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Thread: Help with diet

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    TheMemoryRemains's Avatar
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    Help with diet

    Age: 25
    Height: 6'0''
    Weight: 175
    BF%: 10
    Cycle Exp: None - Future ( TNT-350. 250MG 3.5 days per week 8-10 weeks RELOADING, 2 weeks DELOADING on PCT)
    Concentration rate is : 200 mg of Test enanthate and 150 mg of Tren enanthate.
    PCT Knowledge: Will be taking Tamox(Nolvadex ) at 20-40mgs ED.
    Training Exp: 16 months
    Diet: Below

    I just went for a physical and I am in great health and my plates are done growing so it aimed me towards starting a cycle, a cycle I will be starting in the future once I get my diet/excerise pin point.

    300gs Protien/400-500gs Carbs/150gs Fats Daily.

    40/40/20 split throughout 6 meals 2 hours apart.

    Whey protien - stacked
    MK3 weight gainer - stacked
    Fish oil

    3-4 day program
    Day 1 -chest/biceps
    Day 2 -shouders/triceps
    Day 3 -back/traps
    Day 4 -legs/cardop

    8% BF or lower

    Is this a good diet for my goals, and if theres any pre written or helpful diet tips explaining what to eat each meal feel free to post them
    Also will my diet change while on or off AAS?
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-19-2010 at 01:26 PM. Reason: Added

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    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    Age: 25
    Height: 6'0''
    Weight: 175
    BF%: 10
    Cycle Exp: None - Future
    PCT Knowledge: Will be taking Tamox(Nolvadex ) at 20-40mgs ED.
    Training Exp: 16 months
    Diet: Below

    I just went for a physical and I am in great health and my plates are done growing so it aimed me towards starting a cycle, a cycle I will be starting in the future once I get my diet/excerise pin point.

    Honestly, you can and should do alot more naturally before cycling. I know you said in the future, but something tells me that's a few months from now. You should work on gaining naturally for another year and then revisit the idea. Sure you're done growing, but you're skinny - with your stats it doesn't sound like there's much of a muscle base there, no offense. If you have pics you can post, that would be a great help. Also, your PCT is pretty weak bro.

    300gs Protien/400gs Carbs/150gs Fats Daily.
    50/40/30 split throughout 6 meals 2 hours apart.

    Whey protien - stacked
    MK3 weight gainer - stacked
    Fish oil

    Fat is WAYYY too high bro. You'll put on weight all right, but you'll definitely add some fat. I don't care if you're a hard gainer. You probably think you eat alot now but actually don't. Get fat down to 20 at most. 40/40/20 would be a good starting point, then adjust from there if needed. Also, how did you come up with the totals? 4150 total calories - what are you basing that on?

    3-4 day program
    Day 1 -chest/biceps
    Day 2 -shouders/triceps
    Day 3 -back/traps
    1 day of cardio

    Umm isn't something missing? Are you in a wheelchair or something?

    8% or lower BF

    Possible with alot of help. Let's aim for 190 right now.

    Is this a good diet for my goals, and if theres any pre written or helpful diet tips explaining what to eat each meal feel free to post them
    Also will my diet change while on or off AAS?

    What diet? You didn't post a diet! There are a ton of diets on this forum that have been critiqued and made better. Just go through the threads, you'll find plenty of info. We won't write you a diet. You do the research, post up a proposed diet, and we'll help you sort it out.

    As for AAS, the answer is probably slightly, but you didn't tell us your proposed cycle
    Comments above in bold. Ambitious goals, but you need help!

  4. #4
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    I appreciate the feedback and I am the type to follow through and listen to the help I get especially from people that know what there talking about.

    I made some corrections and adding some new material while you were commenting so take a look. ( added leg excersise + cycle information).

    1. Proposed Cycle ( TNT-350. 250MG 3.5 days per week 8-10 weeks RELOADING, 2 weeks DELOADING on PCT)
    Concentration rate is : 200 mg of Test enanthate and 150 mg of Tren enanthate.

    2. PCT I thought PCT would have been solid from all the research I've done, what would you suggest would be better to enchance it? - Will be adding pictures shortly - average in all aspects with good physical and health so I do have a solid structer to start adding on.

    3. Diet Fat will be going down to 20. 40/40/20 is solid for my goals? anymore tips or a write up of a solid structure of meals for my status and what im trying to obtain would be very greatful. My diet needs to be drawn up, will be done asap with some help.

