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Thread: Diet question

  1. #1
    Alone's Avatar
    Alone is offline New Member
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    Jan 2011

    Diet question

    Hello everyone
    here goes my story
    at start of summer i started at 121 KG till end of summer i reduce it to 112KG i had not any diet only with work out since 1 and half month ago i started a diet. now i am 102.7KG and my wight lose start to decline i only had 2 cheat meal during whole of my diet and i am looking to keep it for 3 months then change it my work out consist of 15 min cardio at start and 30 min in the end 4 days a week and 2 more days of week i only have like cardio for 1 hour and 30 mins.
    my diet is :
    8:30breakfast: cup of lentil + 5 white part of egg + cup of black coffee + cup of milk + 2 peace of black bread
    10:30 an orange or an apple with a cup of black coffe
    13:30 lunch time : small cup of low fat yogurt + 150 Grm protein <fish or red meat or chicken> + 100 grm of karb with 150 grm salad
    after work out
    cup of coffee + an apple or orange
    around 8:30 150 grm salad with tuna or an egg or vegetable soup
    before sleep well hard part Grepfruit x 2
    i have 2 protein shake as well
    so any suggestion would welcome as my wight lose kinda stop for a week
    <sorry for my bad english >
    thanks for your attention

  2. #2
    Alone's Avatar
    Alone is offline New Member
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    Jan 2011
    ops forgot to add
    first i need to know that my diet is good or need an adjustment
    second is it natural to have wight drop decline and how i can prevent it ?

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Your diet is pretty poor, honestly. I see a ton of fruit and hardly any protein or complex carbs. You're eating a bunch of sugar (fruit), low protein and expecting to lose bodyfat?

    I've been posting this alot today, but take a look below at my diet as a sample. Do not copy it as the numbers are built around my nutritional needs and not yours. However, it should give you a good idea on well rounded meals, food choices, meal timing, macro combos and timing, etc. Hope this helps!

    protein/carbs/fat/total calories

    5am: MEAL 1 - PRE WORKOUT
    1 extra large egg, 4 extra large whites - 27/0/5/160
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20

    TOTAL: 32/31/7.5/320

    WORKOUT followed by 1 hour of cardio

    8am: MEAL 2 - POST WORKOUT
    1 Scoop Myofusion - 25/5/3/160
    1 Premier Protein Shake - 30/5/3/160
    1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280

    TOTAL: 65/60/10/600

    10am: MEAL 3
    6oz broiled tilapia - 35/0/3/165
    3/4 cup brown rice - 3/22/1/110
    3/4 cup black and red beans - 5/18/1/105

    TOTAL: 43/40/4.5/380

    1pm: MEAL 4
    5oz chicken breast - 34/0/2/140
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10

    TOTAL: 40/33/4/310

    4pm: MEAL 5
    4oz 93/7 lean ground beef - 23/0/9/180
    1oz (dry) Barilla Plus Multigrain Pasta - 5/20/1/105

    TOTAL: 30/20/10/285

    7pm: MEAL 6
    2oz Flank Steak - 15/0/6/120
    1 extra large whole egg - 7/0/5/80
    3 extra large egg whites - 15/0/0/60
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10
    2 Fish Oils - 0/2/0/20


    10pm: MEAL 7
    1 scoop ON Casein - 24/3/1/120
    1 tbsp natty PB - 4/3/8/105
    2 Fish Oils - 0/0/2/20

    TOTAL: 28/6/11/245

    DAILY TOTAL: 271/195/62/2425

  4. #4
    jngymrat is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2010
    The diet isn't all bad, you'll want to lose the milk and the 2 pcs. of bread for breakfast, the lentils are an excellent substitute for oat meal, high in fiber and folate etc. one cup might be a little much. drop down to 3/4 cup, w/ five egg whites or 1 whole egg and 4 egg whites.

    Second meal drop the black coffee (try and limit it to less than two cups a day, I'll explain later) the fruit is okay but make it an apple instead of an orange and add a scoop of low fat cottage cheese and a small handful of natural almonds, walnuts or pecans.

    Third meal, Lunch I would like to see a chicken breast green beens and a sweet potato or some brown rice, perhaps your lentils, especially before your workout.

    Your Post workout meal, instead of the fruit, Make it a protein shake with some 1/4 cup of oats, I'm leery on suggesting oats here, I know allot of guys pushing oats in protein shakes, in which I'm a firm believer, however, after a workout you want very little complex carbs in there right away, you would be better served putting a simple sugar in there instead, but just the protein would be fine, wait 30 minutes after the shake to eat the oats.

    Fifth meal, dinner, lose the vegetable soup unless you make it yourself or it contains no salt. Rather, try a bowl of salad with the tuna and 3 or 4 egg whites for the dinner meal.

    sixth meal, 1hr before bed time, skip the grapefruit mix your protein shake and have it with a 1/4 apple, or 1/2 apple and some LF cottage cheese, I would normally say to get some casein protein but that is more important if you have an early morning workout on an empty stomach.

    This is not an exact diet I would pick if I were training you however based on the things your eating it is a great adaptation of your food choices. Try and drink at least 12-15 glasses of water, I say that because of your coffee habit, you need to drink two additional glasses of water for every cup of coffee you take in. Again going off what your eating now and the addition of some nut and simple proteins, this is a solid plan.

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