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  1. #1
    alpesh222 is offline New Member
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    drinking heavy ONCE for new year

    I'm on a cutting diet. I do cardio 4-5x week and train 6x a week. I've not touched alcohol from the past 4-5 months. If I drink heavily once, will it affect my gains?

  2. #2
    Brewster's Avatar
    Brewster is offline Member
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    This kind of question doesn't even deserve a response but I will give you one,

    No it wont.. unless you get alcohol poisoning and stay in the hospital for a week

  3. #3
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    Maybe If you get super drunk and decide to drive and get arrested for DUI and go to jail and Bubba gets a hold of your ass and makes you his b!tch and you sufffer self worth issues and are unable to leave your house out of fear of the outside world so you lock yourself up in your room with only twinkies and diet coke until the landlord has the police breakdown your door because you didnt pay the rent but you are to weak to move so the cops think you are refusing to leave and arrest you for trespassing and you end up in the same cell as Bubba and it all starts over again..then no I dont think that drinking one night will affect your gains....

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    One off will do you no harm....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Just echoing what the rest have stated - it sounds like you've been super dedicated so far. Take the day off, go nuts, drink like a fish, and enjoy yourself. We have all year to be miserable and dieting. =)

  6. #6
    Billysale2000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Maybe If you get super drunk and decide to drive and get arrested for DUI and go to jail and Bubba gets a hold of your ass and makes you his b!tch and you sufffer self worth issues and are unable to leave your house out of fear of the outside world so you lock yourself up in your room with only twinkies and diet coke until the landlord has the police breakdown your door because you didnt pay the rent but you are to weak to move so the cops think you are refusing to leave and arrest you for trespassing and you end up in the same cell as Bubba and it all starts over again..then no I dont think that drinking one night will affect your gains.... could happen like that.

  7. #7
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    Yeah just don't get alcohol poisoning. I lost 9lbs in 3 days and felt like crap for a week. Oh and stay away from bubba lol

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