    Ground beef (93% lean or better)
    Lean steak (Flank, flat iron, or top sirloin)
    Bison sirloin (the highest quality red meat)
    Chicken breast
    Turkey breast
    Tuna (canned or sushi grade)
    Casein/Cottage cheese (before bed only)

    Unsalted/non-buttered popcorn
    Sweet potato
    pasta (penne)
    Brown rice

    fatsNatural peanut butter (no sugar added, just roasted peanuts)
    Salmon and Trout (great fatty proteins)
    Extra virgin olive oil (should be used on all veggies/salads)

    4. Legs Exercise were added, I made a couple mistakes while typing it up
    (I do need some great start examples of leg workout though).

    If you have anymore suggestions on how to better my phyiscal form feel free to give the advice, im here to better myself.
    For someone not having any help I sure had a solid base, I've been on this lifestyle for a good 8-12 months adding on it daily. :P
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-18-2010 at 07:16 PM. Reason: Fixed.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Looks like what you posted above was taken straight from the info packet that Damien put together and I post often. I'm glad, that means you read it. Now use that info to construct a diet - meals every 2.5 - 3 hours, at least 6 meals/day, preferably more. Lean protein source in every meal. Complex carb or fat in every meal - try to keep carbs and fats separate as much as possible, within reason. Fiberous green veggies in as many meals as you can. Be sure to record your macros, this is a pain in the ass but ULTRA important.

    Tell me, how soon do you plan to run this cycle?

    PCT - the nolva should at least be run with Clomid 100/50/50/50. AI on hand just in case - something like Arimidex .

    Again, I strongly feel you should wait another year or so. I'll suspend further judgment until I see your pics.

    As for workouts - stick with big compound lifts, stay in the 8-12 rep range for the most part. Bench Press (barbell and/or dumbell), squats, deadlifts, pull ups, rows, etc. Don't be fvcking around with tricep kickbacks and forearm wrist curls.

    Looking forward to seeing your first attempt at the diet.

  6. #6
    tbody66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    Age: 25
    Height: 6'0''
    Weight: 175
    BF%: 10
    Cycle Exp: None - Future ( TNT-350. 250MG 3.5 days per week 8-10 weeks RELOADING, 2 weeks DELOADING on PCT)
    Concentration rate is : 200 mg of Test enanthate and 150 mg of Tren enanthate.
    PCT Knowledge: Will be taking Tamox(Nolvadex ) at 20-40mgs ED.
    Training Exp: 16 months
    Diet: Below

    I just went for a physical and I am in great health and my plates are done growing so it aimed me towards starting a cycle, a cycle I will be starting in the future once I get my diet/excerise pin point.

    300gs Protien/400-500gs Carbs/150gs Fats Daily.

    50/40/30 split throughout 6 meals 2 hours apart.

    Whey protien - stacked
    MK3 weight gainer - stacked
    Fish oil

    3-4 day program
    Day 1 -chest/biceps
    Day 2 -shouders/triceps
    Day 3 -back/traps
    Day 4 -legs/cardop

    8% or lower BF

    Is this a good diet for my goals, and if theres any pre written or helpful diet tips explaining what to eat each meal feel free to post them
    Also will my diet change while on or off AAS?
    16 mos lifting experience, your age, height and weight are all reasons you should forget cycling, forget that you thought about it, delete the mention of it from your posts and your memory banks. If you are willing to do what you say you are, take advice and stick with a program from people who know what they are talking about, then please, please, please, do this.

    Your workout split is not beneficial for growth and recovery, I personally think you should bulk, your build is screaming for some size. With a good diet, protein, creatine and a totally re-vamped workout you could put on some serious size in 60 days and make solid progress for years to come, IMO. Would you give us 60 days to show you great gains and promise not to cycle until then? If you do what we tell you and you don't get what we promise then you can do what you want, but if you do get what we promise you have to give us another 60 days, deal?

  7. #7
    TheMemoryRemains's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Looks like what you posted above was taken straight from the info packet that Damien put together and I post often. I'm glad, that means you read it. Now use that info to construct a diet - meals every 2.5 - 3 hours, at least 6 meals/day, preferably more. Lean protein source in every meal. Complex carb or fat in every meal - try to keep carbs and fats separate as much as possible, within reason. Fiberous green veggies in as many meals as you can. Be sure to record your macros, this is a pain in the ass but ULTRA important.

