Weight: 228lbs
Height: 6"3'
BF: 14% (estimated)
Train exp: 4.5 yr

4 Egg whites (2 Yolkes)
Half Cup Oats

Pre W/O
Super Pump

Post W/O
WPI (40g Protein) + Maltodext (40g)

Meal 1 11am)
Chicken Breast + Plate White Rice

Cottage Cheese (250g) w/rice crackers

Meal 2 (4pm)
Tuna (35g protein) + 3/4 Plate White Rice

Meal 3 (7:30pm)
Steak (300g) + Vegies or Big salad

Protein shake (40g protein)

Looking to clean bulk, dont want to raise BF at all and so far so good. Also using GHRP-6 3x/day @ 100mg.

Workout consists of 4 weight sessions/week & 2 cardio blasts: 5-10min bike high range heart rate + 20 min powerwalk, one on legs day and one on its own.

What i mean by OPTION is that i would choose 1 of these options day to day.

How does it look