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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The Gym-aka my garage :-)

    I'm Back !! And Here Is My New Beginning

    Member since 2002 or 2003, faded out in 2004 due to "life". Checked in a couple of times since, in an attempt to get some momentum with Diet etc... but no luck.

    This time I'm more settled. My office is at home, and so is my complete gym.

    That was one of the biggest hurdles for me in my line of work was making the trips to the gym, twice a day (or once a day for double the time).

    I always kept up on cardio, but my diet sucked ass and the little resistance training I would do from time to time was pretty much non-effective due to the inconsistency. So-- I gained some pounds-- to be expected with the life I was living.

    Here's some pics from after my first year here. I started with no weight training past, period. No cardio past, at all (227LB Pure Lard!).

    I was 165 with a test/fina cycle under my belt. It was right after a CKD stretch-

    From there I started a Test cycle where I grew like a weed. 200 lbs-no idea on body fat, but I was big enough for everyone to say so. That's when life happened. I had to cut it short and from then on it was down hill.....

    SO-- Here I am-- Serious, and into week 2 of a completely clean, precise, routine including diet. Like the good ol' days I figured I'd start a progress thread.

    I'm always open to suggestions, no way do I know it all, but I know enough to "do some damage" as they say .. As much as I'm open to suggestions, I hope this helps someone else out, someone who is just learning and ready to roll.

    Stats as of today 210.0 w/body fat of 22.9% 5' 8" (7 days ago was 212.6 lbs 25.6%)

    Body fat is calculated using the waist, wrist, hips, forearm, calculator.
    __________________________________________________ _____________
    Here's my current diet / routine minus the weight exercises

    45 min fasted AM cardio 6-7 days a week (the 7th day depends on what my body is telling me)

    45 min - 1 hour after cardio-

    Meal 1- 45-50 Pro / 25-35 complex carbs w/ ALA

    2 Hours

    Meal 2- 45-50 Pro / 15 fat (shake)

    2 - 2 1/2 hours

    Meal 3 45-50 Pro / 15 fat

    2- 2 1/2 hours

    Pre work out - Apple or the like

    30 minutes

    Weight training

    Immediately after

    PWO Shake - 35 Protein / 70 dextrose

    45 min- 1 hour

    PWO Meal - 35 pro / 35-45 complex carbs w/ ALA

    2 hours later

    Meal 6 - 45-50 pro / xx fat (if i've hit my fat limit of 50-55 for the day I won't eat any fat with this meal)

    Wake up and do it again!

    This typically puts me between 2300 - 2400 cals for the day.

    I weigh in/measure every Tuesday so I'll be updating that info here on then. I'll also note any major changes.

    Feels good to be back. Sorry for the long first post...
    Last edited by Vibrantred94gt; 07-26-2011 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    glad to hear that you are back! this is where the magic happens! you will not regret it! diet needs some work, just an apple before your evening workout? what are you eating after your fasted cardio? would rather see some real food instead of the meal 2 shake. the more experienced guys will chime in soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    Thanks! -- Yes, it always amazes what forums can do for people.

    Yep, just an apple before workout.

    Egg whites and oatmeal for breakfast. Real food is always better than shakes, I understand that. However, the shake works best for me right now.

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