    Tell me, how soon do you plan to run this cycle?

    PCT - the nolva should at least be run with Clomid 100/50/50/50. AI on hand just in case - something like Arimidex .

    Again, I strongly feel you should wait another year or so. I'll suspend further judgment until I see your pics.

    As for workouts - stick with big compound lifts, stay in the 8-12 rep range for the most part. Bench Press (barbell and/or dumbell), squats, deadlifts, pull ups, rows, etc. Don't be fvcking around with tricep kickbacks and forearm wrist curls.

    Looking forward to seeing your first attempt at the diet.
    Yes, I pulled it from a stickie. I smiled when I seen this post because I've got 90% of this food on my meal list now its just time to construct it to get full benefits from it. Ive been on the 5-6 meals a day - shakes + multivitamins + fish oils around 2-3 hours spread apart and with as much veggies as possible.

    About the cycle, my supplier and I are in the midst of getting everything together within the month but I just want it on hand so I can also get my PCT down pat and purchase my PCT/AI's from ar-r so yes, within a few months everything should be ready and on hand.

    As for my pictures, I posted one last night but im guessing I need more posts or activity on site? I have a decent amount of mass to work with but again im 175 lbs and 10% BF I would be looking at getting very ripped, 1 big reason AAS has been stuck on my dome because I know people who have gained 20 lbs in a month and on the right routine and diet kept it, so it was sorta my cheat I had in mind. at least another 10-20 lbs would be nice tho before I touch anything because I want to do this the right way.

    Ive been on 3 sets/10-15 reps with pyramid effect on certain excerises.
    I will be adding : Jumping Barbell Squat, Barbell Half Squats, Barbell Hack Squat, Walking Lunges, Stiff Leg Deadlift, and drop sets combined with Giant sets on Leg Press for legs.

    As for PCT/AI's "PCT - the nolva should at least be run with Clomid 100/50/50/50. AI on hand just in case - something like Arimidex." I will be researching this a little more although I understand completely why and what you mean in this case.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    Yes, I pulled it from a stickie. I smiled when I seen this post because I've got 90% of this food on my meal list now its just time to construct it to get full benefits from it. Ive been on the 5-6 meals a day - shakes + multivitamins + fish oils around 2-3 hours spread apart and with as much veggies as possible.

    About the cycle, my supplier and I are in the midst of getting everything together within the month but I just want it on hand so I can also get my PCT down pat and purchase my PCT/AI's from ar-r so yes, within a few months everything should be ready and on hand.

    As for my pictures, I posted one last night but im guessing I need more posts or activity on site? I have a decent amount of mass to work with but again im 175 lbs and 10% BF I would be looking at getting very ripped, 1 big reason AAS has been stuck on my dome because I know people who have gained 20 lbs in a month and on the right routine and diet kept it, so it was sorta my cheat I had in mind. at least another 10-20 lbs would be nice tho before I touch anything because I want to do this the right way.

    Ive been on 3 sets/10-15 reps with pyramid effect on certain excerises.
    I will be adding : Jumping Barbell Squat, Barbell Half Squats, Barbell Hack Squat, Walking Lunges, Stiff Leg Deadlift, and drop sets combined with Giant sets on Leg Press for legs.

    As for PCT/AI's "PCT - the nolva should at least be run with Clomid 100/50/50/50. AI on hand just in case - something like Arimidex." I will be researching this a little more although I understand completely why and what you mean in this case.
    I would strongly disagree with anyone adding 20lbs of muscle in 30 days on any form of AAS, let alone from 175. I gained 33lbs in 8 weeks without any steroids and only 3% increase in BF, I would agree with someone putting on 20lbs of weight and keeping it and it converting to muscle over the next several months, but again all of the original statements still apply. Why would you want to when you don't need to and it only hurts you long term?

    Your post count has nothing to do with posting pics, it could be the size of the file the pic is trying to upload, crop it to a smaller size and see if it works. Your workout seems incredibly advanced, ie: confusing and ineffective, for your lifting experience and stats. Most of the time less is more, but put up the pics and if you are dramatically more advanced in body composition than I'm picturing I'll change my mind and offer encouragment. As it stands there are glaring issues with all of your approaches.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I would strongly disagree with anyone adding 20lbs of muscle in 30 days on any form of AAS, let alone from 175. I gained 33lbs in 8 weeks without any steroids and only 3% increase in BF, I would agree with someone putting on 20lbs of weight and keeping it and it converting to muscle over the next several months, but again all of the original statements still apply. Why would you want to when you don't need to and it only hurts you long term?

