplements together, preferring, instead, to purchase only those things that come as a single ingredient. There is so much expensive crap out there. I'm not saying they don't work. Some are a simple arginine based bundle. Why not just get the arginine by itself and save yourself a ton of cash?
    i usually just supp with GNC brand whey protein and weight gainer, sometimes mixing the two together. i know arginine is an amino acid but what does it do?

  9. #9
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9;5433***

    If u use ur head a bit u can cook most things in the microwav

    Chicken etc...

    Buy a slow cooker if ur bored
    we've got a crock pot in our apartment so im thinking about making some simple pot roasts with beef and veggies, or even slow-cooking some fish and brown rice... i also really like the idea of homemade chilli (ground beef and beans are cheapie!!)

  10. #10
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by A010011000111 View Post
    listen ive gotten some great advice from you guys, but i wanna make one thing clear: in many cases, including my own, the proper food is not AFFORDABLE. im at university and living on tight budget most times, so im lucky enough to be able to avoid ramen and easy mac and other such processed foods. but as soon as i posted about myself in Q&A everyone jumped down my throat telling me im doing something wrong and my diet isnt right and so on and so forth.

    well i eat what i can pay for fellas! and that being said i think i do pretty well with my diet; i spend about but what about those living in the dormatories? i certainly have friends who are living on campus and they have no control over the food that is served.

    so how about this: for someone who might have a meal plan with the dorms what can they do about diet???
    First off, It really isn't too bad of price if you look in the right places. At Costco I get Frozen kirkland chicken..It's healthy for every 4 oz of chicken breast its 1 g fat and 25 g protein. I get get about 15 8 oz chicken breasts in that bag and you know how much it costs??? $15

    That means, you can eat a whole 8 oz chicken breast for a freakin $1! That's cheaper then a fast food chain cheese burger!

    A big bag of rice maybe costs $4, which should last you almost all week.

    I also buy a 4 pack of ground turkey at costco for $14 dollars and its about 4 lbs of lean ground turkey! Can't beat that! Let's see here what else we got?

    Frozen Tilapia....I get about 10 nice size fillets for $9.99!

    My bodybuilding food ACTUALLY SAVES ME MONEY!! I literally save so much money by not eating out it's ridiculous.

    Think about it here....That means 6 oz of HEALTHY chicken breast and 1 cup of rice would cost you right around $1. You could do some damage with that.

    My second advice would be to invest in a LEAN MEAN GRILLIN MACHINE! ha ha you can cook all your meat with that. Might not taste the best but who cares, we're not in it for the taste, right? Rice can be cooked in microwave and same with potatoes. And of course, OATS my favorite. Do you really need more carb sources then rice, oats, and potato?? You could but you don't have too...So there is a lot of options you just got to look around more. I suggest finding a costco in you area if you got one!

  11. #11
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Cal - how are those frozen costco chicken breasts in the bag? Currently I buy the 'fresh/frozen' ones in the vacuum packed plastic, but they're obviously a bit more expensive.

    Are the bagged ones already cooked and frozen, or fresh frozen?

  12. #12
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    I'm sorry but this thread is close-minded and lazy. Peanut butter, eggs, meat close to the sell by date, frozen spinach, bulk oats, bulk brown rice - I could make you a weekly diet with these foods to cover any goal for the same as it costs to gas up a 4-cylinder.

  13. #13
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Cal - how are those frozen costco chicken breasts in the bag? Currently I buy the 'fresh/frozen' ones in the vacuum packed plastic, but they're obviously a bit more expensive.

    Are the bagged ones already cooked and frozen, or fresh frozen?
    Maybe you get the sames ones. The one I buy now comes vacuumed sealed, it used to just be frozen and thrown all in the bag. They've stepped it up.

    Yeah, they are not cooked...They are just frozen whole chicken breast you need to thaw out. I get mine for $15 bucks. So maybe you're getting a different brand or maybe prices are just different.

  14. #14
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Cal - how are those frozen costco chicken breasts in the bag? Currently I buy the 'fresh/frozen' ones in the vacuum packed plastic, but they're obviously a bit more expensive.

    Are the bagged ones already cooked and frozen, or fresh frozen?
    Yeah and its pretty good. But the way I cook it I just beat the sh!t out of it. I pound all meat chicken breasts out with a pounder and then grill it. Cooks super fast and makes it much more tender.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Yeah and its pretty good. But the way I cook it I just beat the sh!t out of it. I pound all meat chicken breasts out with a pounder and then grill it. Cooks super fast and makes it much more tender.
    True, i'm too lazy and usually don't pound it - but you're right, it's MUCH better and more tender. Falls apart really. Ok, it's on this weekend!

