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  1. #1
    england123 is offline New Member
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    Unhappy i need help, tips, advice - everything and anything please

    2nd cycle help. MANY questions!! answers, help, tips needed ASAP
    Ok so here goes, well this is the first time i have used a forum like this but i believe this is the only way i am going to get good, exact helpful information regarding my matter.

    So my stats before i begin

    25 male
    6 ft 3
    13 stone
    been training for couple of years but had to have a rest due to injury

    i had a cycle about a year ago from now - this cycle was bought from thailand
    it consisted of:

    Nandro 250 (nandrolone decanote)
    Test-Comp 250 (testosterone compound)
    Danabol DS - 10mg (blue love heart dianabol )

    week 1-2 d bol at 10mg a day
    week 2-4 d bol at 20 mg a day
    then i stoped the d bol at week 4

    I ran the nandro & test comp
    week 2-8 1ml of each every week in the same needle so 2ml a week

    These items i bought are very good and i know alot of people who have used them for years. I had some really good results off them and i put alot of size and muscle on during the time i was using them.

    Before i started using these steriods i had a slight problem with my nipples - they were puffy and little bit of excess fat was around them so i first wanted to get on a cycle to try and get rid of my problem. I had a good strong heavy schedule with a great diet the whole time i was on this cycle. lots of protein shakes and plenty cardio work (lots of soccer/football) etc and i thought this might get rid of my puffy nipples/excess fat. I would say there slightly like man boobs but not too bad. When i finished the 8 weeks of using this cycle i didnt to a PCT (dont ask me why) i guess i was just going off my friends advice etc etc i know this is stupid of me but i was willing to try anything just for the fact i NEEDED to try and cure this problem i had. i thought i could maybe just work my ass off on upper chest and it would sort its self out. After i was on my course i didnt do a PCT and just stopped using steriods completely cos i injured my back and cudnt train on it at all - i have been out of training for bout 5 months and i would say only lately ( the last month or so ) i have been back into the gym

    So ive ordered exactly the same cycle as i did the last time and i plan to run a PCT this time around and make sure everything is in order and my diet is perfect again and i stop going out at weekends etc as im going away on holiday and i need to try get in some shape! its obvious when i look at old pictures i have lost alot of weight. I mean its been a while now since i last used steriods or even trained hard like i use to.

    so ive just had this sent over to me for personal use

    Nandro 250 15 ml (nandrolone decanote)
    Test-Comp 250 15ml (testosterone compound)
    Danabol DS - 500 x 10mg tablets (blue love heart dianabol)

    so what im planning to do is to start a new cycle

    i plan on running =

    dbol at 20mg week 1-5
    nandro at 1ml every week 2-12
    test at 1ml every week 2-10

    (nandro and test in same inj once a week)

    then on week 12 start my PCT with clomid and maybe nolvadex

    do you think this is a good cycle for my second time around?
    the amounts correct?
    weeks correct?

    ive done alot of research and i am led to believe this will be an ok cycle?

    so my next problem - i dont know what to do as i still have a problem with my breast tissues, moobs, puffy nipples etc
    i went to the doctors and told them about it and they told me if wasnt GYNO which i was happy about. there not sore, no problems, not itchy they just feel a bit fatty and i dont know how to get rid of them - do you think if i run this cycle and focus alot on top chest it will help or do you think it will make it worse? (I WILL POST SOME PICS SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT I MEAN) i am not in good shape at all at the minute but want to start this cycle ASAP to try and get back in shape for my holidays & too make me feel better about my self

    i was thinking on maybe running letro or nolva 2 weeks before i start my cycle and have them on hand during my cycle so if the fatty, puffed up nipples come back i would have it on hand?
    do you think this would clear my problem up? also i live in the UK and i dont know where i can buy some Nolva or letro from? any ideas where i could get these items online? would be a great help
    i was thinking on running these for a few weeks and hope it would clear my basically 'moobs' up then i could start my cycle and work on my chest and get it into good shape

    im sorry if im rambling on its just ive been meaning to make a thread for ages and its got to the point now where i have no choice but to try get some answers and some help bout my situation. i just dont know whats best and if i should run some anti-estrogens before i start my cycle or use them during or wait till PCT

    i will add some photos of my problem and you can see what you think



  2. #2
    england123 is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Hold tight....many of the diet gurus are in the process of setting up a huge challenge that is officially starting up tomorrow so they will be around in will be in good hands here!

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    So ive just scanned over this thread and its a shambles

    I would reccomend you to NOT cycle

    I dont know why ur posting in the diet section but at least you are where you need to be

    Start a new post with ur current diet and training routine, you ca make gains naturally, all you need to do is tune ur diet in

  5. #5
    Sir Anabolic's Avatar
    Sir Anabolic is offline New Member
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    What Baseline said. Dude, you shouldn't be touching AAS at this point. You have a ton of natural development left to go...

  6. #6
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
    cerealkiller326 is offline Associate Member
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    Yes post your current diet and work out, make sure you put macros for each meal and what time you consume them. Like the baseline and sir said I wouldn't do another cycle yet.

  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Echoing what the others have said - first, i'm not sure why this is posted in the diet section although my suspicion is this is where you NEED to be anyway!

    Secondly - you've told us NOTHING about yourself other then all of these compounds you have/want to run - how about your diet? Workout routine? Workout history, etc. We need to see everything else you're doing - we can't talk about AAS and have no idea of the foundation.

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