    Your post count has nothing to do with posting pics, it could be the size of the file the pic is trying to upload, crop it to a smaller size and see if it works. Your workout seems incredibly advanced, ie: confusing and ineffective, for your lifting experience and stats. Most of the time less is more, but put up the pics and if you are dramatically more advanced in body composition than I'm picturing I'll change my mind and offer encouragment. As it stands there are glaring issues with all of your approaches.
    I seen it with my own eyes, 20lbs in month-2 on AAS from 13-15% BF + 225-250lbs.

    Bolded: This is exactly what im trying to accomplish. Post your diet

    Pictures on uploading as we speak.

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    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-19-2010 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Re-sized

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    I will be posting pictures up on the regular to show my transformation to help others out and show them the benefits they would get on/off cycle with the right methods and the right line of help.

    Note: This is the first time I've tried to bulk, Ive been a solid 175 weight for a while with low % BF.
    My diet + excercise routine was aimed towards the 175 mark and getting ripped, now I wanna jump up in weight and see if the 185-200 range suits my body correcly.
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-19-2010 at 11:56 AM.

  12. #12
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Listen bro, I am not saying this to discourage you in any way, nor am I trying to insult you. But if i'm not honest, I wouldn't be very responsible.

    You are in NO way, shape, or form ready for a cycle. You are EASILY a year away, more realistically 2.

    Do not take this as me saying you look bad; that's not it. It's simply that you have very little muscle base and any gear at this point would be a waste. You will NOT keep your gains until you know how to train and diet properly, and maintain that for a period of time.

    In the end, you will do what you want - but I strongly disagree with a cycle, and I can't imagine a single responsible member on this board disagreeing with me on this.

  13. #13
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Might just be me but just something is not adding up to those stats & pictures

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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Listen bro, I am not saying this to discourage you in any way, nor am I trying to insult you. But if i'm not honest, I wouldn't be very responsible.

    You are in NO way, shape, or form ready for a cycle. You are EASILY a year away, more realistically 2.

    Do not take this as me saying you look bad; that's not it. It's simply that you have very little muscle base and any gear at this point would be a waste. You will NOT keep your gains until you know how to train and diet properly, and maintain that for a period of time.

    In the end, you will do what you want - but I strongly disagree with a cycle, and I can't imagine a single responsible member on this board disagreeing with me on this.
    ^To this, I am not taking this as an insults what so ever.
    I know for a fact that I aint ready for AAS tis the reason im here.
    I know I dont have enough muscel base for AAS so its almost pointless at this time.

    I need to get my diet + excerise routine to a cut diamond instead of particles and then if I feel like it, I might turn to the darkside and jump on a cycle and MAYBE just maybe then I might have the results I wanted and just forget about AAS all together.

    So........ spread some light on me boys IM IN THE ****ING ZONE CHEIF!
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-19-2010 at 12:17 PM. Reason: Spelling

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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Might just be me but just something is not adding up to those stats & pictures
    As in?

    Remember that the diet posted is my new bulking diet, I havent posted my older diet.
    Everything else is KEY to what Ive been running with.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    ^To this, I am not taking this as an insults what so ever.
    I know for a fact that I aint ready for AAS tis the reason im here.
    I know I dont have enough muscel base for AAS so its almost pointless at this time.

    I need to get my diet + excerise routine to a cut diamond instead of particles and then if I feel like it, I might turn to the darkside and jump on a cycle and MAYBE just maybe then I might have the results I wanted and just forget about AAS all together.

    So........ spread some light on me boys IM IN THE ****ING ZONE CHEIF!
    Glad to hear it bro, you will go far if you keep that attitude.

    My worry is that if you get the gear early thinking you're going to hold on to it for future use, it's going to be 'burning a hole in your pocket' and you might jump in prematurely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Glad to hear it bro, you will go far if you keep that attitude.

