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  1. #1
    mattypuk1982 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    My New Diet for Slingshot Training- Advice appreciated

    ok, stats,
    29 Years old, 5,9, 182 lbs, 11-12%bf. 5 yrs training history with 1 cycle of superdrol 2 years ago.

    Looking to change things up and start Slingshot programme.

    Wanting to clean bulk to maybe 190lbs at 9-10% bf.

    Schedule looks like this :

    wk 1-2 Prime
    Wk 2-10 Reload (at week 4 will start Epistane and 11 oxo)
    Wk10-12 Deload

    Ok Diets


    Meal 1: 2 whole eggs (10 grams of fat/14 grams of protein, 1 egg whites (4 grams of protein), oatmeal (90 grams of carbs) mixed with honey (15 grams of carbs)
    1) Total- 18 grams of protein, 105 carbs, 14 grams of fat (CALS/618).

    Meal 2: A half pack of lean deli chicken or tuna (20 grams of protein) on 1.5 slice of whole wheat bread (30 carbs) and 1 apples (25 grams of carbs)
    2) Total-20 grams of protein and 55 grams of carbs (300).

    Meal 3: Any lean meat such as a half a pack of deli turkey (20 grams of Protein) and 2 bananas (50 grams of carbs)
    3) Total-20 grams of protein, 50 grams of carbs (280)

    Meal 4:
    Lean meat (20 grams) plus wholemeal pasta( 50 grams)
    Total- 20 Protein / 50 carbs (280 Kcals)

    Meal 5: Small portion of lean meat such as chicken, salmon, London broil, flank steak, etc (25 grams of protein) salad with 6 TBS of extra virgin olive oil (91 grams of fat), a small amount of feta cheese (7 grams of fat), and a sweet potato containing (30 grams of carbs).
    4) Protein 25 grams, fats 98, carbs 34 (CALS/1118)

    Meal 6: Whey protein shake (25 grams) with 1 tablespoon of smart balance peanut butter ( 9 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, 3 carbs) on a 2 slice of whole wheat bread.
    5) 29 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat, 44 carbs (CALS/373)

    DAILY TOTALS-(PROTEINS/135) (CARBS/350) (FATS 119) (CALORIES/about 3000)

    so far been on the Prime for 3 days and lost 3lbs !! Is this to be expected???

    Ill post reload diet in an hour or so
    Last edited by mattypuk1982; 07-12-2011 at 09:51 AM.

  2. #2
    mattypuk1982 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2011
    Also , quick question. When doing the Prime, im skipping my usual PWO shake of 40g whey / 80 g dextrose. What would be a suitable meal for my PWO meal during the prime. Thanks.

    OK heres the reload diet, Will do 4 high carbs days and 3 medium carbs days. Toward the end i may throw in 1 or 2 no carb days depending on how things go.


    Sample diet for first High carb day.

    Meal 1: 25 grams whey , 5 egg whites, 1 egg yolk, 1 and 1/2 cups of oatmeal (90 grams of carbs). Total 90 Carbs / 50 Protein/ 15 fat

    Meal 2: Tuna (50 grams of Protein) and 6 Almonds (10 grams of fat) -

    Meal 3:Lean Protein like chicken breast (50 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat) and Sweet potatoes (70 carbs) and green veggies -

    PWO shake - 40 G Hydro Whey/ 80 g Dextrose

    Meal 4: Lean meat like Chicken (50 g protein) and Brown Rice ( 70 G carbs) and green veggies

    Meal 5: Large portion of lean meat such as chicken, salmon or fish (50 grams of protein) salad (green leaf romaine) with 2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil (28 grams of fat), a small amount of feta cheese (7 grams of fat)

    Meal 6 Low fat Cottage cheese ( 40 g protein) and 12 almonds or no sugar PB ( 10 grams Fat)

    That turns into approximately 320 grams protein, (310 grams Carbs), and around 80 grams of fat.

  3. #3
    mattypuk1982 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    MEDIUM CARB DAYS Meal 1: 25 grams whey , 5 egg whites, 1 egg yolk, oatmeal (60 grams of carbs). Total 60 Carbs / 50 Protein/ 15 fat

    Meal 2: Tuna (50 grams of Protein) and 6 Almonds (10 grams of fat) -

    Meal 3:Lean Protein like chicken breast (50 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat) and Sweet potatoes (70 carbs) and green veggies -

    Meal 4: Lean meat like Chicken (50 g protein) and Brown Rice ( 70 G carbs) and green veggies

    Meal 5: Large portion of lean meat such as chicken, salmon or fish (50 grams of protein) salad (green leaf romaine) with 2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil (28 grams of fat), a small amount of feta cheese (7 grams of fat)

    Meal 6 Low fat Cottage cheese ( 40 g protein) and 12 almonds or no sugar PB ( 10 grams Fat)

    That turns into approximately 320 grams protein, (200grams Carbs), and around 80 grams of fat.

    I Will aternate my source of carbs so im not eating the same - choices will consist of oats, brown rice,sweet potatoes, wholemeal pasta and wholemeal bread

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