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  1. #41
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    Now both of you kiss and make up! =)
    You sound like a parent already. Congrats buddy!

  2. #42
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrysZ View Post
    Quick Outline of my first day (attempt) 2/15/11 to get in shape in 6 weeks:

    5:15 am Fasted Cardio - 30 minutes
    Post Cardio Shake whey/oats 55gP, 2.5gF, 27gC, 0gS (today used whey/Natty PB/Milled Flax oats)
    Meal One: 1 cup Egg Whites 24gP, 0gF, 4gC, 1gS (today added 1/2 cup oats)
    All Day Meal (snacked on it all day long) of three 6oz Chicken Breasts for a total of 99gP, 13.5gF, 0gC, 0gS
    Preworkout: 4oz Chicken Breast on steamed veggies 22gp, 2,5gF, 10gC, 0gS
    Workout Chest/Triceps/Cardio (30 minutes) Increased all rep to 8 - 12
    Postworkout Shake Whey/Oats 55gP, 2,5gF, 27gC, 0gS
    Last Meal: Lean Steak 4oz 25gP, 12gF, 0gC, 0gS

    Total: 280gP, 33gF, 68gC, 1gS
    Hoping someone might have the time to look this over for me...

  3. #43
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    You sound like a parent already. Congrats buddy!
    Lmao, thanks man!

    @BrysZ - I completely feel you on your frustration with all of the contradicting information. Unfortunately, I find that to be the case with just about anything on the internet. At the end of the day, we all need to use common sense to weed out the utterly ridiculous and use some trial and error to see what works for us, and what doesn't. Trust me, i'm still figuring it out for myself.

    PS - I feel the need to thank you for being articulate. It's refreshing when 80% of the posts I read are nearly incomprehensible. So thank you! =) See below

    Quote Originally Posted by BrysZ View Post
    Quick Outline of my first day (attempt) 2/15/11 to get in shape in 6 weeks:

    5:15 am Fasted Cardio - 30 minutes

    Can you do any longer? 45 mins would be great. Make sure this is relatively low intensity/steady state, no intervals etc on an empty stomach or you risk burning LBM

    Post Cardio Shake whey/oats 55gP, 2.5gF, 27gC, 0gS (today used whey/Natty PB/Milled Flax oats)

    I'd skip the PB as the fat will slow protein absorption, not something you want here IMO

    Meal One: 1 cup Egg Whites 24gP, 0gF, 4gC, 1gS (today added 1/2 cup oats)

    Kind of a useless meal without carbs or fat. Either keep the oats every day, or add 2 whole eggs or some healthy fats (1/2 avacado, tbsp of oil, etc) - not both though.

    All Day Meal (snacked on it all day long) of three 6oz Chicken Breasts for a total of 99gP, 13.5gF, 0gC, 0gS

    Again, your diet is nearly devoid of energy. Your goal isn't to force your body to convert protein to an energy source, you want that protein to repair and grow muscle tissue. Add carbs or fats - if you're relatively sedintary go with fats

    Preworkout: 4oz Chicken Breast on steamed veggies 22gp, 2,5gF, 10gC, 0gS

    Now HERE you want carbs for sure. Fuel your workout. Double the protein and add at least 30g carbs - good complex carbs. Sweet potato would be an excellent choice

    Workout Chest/Triceps/Cardio (30 minutes) Increased all rep to 8 - 12

    Postworkout Shake Whey/Oats 55gP, 2,5gF, 27gC, 0gS


    Last Meal: Lean Steak 4oz 25gP, 12gF, 0gC, 0gS

    Great meal, love it!

    Total: 280gP, 33gF, 68gC, 1gS

    Not sure of your TDEE (sorry if you listed it somewhere earlier in the thread), but fats and carbs both need to be brought up for sure. Just implement my changes above and that will happen by default. If that makes calories higher then you think they should be (but be sure about it), your protein can come down a bit as well, it's on the high side for you IMO.

  4. #44
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    Thanks G...I appreciate your advice and for the critique of my diet. I was irritable after a hard day with needy students and I apoligize for the words I typed to Damien. I thought it was okay to ask questions that are probably obvious but just looking for confirmation. I will be more careful in the future. I will follow your directions to raise fat and/or carbs in the meals noted above. Again slightly confused because I thought I was getting the message to eliminate carbs except early morning and preworkout. I do feel the severe lack of energy. Yesterday my chest workout suffered drastically and during my Post Workout cardio I started getting dizzy and my vision was blurry. I managed to get home and slam a shake and steak and started to feel better. Tonight my workout was better, still a little weaker but the oats before the workout helped I believe. My 30 minute cardio sessions are probably moderate intensity. The only way I could increase to 45 is too back way down on the intensity. If thats your suggestion I will do that.