    My worry is that if you get the gear early thinking you're going to hold on to it for future use, it's going to be 'burning a hole in your pocket' and you might jump in prematurely.
    I definitly hear ya, I talked with my source today, its on its way.
    PCT/AI's within the month........ "gets shaky"

    Im not going to be stupid, so dont get edgy with giving me advice because I "might" start prematurely because I wont.
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-20-2010 at 12:21 PM. Reason: Added

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    More opinions and tips would be great B)
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-20-2010 at 12:22 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    ^To this, I am not taking this as an insults what so ever.
    I know for a fact that I aint ready for AAS tis the reason im here.
    I know I dont have enough muscel base for AAS so its almost pointless at this time.

    I need to get my diet + excerise routine to a cut diamond instead of particles and then if I feel like it, I might turn to the darkside and jump on a cycle and MAYBE just maybe then I might have the results I wanted and just forget about AAS all together.

    So........ spread some light on me boys IM IN THE ****ING ZONE CHEIF!
    I will write you a program, a very similar program to what I was doing when I gained the 33lbs, I went from 135lbs to 168lbs in exactly eight weeks. I was in academy at the time and it was measured, so was my bodyfat, that's a 24% increase in bodyweight, 24.33lbs of muscle weight gained and no supplements whatsoever. I was eating mennonite women's cooking, three times a day and drinking whole milk between meals and before bed.

    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Glad to hear it bro, you will go far if you keep that attitude.
    GB, will you write the diet to go with my workout for TMR?

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    I always prefer people write their own diets because it forces them to learn. Plus, I don't know what people do and don't like to eat, what they have access to, etc, so it's not that easy to do. Finally, if I do it for TMR then others will expect it lol!

    I will be more then happy to work out a diet - he already knows what to eat, and I provided some general guidelines to create a diet. I need to see the effort being made before I go all in. =)

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I will write you a program, a very similar program to what I was doing when I gained the 33lbs, I went from 135lbs to 168lbs in exactly eight weeks. I was in academy at the time and it was measured, so was my bodyfat, that's a 24% increase in bodyweight, 24.33lbs of muscle weight gained and no supplements whatsoever. I was eating mennonite women's cooking, three times a day and drinking whole milk between meals and before bed.
    I will commite to this,
    as 33lbs will put me in the 208lbs catagory, so ill be happy if I gain 15-25lbs
    I really appreciate it, you mentioned you didnt take supplements while you were in the academy but I just picked up over 200$ worth of suppliments to last me a solid 4-5 months, would you like a list/nutrition facts on them?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I always prefer people write their own diets because it forces them to learn. Plus, I don't know what people do and don't like to eat, what they have access to, etc, so it's not that easy to do. Finally, if I do it for TMR then others will expect it lol!

    I will be more then happy to work out a diet - he already knows what to eat, and I provided some general guidelines to create a diet. I need to see the effort being made before I go all in. =)
    haha touche and completely understandable.

    What would you want from me to show my commitment, me writting my own diet?
    I dont feel as if tbody should go through the work but I wont complain, If there is things I cant get ahold of
    or do not like, I could add from the list I have and we can even out the edges to make myself a perfect diet.
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-20-2010 at 05:02 PM. Reason: Spelling

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    I will commite to this,
    as 33lbs will put me in the 208lbs catagory, so ill be happy if I gain 15-25lbs
    I really appreciate it, you mentioned you didnt take supplements while you were in the academy but I just picked up over 200$ worth of suppliments to last me a solid 4-5 months, would you like a list/nutrition facts on them?
    Yeah, tell me the supplements, I'll probably recommend you save most of them til after our "challange", I don't want any supplement to get credit for what a good diet and exercise program accomplishes.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    haha touche and completely understandable.

    What would you want from me to show my commitment, me writting my own diet?
    I dont feel as if tbody should go through the work but I wont complain, If there is things I cant get ahold of
    or do not like, I could add from the list I have and we can even out the edges to make myself a perfect diet.
    Yes, GB wants you to post a sample diet, both of you need to remember we are BULKING. It is no trouble to put you a program together, you have to understand what a blessing the lifestyle has been to me on so many levels and helping someone avoid all of the mistakes I see so often is such a small payback. I will be incredibly hurt if you don't give it 100% for a full 8 weeks though.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Yeah, tell me the supplements, I'll probably recommend you save most of them til after our "challange", I don't want any supplement to get credit for what a good diet and exercise program accomplishes.

