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  1. #1
    adgey is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    need some dieting advice

    Hey guys,

    Been on and off training for many years and finally for the last 6 months been hitting it regularly. I think it's now time to get some advice on my diet to help me start achieving much more and lower my bf %.
    (400am) Morning -
    6 egg whites with berries

    (630am) PWO -
    I weight train early morning and this is a shake with 1 scoop ON whey, 3/4 cup oats, banana and 1 teaspoon natty PB

    (830am) morning tea -
    1 can of tuna

    (1200) lunch -
    chicken breast with veges

    (1230ish) Gym again -
    I usually do another gym session here with cardio as I only have enough time in the morning to fit in weights before having to get to work and I like to try and do as much cardio through the week as possible.

    (1600) afternoon snack -
    not sure what I should be having here, I'm hungry when I get home so I think I need something?

    (1900) dinner -
    I usually have 1 of 3 things which is either fish, chicken or lean meat with salad.

    Some of the things that I definitely need advice on is whether I need something that early or if I should just wait till after my workout.
    My meals have some things but I know they are missing essentials that I just get confused thinking about. Water is drunk through the whole day, I have an outdoor job so not sitting still too much through the day.

    My stats are:
    25 male
    175 cm
    97 kgs
    Not sure of bf but It's not below 20

    Training plans is:

    Monday - Chest + Biceps
    Flat bench
    Incline dumbbells
    Dumbbell fly's
    Chest dips
    Hammer curls
    Alternating dumbbell curls
    Concentration Curls
    Supinated bent over rows

    Tuesday - Legs
    Stiff Leg deadlifts
    Calf raises

    Wednesday - Off

    Thursday - Back
    One arm horizontal rows
    Pull ups
    Calf raises

    Friday - Shoulders Triceps
    Hang clean + press
    Alternating dumbell shoulder press
    Upright barbell row
    Close grip bench
    Skull crushers
    Tricep dips

    I try to aim for between 9-12 sets for each area and other than that I've just tried to use as many compound lifts as possible.
    I'm very happy for people to give advice on everything as I'm no pro and will be happy to take advice from the pros
    And thank you in advance for the help!

  2. #2
    onehundredk's Avatar
    onehundredk is offline Member
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    Wheres your cardio? Also ever thought about trying on Clen ?

  3. #3
    adgey is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008
    Cardio is stated in the diet part
    Everyday 1hr

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    I will give you some basic guidelines for you to go away and design a diet to suit

    You have 3 optimum times to take in the majority of your carbs, morning, pre workout and PWO

    Protein - 1.8g per LBM
    Carbs - 1.2g per LBM
    Fat - 0.4g per LBM

    These are estimations to begin with....

    As far as ur training, dont do weights first in the morning, instead used this time to do some low intensity fasted cardio...

    Follow this with ur first meal which will contain one third of ur days carbs

    Do ur weight training in the second slot and remember to have your other two carb meals either side of this session

    Keep all ur food clean and carbs complex

    I didnt look at ur routine but this can be sorted at another time

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    Your food choices should be

    Chicken breast
    Lean beef
    White fish
    Turkey breast
    Egg whites

    Basmati rice
    Whole rice
    Sweet potatoe

    Fatty fish
    Whole eggs
    Peanut butter natty

  6. #6
    adgey is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Thanks for your reply and the advice given.
    The reason I have weights in the morning is because that is a definite workout, I work as a tradie and sometimes I can get up a second time to the gym and sometimes I can't but if it will make a big difference I'll suck it up and change it.
    I've redone the diet and if you can comment on it and make some changes it would be appreciated

    530am - low intensity workout cardio 50 mins

    630am - Breakfast
    2 whole eggs 114/480/0.3/7.6/11.4
    300g egg white 144/591/1.2/0/33.6
    100g oats 380/1590/56.7/8.8/12.8

    total 638/2661/58.2/16.4/57.8

    830am - Morning Tea
    Can tuna 185g drained 128/532/1.3/1.2/27.5
    Salad 15/63/1.5/0.1/1.2

    total 143/595/1.8/1.3/28.7

    1100am - Lunch
    120g Grilled chicken breast 130/543/0/1.5/27.2
    1 cup broccoli 43/181/0.6/0.4/6.4

    total 173/724/0.6/1.9/33.6

    1pm - PWO shake
    1 scoop whey 120/502/3/1/24
    1 banana 203/851/44.6/0.2/3.8
    1 teaspoon PB 30/127/0.6/2.5/1.1
    50g oats 190/795/28.4/4.4/6.4

    total 543/2275/76.6/8.1/35.3

    4pm - Arvo food
    200g Kangaroo skewers 198/824/0/2.6/42.8
    1 cup broccoli 43/181/0.6/0.4/6.4

    total 241/1005/0.6/3.0/49.2

    7pm Dinner
    100g fish 109/456/0/1/25
    Salad 15/63/1.5/0.1/1.2

    total 124/519/1.5/1.1/26.2

    Hopefully I'm a bit closer to making up a better diet!
    If people could comment and point me in a goo direction I'd love them muchly!


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