Currently 200lbs, 5'8 will run a cycle in a few weeks of deca /test and am looking to stay lean.

Training Day

7.30AM - Weight Gainer

8.00AM- 8 Egg White Omelette. 1 Tbsp Fishoil. Wheatabix cereal with milk.

12AM - 1 450gram box of low fat yohurt

2pm - Grilled Chicken 300grams, baked potatoes, and vegetables.

5pm - 1 450 gram box of low fat yoghurt

6pm: Meal replacement shake.

7pm: Workout

8.30 Grilled chicken/fish with potatoes.

9pm: Grilled chicken with roasted peanuts and almonds on the side.

10pm: Shake or meal (high protein high fat) and fish oil

On non gym days, I reduce my carbs.