    Yes, GB wants you to post a sample diet, both of you need to remember we are BULKING. It is no trouble to put you a program together, you have to understand what a blessing the lifestyle has been to me on so many levels and helping someone avoid all of the mistakes I see so often is such a small payback. I will be incredibly hurt if you don't give it 100% for a full 8 weeks though.
    As for my sample diet, I'll get started on that tonight It will be done sometime tomorrow.
    I wish I could show you my full attitude and attention towards this bulking diet for you to fully understand that I am not playing around and I will be sticking to the program strongly to better myself and yes not make the mistake of doing something wrong, also sheding light on others who want to BULK in the future, you have my full attention, honesty and loyalty towards this, I wouldnt be me if I said I would stick to it and dont.

    4 things manditory/supplements:
    Fish oil 1 tsp - 1 a day
    1 scoop M3K BMF weight gainer + 1 scoop of WHEY protien - 2 a day
    2 multivitamins per day
    1 tsp of peanut butter

    Heres a list of food I have on spot, wouldnt mind a grocey store run, I never had so much fun shopping

    Ground beef (93% lean or better)
    Lean steak (Flank, flat iron, or top sirloin)
    Bison sirloin (the highest quality red meat)
    Chicken breast
    Turkey breast
    Tuna (canned or sushi grade)
    Casein/Cottage cheese (before bed only)

    Unsalted/non-buttered popcorn
    Sweet potato
    pasta (penne)
    Brown rice

    Natural peanut butter (no sugar added, just roasted peanuts)
    Salmon and Trout (great fatty proteins)
    Extra virgin olive oil (should be used on all veggies/salads)

    Adding pictures of suppliments + the nutrition facts as we speak.

  25. #25
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    M3K BMF - weight gainer

    Whey - Protien

    Fish oil

    Unsure to as why it wont let me add any bigger sized pictures.
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-20-2010 at 07:55 PM. Reason: In the middle of resizing

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post

    M3K BMF - weight gainer

    Whey - Protien

    Fish oil

    Unsure to as why it wont let me add any bigger sized pictures.
    try posting them as attachments so we can open them.

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    So I went ahead and started on my diet plan and finished it, been researching for 4 hours while jotting down important information, so heres the basics of it all.


    Meal 1
    bagel - 7/38/2
    unsalted butter 1 TBSP 11 0 0
    fish oil 10g fats

    Meal 2 PWO
    roasted lamb leg fat+lean 3 OZ 13 0 22
    pita bread 1 33 6
    taziki sauce yogurt+cucumbers 2 43 10
    franks hot sauce
    Shake 9/48.5/26.25

    Meal 3
    Lean ground beef 16 0 21
    chicken breast 3 0 27
    lean steak sirlon 2.5 OZ 6 0 22
    smked salmon 8 0 18
    veggies 1 40 15
    white bread 2 slices 1 12 2
    unsalted butter 1 TBSP 11 0 0
    mashed potatoes 9 35 4
    sour cream 1 CUP 48 10 7
    vanned chicken gravy 1 CUP 14 13 5
    brown rice 1 CUP 1 50 5

    Meal 4
    white vanned tuna 3 OZ 1 0 30
    light mayo 1 TBSP 3 2 0
    yogurt 8 OZ 2 43 10

    Meal 5
    almonds 1 OZ 15 6 6
    Shake 9/48.5/26.25
    unsalted popcorn 0 6 1

    Meal 6
    peanut butter 1 TBSP 8 3 5
    almonds 1 OZ 15 6 6
    minor left overs from meal 3

    Estimated 30-50/30-50/15-25 split
    250-275 protein/400-425 carbs/100-125fats/5-6k calories

    as for my total daily calorie expenditure is 5384.
    I know this could be better and with a little help I should have this mastered in no time, appreciate it.
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-21-2010 at 01:49 AM. Reason: Touch up

  29. #29
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    So I went ahead and started on my diet plan and finished it, been researching for 4 hours while jotting down important information, so heres the basics of it all.


