I recently joined this site and have noticed how helpful the diet forum is in personalizing menus for individuals. And some newer members have inspired me to reach out for exercise guidance too!

My goal is to hit 130 lbs +/- 5

My stats:
Young 47 (post menopausal with an even slower metabolism)
BF% ~ 26
160 lbs in a size 8/10 (but i once topped the scales at 180)
Lean body mass 109
Ideal body weight 121 - 140
I am muscular and firm but have a layer of fat all over so as a visual, think stocky cheer leader. I carry the majority of my excess weight in the stomach – apple shape…no hips, but my gluts/quads/hamstrings are developed - please don’t ask for pictures…I am shy about that…perhaps when I reach my goal

I workout faithfully, even when I travel for business and pleasure. I spin 3 times per week plus 1 step bench aerobics. I also do a 1 hour weight resistance training of all major muscles and do machine weights 3 x per week for 45 minutes working back, arms and stomach. Every other week, I add a yoga class and an extra 30 – 45 minutes on the weight machines. I have a pilates machine at home and use it if I can’t get to the gym and have an elliptical (no handle bars so it is collecting dust). I lasted 8 days on the P90x program (so have free weights and chin up bar) but in that short period of time my body was responding. I am an easy gainer so I need to watch the weights …I have trapz without work em.

I love to workout...especially spinning class! Last year to prepare for a “life event”, I hit it 9 -11 hours a week with spin/step/running/weights/pilates/yoga and the best I could do was down to 146 pounds. I looked great even with my pooch. So about 2 months ago, I started a 6-9 month cycle of hgh @ 4iu 5/2 but am toying with the idea of 3 ius 7/0. Then 2 weeks ago, I added clen @ 80mg which I am running for 3 weeks on/3 off. I expect a lot of noise about this….don’t be too hard on me, please.

I also love to eat…protein and sweets are my favs. I recently found out that I have high sugar and my doctor put me on oral medicine. Although diabetes runs in my blood lines, I would love to toss that prescription in the trash!

So here is where I initially wish for some help. I have been trying to follow this plan, but find that I am starving by 5pm and end up over eating, like tonight. I am trying to initially severely limit by net carb intake to 30g/daily, and eventually rise to a higher level, not more than 55 net carbs. My body neatly packages excess carbs on my tummy. I can do protein shakes during the day as snacks but find that most of them are high in sugars. Maybe you can suggest a low sugar alternative. My macro is in grams of p/c/f.

1st meal at 630 Total calories 30 @ 6/1/0
Egg whites

2nd meal around 900 Total calories 145 at 17/8/5
2 oz chic/10 baby carrots

3rd Meal 11:30 Total Calories 485 at 55/6/21
4oz chic/salad/Detour bar (lower sugar protein bar)

4th Meal @ 2:30 Total calories 178 at 14/7/11
Hard boiled egg/low fat string cheese/blueberries.

5th Meal @ 5:00 on non workout nights I am so hungry and eat dumb Total calories 520 @ 36/47/19
Ham Sandwich with bread and lean ham or something
5th meal @ 700 on workout nights (twice per week) Total calories 265@ 36/18/7
Isalean shake with cottage cheese

6th Meal (none on workout nights)total calories 203 31/8/4
Low fat 2% Cottage cheese

Total Counts on my non workout days 1,365 calories@ 128/70/56
Total Counts on my workout days 1,160 calories @ 135/45/45

I get up at 445 and go to bed at 9:00 during the week. I currently eat 4 meals and enjoy two glasses of wine on Friday and/or Saturday nite.

Ok…looking for diet and fitness advice…so bring it on! Thanks so much!