  16. #16
    deladude's Avatar
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    im low ass on funds too.i like to go to the supremarket and read the sell by date on the giant 10lb pork loins then a few days before the sell by date i go in and buy em up cuz they are like half price then i just take em home n freeze em.
    yeah im a cheap ass i

  17. #17
    tbody66's Avatar
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    This ain't going to make friends with the diet guru's, but this is a true statement. I helped a guy lose forty lbs in 2 months eating oatmeal, ramen noodles and tuna with an all out, no limits, cheat day every single week, and walking was the only exercise he would do, not lifting at all. I do think that most of us on this board forget that not everybody on this board is "going for their pro-card". If you are in a larger city you can get vietnamese rice noodle versions of ramen for close to the same cost and much less sodium and simple carbs. And no one will convince me that chicken breast isn't affordable on anyones budget.

  18. #18
    Twist's Avatar
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    I love it when guys come into the diet section talking about how they have no money to eat real food, yet they were directed here from the steroid Q&A Thread. I know how much a 14 week cycle + PCT costs and diet doesn't cost anything near it.

  19. #19
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I love it when guys come into the diet section talking about how they have no money to eat real food, yet they were directed here from the steroid Q&A Thread. I know how much a 14 week cycle + PCT costs and diet doesn't cost anything near it.
    LMAO great observation, and VERY true!

  20. #20
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I love it when guys come into the diet section talking about how they have no money to eat real food, yet they were directed here from the steroid Q&A Thread. I know how much a 14 week cycle + PCT costs and diet doesn't cost anything near it.
    this is a very good point but my entire Test C 12wk cycle was ...i know its insanely cheap and ppl are going to be swearing up and down i got bunk shit but im just like that my buddy is personal friends with a source... also i dont currently have money for PCT and im going to have to wait to start my cycle until i do.

    so basically my cycle costs as much as a week's worth of groceries!!

  21. #21
    D7M's Avatar
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    ^Edit the price talk and read the rules please.

  22. #22
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    8 oz of chicken breast - $1.50
    8 oz of lean cut steak - $1.75

    Foreman Grill to cook it all - $40

    You don't need money or a full kitchen to eat right.

  23. #23
    Twist's Avatar
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    Once you start a cycle you need more food not less

  24. #24
    tbody66's Avatar
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    Okay, what are you stats? Age/ht/wt/bf, and are you going to post pics and use this thread as a progress log?

  25. #25
    Brewster's Avatar
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    I like the fact that you made this post.

    I always read about how some newbs can;t afford "gear" or PCT, whatever the case may be.
    But how can they afford the food to run a proper cycle then. Grocery bills are the highest

  26. #26
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    I'm on an extreme budget at the moment and it costs me probably less than $50 a week to eat. If you have to u can resort to caned chicken breast meat on oat bread with a little olive oil and mustard. That was one of my go to meals when i was in the Navy and deployed on a ship, Talk about being in a place where it was hard to eat right. You stood in line for 45 minutes for 3 meals a day and nothing was low fat and most of the carbs weren't healthy, thank god for supplements and caned chicken and tuna. I still managed to pack on 15 or so lbs of lean mass on that deployment but that was before the prohormone ban!

  27. #27
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    ^Edit the price talk and read the rules please.
    sorry i guess i need to read the rules again didnt know we cant talk about that sorta stuff
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Okay, what are you stats? Age/ht/wt/bf, and are you going to post pics and use this thread as a progress log?
    not quite sure about pictures... possible a before and after later on down the line but im still a bit unsure about posting pictures of myself on this board

    as for my stats and stuff thats here

    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Once you start a cycle you need more food not less
    once i start my cycle i will be eating 2-3 times the amt of calories im eating now, read my thread in the above link and it will fill you in a little bit on my diet

  28. #28
    tbody66's Avatar
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    I'm confused more than ever, both of your posts basically state "This is what I'm doing and I know everything and I will just argue with allanyone who suggests something different" "I'm going to do what I'm going to do so don't tell me to do otherwise."

    I really don't understand why you became a member and post things, everything every one suggests you provide an opinion that reasons why it doesn't apply to you. If you are just looking for a praise section for your self-acheived progress log based upon you doing things "your way", just say so and we can check in to applaud you on your omnipotence routinely.

  29. #29
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I'm confused more than ever, both of your posts basically state "This is what I'm doing and I know everything and I will just argue with allanyone who suggests something different" "I'm going to do what I'm going to do so don't tell me to do otherwise."

    I really don't understand why you became a member and post things, everything every one suggests you provide an opinion that reasons why it doesn't apply to you. If you are just looking for a praise section for your self-acheived progress log based upon you doing things "your way", just say so and we can check in to applaud you on your omnipotence routinely.

    you're probably right and i should humble myself a bit more... i will say ive been learning a lot on this site and i know what youre saying is pretty much right its not really because im a know it all i would say its because im stubborn stick in the mud-type

    but i dont look for applause or self affirmation as much as i like to see what ppls arguments are and why im doing it wrong, even if i keep my opinion when ppl tell me im doing it wrong, if someone actually suggest something different i might learn something and take at least some of their advice

    besides, most of the guys on this board they're right most of the time... or at least thats the impression i get. sorry if you think im some sort of asshole, but i simply draw my conclusions based off of what i learn and school, what i learned in HS and collegiate sports, and what advice my peers give me... in that specific order.

    and remember, if you dont like what i have to say you dont have to respond to it.