    Meal 1
    bagel - 7/38/2
    unsalted butter 1 TBSP 11 0 0
    fish oil 10g fats

    Really bro? This is meal one? Where's the protein? Bagel is a crappy carb source, i don't care if you're bulking or not. The foods don't change on a bulk, only the quantities. Drop this entire meal and make it look more like:

    3 whole eggs, 6 whites

    1 cup oats
    1/2 cup berries or a small banana

    Meal 2 PWO
    roasted lamb leg fat+lean 3 OZ 13 0 22
    pita bread 1 33 6
    taziki sauce yogurt+cucumbers 2 43 10
    franks hot sauce
    Shake 9/48.5/26.25

    None of this is food for a BBing diet, sorry man. You read that bit that Damien and I always post, even listed the foods from it - yet I haven't seen one yet in yoru diet. In face, you have a bagel in meal one which is on the 'blacklist'. make this meal a good one - 6-8oz lean protein (chicken breast, white fish, etc) and 50-60g complex carb - sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, lentils, beans, etc

    Meal 3
    Lean ground beef 16 0 21
    chicken breast 3 0 27
    lean steak sirlon 2.5 OZ 6 0 22
    smked salmon 8 0 18
    veggies 1 40 15
    white bread 2 slices 1 12 2
    unsalted butter 1 TBSP 11 0 0
    mashed potatoes 9 35 4
    sour cream 1 CUP 48 10 7
    vanned chicken gravy 1 CUP 14 13 5
    brown rice 1 CUP 1 50 5

    Getting better but drop the white bread, unnecessary. Mashed potatoes? C'mon, gimme a break. Sour cream? This is NOT good stuff!

    Meal 4
    white vanned tuna 3 OZ 1 0 30
    light mayo 1 TBSP 3 2 0
    yogurt 8 OZ 2 43 10

    The yogurt is all sugar, not a good carb. Again, even on a bulk we want to minimize bodyfat gains, and eating sugar will do the opposite. If you like yogurt, use greek yogurt which is low in sugar and high in protein. Sweeten with splenda. Also would like to see a better carb here though.

    Meal 5
    almonds 1 OZ 15 6 6
    Shake 9/48.5/26.25
    unsalted popcorn 0 6 1

    Unless this is PWO, why the shake instead of real food? Always real food first. Shakes will do about 1/4 what real food will for you. Fruits are sugar, but i'm not going to nit-pick on a bulk diet - but they're better kept earlier in the day

    Meal 6
    peanut butter 1 TBSP 8 3 5
    almonds 1 OZ 15 6 6
    minor left overs from meal 3

    Again, no protein source whatsoever (minor leftovers? wtf). Almonds and PB, too much fat together in a meal that also has high carbs (oats). At least the carb choice is good though!

    Estimated 30-50/30-50/15-25 split
    250-275 protein/400-425 carbs/100-125fats/5-6k calories

    as for my total daily calorie expenditure is 5384.

    This is probably WAY high. I bet you're nowhere NEAR this.
    I know this could be better and with a little help I should have this mastered in no time, appreciate it.
    Ok man, listen - I am not trying to sound like a dick, but if we're going to do this then i'm going to be hard on you. The diet as you have it is HORRENDOUS. I mean honestly, one of the worst i've seen in a while. It really needs to be completely scrapped and redone. Not trying to deflate you or knock you down, I just want to wake you up! You know the good food choices yet hardly used any of them!

    Comments above in bold, although the diet really wasn't worth trying to fix. Needs a complete overhaul.

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    face palm.... I tried.
    I wanted to prove that im in the game whether or not its bad.

    This is something I had written before,
    meal 1:
    5 eggs, shake, oatmeal
    meal 2:
    2 chicken breasts, veggies, nuts
    meal 3:
    beef, brown rice, veggies
    meal 4 PWO:
    shake, peanutbutter on whole wheat toast
    meal 5:
    lean streak/salmon, veggies and brown rice/sweet potatoe
    meal 6:
    beef, brown rice, bananna, 1 tsp fish oil
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-21-2010 at 12:28 PM.

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    Double post.
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 11-21-2010 at 12:29 PM. Reason: Mistake

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    face palm.... I tried.
    I wanted to prove that im in the game whether or not its bad.

    This is something I had written before,
    meal 1:
    5 eggs, shake, oatmeal
    meal 2:
    2 chicken breasts, veggies, nuts
    meal 3:
    beef, brown rice, veggies
    meal 4 PWO:
    shake, peanutbutter on whole wheat toast
    meal 5:
    lean streak/salmon, veggies and brown rice/sweet potatoe
    meal 6:
    beef, brown rice, bananna, 1 tsp fish oil
    I meant to address that too - I never meant to make it sound like I DIDN'T think you were serious or anything like that. I was just telling TB in general that I like to see that before committing to help people. I can tell from your attitude that you're serious and believe you will stick with it. We just need to get you on the right track!

    i will go over this new diet later, but at a glance it looks way better already.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I meant to address that too - I never meant to make it sound like I DIDN'T think you were serious or anything like that. I was just telling TB in general that I like to see that before committing to help people. I can tell from your attitude that you're serious and believe you will stick with it. We just need to get you on the right track!

    i will go over this new diet later, but at a glance it looks way better already.
    Glad to hear, I'll be checking in regularly while reading more threads.
    Take your time ive got alot of running around to do today.