    Here is today's info:
    AM fasted cardio - 30 minutes
    Post Cardio Shake Whey/PB/Flax 57P 16F 6C 1S
    1 Cup Egg Whites 1/2 Cup Oats 26.5P 2.5F 27C 1S
    I Tin of Tuna 22P 1F 0C 0S
    6oz Chicken Breast 33P 4.5F 0C 0S
    Preworkout Meal: Oatmeal 1/2 Cup of Oats with Whey mixed in 25P 2.5F 30C 1S
    Back/Biceps/30 minutes cardio
    Post Workout Shake Whey/PB/Flax 57P 16F 6C 1S
    Handful of Almonds
    8oz Lean Steak 64P 16F 0C 0S

    Totals 284.5P 58.5F 71C 6.5S

    Thank you again fo your help...

  5. #45
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    Okay this seems wrong...

    BMR: 1883
    TDEE: 3248
    Day One Caloreis: 1120P, 297F, 272C, Total 1689
    Day Two Calories: 1138P, 526.5F, 284C Total 1948.5

  6. #46
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    Day Three...

    AM fasted cardio - 30 minutes
    Post Cardio Shake Whey/PB/Flax 57P 16F 6C 1S
    5 Egg Whites 1 whole egg 1/2 Cup Oats 31P 7F 28C 0S
    10oz of chicken breast snack all day long 50P 7.5F 0C 0S
    1/2 cup oats (midday) 5P 2.5F 27C 0S
    8oz Tilapia 32P 6F 4C 0S
    Preworkout smoked almonds 1.5 oz 9P 22.5F 7.5C 1.5S, Protein Bar 20P 6F 16C 2S 1/2 cup brown rice 3P 1.5F 34C .5S
    Posworkout shake Whey/Oats 55P 2.5F 27C 0S
    Last Meal 8oz Ground Round 59P 32F 0C 0S


    Total Grams: 318P 103.5F 159.5C 10S
    Calories: 1272P 931.5F 638C
    Total Calories: 2841.5

    I hope someone might have the time to give me some feedback on the last two days....I would really appreciate it...Thanks!!!!

  7. #47
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrysZ View Post
    Quick Outline of my first day (attempt) 2/15/11 to get in shape in 6 weeks:

    5:15 am Fasted Cardio - 30 minutes
    Post Cardio Shake whey/oats 55gP, 2.5gF, 27gC, 0gS (today used whey/Natty PB/Milled Flax oats)
    Meal One: 1 cup Egg Whites 24gP, 0gF, 4gC, 1gS (today added 1/2 cup oats)
    All Day Meal (snacked on it all day long) of three 6oz Chicken Breasts for a total of 99gP, 13.5gF, 0gC, 0gS
    Preworkout: 4oz Chicken Breast on steamed veggies 22gp, 2,5gF, 10gC, 0gS
    Workout Chest/Triceps/Cardio (30 minutes) Increased all rep to 8 - 12
    Postworkout Shake Whey/Oats 55gP, 2,5gF, 27gC, 0gS
    Last Meal: Lean Steak 4oz 25gP, 12gF, 0gC, 0gS

    Total: 280gP, 33gF, 68gC, 1gS
    my 2 cents....

    if you start to feel sluggish you might need to add a little more carbs on your training days. Dont worry, your body will tell you. And if you dont feel like youre getting there fast enough up your cardio sessions from 30 min to an hour...

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrysZ View Post
    Thanks G...I appreciate your advice and for the critique of my diet. I was irritable after a hard day with needy students and I apoligize for the words I typed to Damien. I thought it was okay to ask questions that are probably obvious but just looking for confirmation. I will be more careful in the future. I will follow your directions to raise fat and/or carbs in the meals noted above. Again slightly confused because I thought I was getting the message to eliminate carbs except early morning and preworkout.

    This is ideal IMO when losing bodyfat is the main goal. However, you had meals that had almost nothing but protein. Your body can't survive on protein alone (well it can, but why would we want that?) and you have to provide it with some energy source. I would suggest a small serving of healthy fats in all meals except 1st meal of the day, and pre/pwo. I would add carbs to other meals if the goal were primarily adding mass

    I do feel the severe lack of energy. Yesterday my chest workout suffered drastically and during my Post Workout cardio I started getting dizzy and my vision was blurry. I managed to get home and slam a shake and steak and started to feel better.

    And you had a pre-workout meal? This isn't a good sign. How much time elapsed between the meal and the workout? Were you already feeling this way before you started? Are you sleeping well at night, and how much sleep are you getting?

    Tonight my workout was better, still a little weaker but the oats before the workout helped I believe. My 30 minute cardio sessions are probably moderate intensity. The only way I could increase to 45 is too back way down on the intensity. If thats your suggestion I will do that.

    Definitely. If I had to choose one meal that would be heaviest in carbs, it would be pre-workout for sure. It's important to fuel the workout. IMO you don't need a HUGE dose of carbs PWO for work you've already done. All we want to do there is get a little insulin activity going (but not a spike). So, possibly add another serving of oats (I do 1 full cup of oats with 1/2 cup blueberries pre workout and i'm basically cutting) to your pre workout meal if need be. You clearly need the energy

    Here is today's info:
    AM fasted cardio - 30 minutes
    Post Cardio Shake Whey/PB/Flax 57P 16F 6C 1S

    Drop the PB and flax!!!! you're slowing the absorption of protein into a fasted state body and after cardio!