  30. #30
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I'm confused more than ever, both of your posts basically state "This is what I'm doing and I know everything and I will just argue with allanyone who suggests something different" "I'm going to do what I'm going to do so don't tell me to do otherwise."

    I really don't understand why you became a member and post things, everything every one suggests you provide an opinion that reasons why it doesn't apply to you. If you are just looking for a praise section for your self-acheived progress log based upon you doing things "your way", just say so and we can check in to applaud you on your omnipotence routinely.

    you're probably right and i should humble myself a bit more... i will say ive been learning a lot on this site and i know what youre saying is pretty much right its not really because im a know it all i would say its because im stubborn stick in the mud-type

    but i dont look for applause or self affirmation as much as i like to see what ppls arguments are and why im doing it wrong, even if i keep my opinion when ppl tell me im doing it wrong, if someone actually suggest something different i might learn something and take at least some of their advice

    besides, most of the guys on this board they're right most of the time... or at least thats the impression i get. sorry if you think im some sort of asshole, but i simply draw my conclusions based off of what i learn in my sports medicine curriculum, what i learned in organized HS and collegiate sports, and what advice my peers give me... in that specific order.

    and remember, if you dont like what i have to say you dont have to respond to it.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by A010011000111 View Post
    you're probably right and i should humble myself a bit more... i will say ive been learning a lot on this site and i know what youre saying is pretty much right its not really because im a know it all i would say its because im stubborn stick in the mud-type

    but i dont look for applause or self affirmation as much as i like to see what ppls arguments are and why im doing it wrong, even if i keep my opinion when ppl tell me im doing it wrong, if someone actually suggest something different i might learn something and take at least some of their advice

    besides, most of the guys on this board they're right most of the time... or at least thats the impression i get. sorry if you think im some sort of asshole, but i simply draw my conclusions based off of what i learn in my sports medicine curriculum, what i learned in organized HS and collegiate sports, and what advice my peers give me... in that specific order.

    and remember, if you dont like what i have to say you dont have to respond to it.
    Well played. I don't think you are an... hole.

    I understand where you are coming from and now I respect you for a mature explanation, as opposed to an immature name calling come-back. We're all good, glad to have you! And just so you know, I'll almost always respond when I don't like what you have to say.

  32. #32
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Living on a campus and trying to BB is a pain in the ass. But, it can be done. My freshman year, basically the only food I had available to me was campus food. I lived in a dorm, no oven, no g. foreman grill, no kitchen...was not allowed to have a car on campus which equals no grocery store. The best advice I can give you is to buy a bunch of tubber wear and start stealing things out of the dining hall. Tuna, Chicken Breasts, Cold Cuts, Turkey....etc. Throw the stuff in a bookbag and casually walk out at the end of your meal. If you don't have a mini fridge for your room, I would invest in one. I went fron 210lbs to 245lbs basically on campus food 90% of the time (within two years). The shit is disgusting, it takes horrible, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm in an apartment now and buy most of my food. It's very expensive, I probably drop $150 a week or more for my 6k calorie diet. If you don't have a job, start looking for one...even if you make $100 a week...that can get you a lot of food. If you don't have a car at school, get an on campus job (probably pays nothing but its still something)
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 11-21-2010 at 01:27 PM.

  33. #33
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    Living on a campus and trying to BB is a pain in the ass. But, it can be done. My freshman year, basically the only food I had available to me was campus food. I lived in a dorm, no oven, no g. foreman grill, no kitchen...was not allowed to have a car on campus which equals no grocery store. The best advice I can give you is to buy a bunch of tubber wear and start stealing things out of the dining hall. Tuna, Chicken Breasts, Cold Cuts, Turkey....etc. Throw the stuff in a bookbag and casually walk out at the end of your meal. If you don't have a mini fridge for your room, I would invest in one. I went fron 210lbs to 245lbs basically on campus food 90% of the time (within two years). The shit is disgusting, it takes horrible, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm in an apartment now and buy most of my food. It's very expensive, I probably drop $150 a week or more for my 6k calorie diet. If you don't have a job, start looking for one...even if you make $100 a week...that can get you a lot of food. If you don't have a car at school, get an on campus job (probably pays nothing but its still something)

    Man i used to steal shit all the time my roommate would look at me funny when i pulled out tubs of chicken breasts from my back pack.... good times! But i live in an apartment now and i have better food options. The reason i started this is because i train with a few buds and they all live in the dorms and bitch about the food i tell them to just live with it but i wanted to be able to offer at least something else other than "stop bitching and start lifting". what ive been telling them so far is like you said steal meat and such from the dorms, and as others have suggested i advised more use of microwave oven, rice, oats, chicken breast, steamed veggies

    im gonna be at home and working over winter break so that is the massive bulk phase of my master plan.... parents still feed me when i go home for breaks ;-)

  34. #34
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Well played.I'll almost always respond when I don't like what you have to say.
    Don't worry A, he's just working on his post count. =)

  35. #35
    tbody66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Don't worry A, he's just working on his post count. =)
    Dang, Busted!

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