  34. #34
    A010011000111 is offline Junior Member
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    I'd like to see more than one day with cardio.... i know you're trying to bulk but from your pictures i think if you do a couple weeks to a month of hard cardio daily, or every other, and high reps in the weightroom, that will prime you much better for an 8wk bulk prgm. and besides, the better your cardiovascular system works, the more you will get out of your weightroom training.

    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I will write you a program, a very similar program to what I was doing when I gained the 33lbs, I went from 135lbs to 168lbs in exactly eight weeks. I was in academy at the time and it was measured, so was my bodyfat, that's a 24% increase in bodyweight, 24.33lbs of muscle weight gained and no supplements whatsoever. I was eating mennonite women's cooking, three times a day and drinking whole milk between meals and before bed.

    GB, will you write the diet to go with my workout for TMR?

    i only wish
    Last edited by A010011000111; 11-21-2010 at 02:36 PM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by A010011000111 View Post
    I'd like to see more than one day with cardio.... i know you're trying to bulk but from your pictures i think if you do a couple weeks to a month of hard cardio daily, or every other, and high reps in the weightroom, that will prime you much better for an 8wk bulk prgm. and besides, the better your cardiovascular system works, the more you will get out of your weightroom training.
    I will be putting this into consideration, my main want other then reaching my goals is try and get a diet/excersise routine I can follow through with even with my busy lifestyle. I want something I can follow through on a regular basis without having to go far out of my way incase something comes up.

    Dont get me wrong with my saying that because everything that can help me with this diet/excersise lifestyle will be taking into high consideration because this has and will be my main hobbie for years to come. I just thought it should be mentioned even through its pretty straight forward. I want to be pushed to the limit but ov course not overboard.

    Also, I just bought myself a scale today so I will be keeping a weekly log on how much my gains are, monthly pictures on how my bodys taking to the whole bulking factor, diet+excerise routine layed out before this started so everyone has a feel for where im at.

    Again, I greatly appreciate all help, opinions and advice
    Hats off to all of you following this!

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    I love the taste of fish oil in the morning!

  37. #37
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    Also, I just bought myself a scale today so I will be keeping a weekly log on how much my gains are, monthly pictures on how my bodys taking to the whole bulking factor, diet+excerise routine layed out before this started so everyone has a feel for where im at.

    Again, I greatly appreciate all help, opinions and advice
    I would suggest also logging your body measurements. If you lose 5lbs of fat but gain 5lbs of LBM, your overall weight is still the same but you will see a difference in your waist size. "Myotape" makes tape measuring yourself pretty easy and is inexpensive.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    I would suggest also logging your body measurements. If you lose 5lbs of fat but gain 5lbs of LBM, your overall weight is still the same but you will see a difference in your waist size. "Myotape" makes tape measuring yourself pretty easy and is inexpensive.
    Very good call, im going to pick up a tape tomorrow. I actually lost 5 lbs but im bigger and more solid. Gaining slowly everyday, plus my bulking diet isnt written up yet so all measurements/logs will start on day 1 til month 3Ish.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    I would suggest also logging your body measurements. If you lose 5lbs of fat but gain 5lbs of LBM, your overall weight is still the same but you will see a difference in your waist size. "Myotape" makes tape measuring yourself pretty easy and is inexpensive.
    Agreed. The scale should be the least of your concerns. Measuring is great, and also don't forget the tried and true - mirror! Just don't stare at yourself every 2 mins or you'll never notice any changes.

  40. #40
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    The mirror lies.... (to me at least)

    Seriously though, I cant see such small & gradual changes from week to week. I know I've been losing about 1/4" per 1lb of fat lost, so 1/4-1/2" per week just isnt that noticable to me, specially when there is water fluxuation. 1-2" over a month's time should be noticable but at the same time it's so gradual that I become used to it before then.

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