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  1. #1
    JustDoIt12 is offline Junior Member
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    diet help! what do i need to add and where?

    so, im going to be jumping on gear in a month or two and want to have my diet down prior to doing so. as of now, this is what my diet looks like give or take a meal depending on how busy i am. once i start the gear i will lock in a steady diet.

    looking for critique on what i should add/drop when/where, etc. i know its not perfect but its a long way from what i was eating a year ago when i was 168lbs.


    28yrs old
    prob about 14-15% BF

    2 cups oatmeal
    whey protein 40G
    a banana
    twinlad duel tab multi vitamins

    chobon yogurt
    english muffin light fat cream cheese
    cottage cheese w/ pineapple

    8oz chicken or steak wheat wrap
    egg whites mixed w/ spinach (yum)

    3PM (i do either or depending on how busy i am at work)
    whey protein (40G) and snack on beef jerky
    tuna (40G) on wheat
    twin lab dual tab multi vitamins

    2 turkey burgers or 8oz of chicken breast
    brown rice and wheat bread

    pre workout shake, just whey and cran w/ preload creatine

    supermax 250

    post workout shake (60G whey) and a sweet potato
    sometimes ill throw tuna or chk w/ this as well

    Natural PB w/ wheat bread
    4 egg whites
    glass of 1% milk
    Last edited by JustDoIt12; 12-12-2010 at 11:46 AM.

  2. #2
    adamjames is offline Member
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    looks good, not sure what u look like but obviously most peeps r gonna say dont cycle yet, id agree but anyway as far as this diet it seems good, id use olive oil not p/b b4 bed if any fats, i also eat more veg in the evening im not 1 for going to bed with 100 gs of starch in my gut, post w/o sweet potatoe aint gonna spike half as much as say maltodextrin, this is a pretty key area. also Throw in some omega 3 fatty acids get some fish oil or somthing its used for every process in the body i take 15 gs of fat with every meal and i take fish oil 3 times a day you will find this very benificial!!

    id cut the pre w/o shake and just go with a meal 1 hour b4 training obviously high carb meal, id use the cottage cheese b4 bed aswell slow release

    this is a few things id change anyway

    what cycle u planning anyway? im waiting another year or so to hit the juice

  3. #3
    JustDoIt12 is offline Junior Member
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    thansk for the info.

    cycle is going to be:

    DBOL WK 1-4 @ 30MG ED
    Test C WK 1-12 @ 500MG split up twice a week

    Other option which I am considering is an M-Drol cycle and hold off on the cycle above. The ONLY reason I am even considering this is a friend of mine just wrapped up an M-Drol cycle w/ great results. Ran it for 4 WK @ 10/20/20/20 and gained about 15lbs and impressive strength gains as well. He ran the proper PCT and kept about 10lbs and a good amount of strength. He has a good number left over from the bottle which was CEL and is offering to just give it to me.


  4. #4
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ok im no expert but been around enough to know some things.

    Your 945: Cottage cheese should be before bed not first thing in the morning. Should have about 6-8 eggs here.

    Cut most to all bread out of the diet. Replace with sweet potatoes, brown rice, ect....

    Add veggies to at least 4 meals.

    I counted 4 shakes. You need to replace 2 with real food.

    Last meal needs to be your cottage cheese or a lean beef of some sort. Basically i would almost switch your last meal with your 945 meal. And cut the bread.

    Wait around for gbrice or damien, or any other vet to go into more detail.

    Btw: CEL products are really good, I say take the mdrol cycle, gain from that with proper pct. Study more on your diet and maybe think about your cycle sometime mid next year. I did a stack from cel, e-stane and forget the other one since i have mdrol stuck in my head now, but i got great gains. It just dried me out to the point of my joints hurting and body. So make sure you are taking glucosamine (spelling). I wish i could find CEL again, all gone since the ban

    Good luck man

  5. #5
    JustDoIt12 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info.

    I understand the wheat bread sucks, but its hard for me to get carbs in while im at work. I'd love to be able to bring in sweet potatoes, brown rice, etc, but its not easy to cook them here at work, or even heat them up mid day for that matter.

    Also, there are 4 shakes throguhout the day, but a majority of them have some type of real food going down with them. Post workout there is a shake and chicken/tuna invovled. It's very rarely (unless at work) do I just drink a shake w/ no food. Is it better to eliminate the shake and just eat more food? Again, its tough at work to throw down real dinners, so there are small portions that ill cook the night before (maybe 4-5oz chk) that i just throw down w/ a shake.

  6. #6
    adamjames is offline Member
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    nothing wrong with brown bread in my book!! id go with less test, 250 or 300 for 1st course, remember you have2 up the dose each course to keep gaining!!! 1st course go with 250 then 400 then 600 etc etc, thats what id do, i know 500 seems to be common opinion but if you speak to someone whos got any sense theyl say start low build it up, same with diet, cut out 2 shakes youl probarbly still gain! then when you start your course up the cals and youl have2 up the cals when you finish your course aswell through pct.

  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    so, im going to be jumping on gear in a month or two and want to have my diet down prior to doing so. as of now, this is what my diet looks like give or take a meal depending on how busy i am. once i start the gear i will lock in a steady diet.

    looking for critique on what i should add/drop when/where, etc. i know its not perfect but its a long way from what i was eating a year ago when i was 168lbs.