    1 Cup Egg Whites 1/2 Cup Oats 26.5P 2.5F 27C 1S


    I Tin of Tuna 22P 1F 0C 0S

    This is what i'm talking about. No energy source whatsoever

    6oz Chicken Breast 33P 4.5F 0C 0S

    Same as above. 4.5g fat is hardly anything. I'd get this up to 10-15g. Some EVOO or a 1/2 avacado, something like that

    Preworkout Meal: Oatmeal 1/2 Cup of Oats with Whey mixed in 25P 2.5F 30C 1S

    Based on the above, you might really want to consider bumping this up to a full cup of oats. Also, i'd try and eat a whole food protein source here vs a shake. You're going to have a shake PWO which means too much time with no real food = not ideal

    Back/Biceps/30 minutes cardio

    Post Workout Shake Whey/PB/Flax 57P 16F 6C 1S

    Drop the fat. You have fat in your diet but in all the wrong places! Use this fat in your other meals where you have nothing but protein!

    Handful of Almonds
    8oz Lean Steak 64P 16F 0C 0S

    If you need to reduce overall calories due to adding more carbs pre workout and/or extra fats, you can certainly reduce this to 6oz as 64g protein is quite high. Great food choice though.

    Totals 284.5P 58.5F 71C 6.5S

    Better. Fat is looking much better, just move it to appropriate meals. Carbs can still come up, 100g won't hurt your fat loss goals

    Thank you again fo your help...

  9. #49
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Thank you I'll make the adjustents exactly as you suggest. I truly appreciate your time. I know that you are very busy.

  10. #50
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    Wondering bout your thoughts on off days. I won't lift today but thinking I should still do cardio. also wondering how my diet should be on non lift days. thank you!!

  11. #51
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    By the way I had to go out of town today and tomorrow that's why did not do any am cardio

  12. #52
    Standby's Avatar
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    i personally would do cardio on off days. like you said 6 weeks bro

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    i personally would do cardio on off days. like you said 6 weeks bro
    Agreed...I was wondering how much/often. Should I also dial back the calories?

  14. #54
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    Okay...I believe I have finally got all the infomation packed into my tiny brain and you guys might have actually made some progress with me. To be sure I wanted to post the diet I am going to follow. Please critique before I make mistakes...thank you

    5:15am Fasted Cardio 30-45 minutes
    Post Cardio Shake 50g Whey
    7:00am 6 Egg Whites 1/2 cup oats
    9:30-10:00am 6oz Chicken Breast in 1 tbsp EVOO
    12:00 noon 8oz Tilapia or Salmon in 1 tbsp EVOO
    1:30 - 2:00pm 6oz Chicken Breast 2oz Almonds
    Preworkout 3/4 cup Oats (Sweet Potato, Whole Grain Pasta, or Brown Rice optional) 2oz Blueberries 6oz Chicken Breast
    Lift and cardio 30-45 minutes
    Postworkout Shake 50g Whey 1/4 cup oats
    Last meal 4-6oz lean steak
    Desert: 2tbsp Natty Peanut Butter

    Total Grams: 328P 97F 147C 14S
    Total Calories: 1312P 873F 588C
    Combined Calories: 2773

    Percentages: Protein Fat Carb
    47% 31% 21%

  15. #55
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrysZ View Post
    Okay...I believe I have finally got all the infomation packed into my tiny brain and you guys might have actually made some progress with me. To be sure I wanted to post the diet I am going to follow. Please critique before I make mistakes...thank you

    5:15am Fasted Cardio 30-45 minutes
    Post Cardio Shake 50g Whey
    7:00am 6 Egg Whites 1/2 cup oats
    9:30-10:00am 6oz Chicken Breast in 1 tbsp EVOO
    12:00 noon 8oz Tilapia or Salmon in 1 tbsp EVOO
    1:30 - 2:00pm 6oz Chicken Breast 2oz Almonds
    Preworkout 3/4 cup Oats (Sweet Potato, Whole Grain Pasta, or Brown Rice optional) 2oz Blueberries 6oz Chicken Breast
    Lift and cardio 30-45 minutes
    Postworkout Shake 50g Whey 1/4 cup oats
    Last meal 4-6oz lean steak
    Desert: 2tbsp Natty Peanut Butter

    Total Grams: 328P 97F 147C 14S
    Total Calories: 1312P 873F 588C
    Combined Calories: 2773

    Percentages: Protein Fat Carb
    47% 31% 21%
    I think that in your 3, 4, 5 meals you should have SOME carbs here. Maybe at the most 4 oz of sweet potatoes or brown rice. I personally think that youll run out of gas during your training. Let Gbrice or Damien make this call though.

    Also, do not use pasta in your per-workout...

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