    This is going to be hard to critique without knowing your goal. Do you want to reduce bodyfat? Add more muscle? If you're planning to run a cycle (i'll comment on that later) and you're 14-15% bodyfat right now, I would strongly suggest you cut bodyfat first. I ran a test e cycle at 15% bodyfat and wasn't particularly happy with the results. So, i'm going to base my critique on a cutting diet.

    Secondly - I can only critique food choices and obvious too much/too little quantities, because you haven't listed macros, or how many calories you're shooting for. I sure hope you know, because guessing and estimating doesn't work in this game.


    28yrs old
    prob about 14-15% BF

    2 cups oatmeal
    whey protein 40G
    a banana
    twinlad duel tab multi vitamins

    That's a SHITLOAD of carbs, around 100g. Too much, not necessary - drop it to 1 cup. Keep the banana if you want, i'd prefer berries. They whey is ok for fast protein, but you should try and have some eggs here instead - 2 whole, 4-6 white. OR have half the amount of whey, and do the rest with eggs/whites.

    chobon yogurt
    english muffin light fat cream cheese
    cottage cheese w/ pineapple

    Chobon is fat free greek yogurt, right? I hope it's the plain, otherwise it's LOADED with sugar, and a bad choice.
    English muffin - crap
    light fat free cream cheese - crap
    cottage cheese w/ pineapple - 1/2 crap - pineapple has one of if not THE highest sugar content of any fruit, and very little nutritional value. This meal should be more like - 4-6oz lean meat, 30g or so complex carb, and some green veggies.

    I understand it's tough to eat like this with work and all, but you have to find a way to make it work the best you can.

    8oz chicken or steak wheat wrap
    egg whites mixed w/ spinach (yum)

    Decent meal, probably too much protein though. Would love to see a better carb source then a wrap (processed) - something like sweet potato, yam, quinoa, oats, brown rice, lentils, beans, etc. How about chicken or steak mixed with beans, or brown rice and beans? that would even be good cold.

    3PM (i do either or depending on how busy i am at work)
    whey protein (40G) and snack on beef jerky
    tuna (40G) on wheat
    twin lab dual tab multi vitamins

    Try your best to do the tuna here. If wheat bread is the best you can do, try to find something like Ezekiel bread (freezer section) - something made without flour preferably. Are you mixing the tuna with mayo?

    2 turkey burgers or 8oz of chicken breast
    brown rice and wheat bread

    Either brown rice or wheat bread, not both. Would rather see brown rice over the bread. Would rather see any other good complex carb choice (like listed above) then either. how about some green veggies?

    pre workout shake, just whey and cran w/ preload creatine

    Bad move. Complex carbs here to fuel your workout are critical. I'd also prefer to see real/whole food vs. a shake, but if it's the best you can do here, so be it. Add carbs definitely

    supermax 250

    post workout shake (60G whey) and a sweet potato
    sometimes ill throw tuna or chk w/ this as well

    Nice!!! Love the sweet potato PWO (i'm a fan of complex carbs PWO so I like this) - 60g whey is enough, save the tuna or chicken for 45 mins later - PPWO meal

    Natural PB w/ wheat bread
    4 egg whites
    glass of 1% milk

    Are you trying to get fat? Drop the bread, drop the milk. You can do a casein shake here if you want, or cottage cheese (no pineapple). The egg whites are ok but digest pretty quickly and won't do much overnight. You ideally want a slower digesting protein source (lean steak/beef, casein, cottage cheese, etc) - yes milk is essentially casein, but it also comes with 12g sugar right before bed - not good IMO.
    Comments above in bold. ALOT needs to be changed with this diet! But more importantly, we need to know your goals. I'd like to see pics - I know you didn't come for cycle advice, but at a glance, I'd say you have alot of fundamentals to work out before cycling, and I don't think 2 months is enough time. Just my .02

  8. #8
    JustDoIt12 is offline Junior Member
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    gbrice, thanks for the info. will definately take all into consideration and critique my diet a bit.

    the choboni is the fat free yogurt, yes. i usually buy at BJs and it comes split between plain (which kinda sucks) and strawberry (which is high in sugar). It's just such an easy snack.

    my overall goal is to put on muscle mass; id like to be thicker. below is a pic from about 3-4 months ago. i was around 175lbs in this pic. since then, my mid section has slimmed down and i put on a solid 6lbs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails diet help! what do i need to add and where?-img00010.jpg  

  9. #9
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    gbrice, thanks for the info. will definately take all into consideration and critique my diet a bit.

    the choboni is the fat free yogurt, yes. i usually buy at BJs and it comes split between plain (which kinda sucks) and strawberry (which is high in sugar). It's just such an easy snack.

    my overall goal is to put on muscle mass; id like to be thicker. below is a pic from about 3-4 months ago. i was around 175lbs in this pic. since then, my mid section has slimmed down and i put on a solid 6lbs.
    No prob bro. Yogurt - stay away from the strawberry full of sugar. Stick with the plain, and sweeten it with splenda. I add a bit of organic granola to mine as well, or you can add berries. I'd like to see a current pic if possible, just to gauge where you're at. GJ so far though!

  10. #10
    JustDoIt12 is offline Junior Member
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    i will get an updated pic out soon. i am thinking of joining that remote trainer challenge so i will snap a bunch of pics.

    again, thanks for all the advice, will make these adjustments ASAP.

  11. #11
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    i am thinking of joining that remote trainer challenge
    Great idea!

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