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  1. #1
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Some catching up to do

    Hi ALL

    From the beginning....

    I bought my first bench and set of weights when I was 16, which seems like forever ago now. I wasn't very athletic at school but the psychological boost and way training made my body feel was great, I bought all the body-building mag's and even managed to get a copy of Arnie's Total Rebuild on VHS lol

    At 18 I started having stomach cramps and 6 months down the line was diagnosed with Chrohn's Disease, a debilitating illness of the intestine, my weight fell from 11 stones to 6 1/2 within about 6 months.
    I was prescribed anti inflammatory drugs and Prednisolone. After many years I started to make some progress,gradually I got better and have symptom free now for around 10 years.

    I got back into training about 4 years ago, but my gains have been minimal as my training has been haphazard and my diet is all over the place.

    I'm now 41 and feel I have been robbed of my youth and my optimal years for making the most of myself.

    I know I need to get my diet & training in check but really don't know where to start

    Can anyone advise ?

    Where I am today...Click image for larger version. 

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    I'm 5' 6" , 160 lbs and currently 21% BF
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Some catching up to do-   Some catching up to do-  

  2. #2
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Welcome aboard, Stevie! Sucks about the illness, but it sounds like you're all better and taking a step in the right direction. Your physique, although in need of work, looks like you have a good base to work with. Read through the stickies here and other members' threads to get a rough idea on basic dieting, then modify it to suit your stats/goals. You don't need to get it perfect right now. Just start eating healthy, weight train, and cardio. Once you've come up with a rough diet plan, post it up here and we will critique it for you so you have all the right ammo to get you where you want to be. If you read and do at least MOST of the leg work, we will help you out with all the fine details to help you succeed.

    For now, just READ, READ, and READ some more. There's a wealth of information right here in this forum to get you started. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Thx musclestack

    What body type would u say I have? Meso, Endo or Ecto?

    Just trying to sort out my macros atm...

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard! I'm 35, and like you dabbled here and there throughout my youth and early adulthood, but only got seriously into this game a few years ago. So, we both got a late start but certainly not too late to make big changes. Granted i'm no adonis in my avy, but considering that just a few years ago I was 255lbs and mid 30's bodyfat percentage, it's not bad and i'm only getting started.

    You've taken the biggest step already by making the jump to get back into this. Now you need to learn and remain consistent.

    As for your bodytype, it's tough to say. You could be an endomorph, or simply an ectomorph who managed to get fat (that's also the description that best fits me). We won't be able to tell until you start shedding the bodyfat. I hate to break it to you, but you're higher than 21% - closer to 30% TBH. I'm not saying that to dishearten you; simply want to start off with a realistic approach and goals.

    At this point, you don't need to go into any great detail with anything. Get into a solid training program - higher reps, short rests, make it a cardio/conditioning type workout. i.e. don't workout with the intention being to gain mass, for now. Do plenty of cardio, i'd recommend an hour/day 6x a week, more if possible. Finally, you need to work out a proper diet. Can you give us an idea of what a typical day looks like for you right now?

  5. #5
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Thx gb

    Thanks for your honesty and inspiration. Its good to hear from someone who has been up against the same challenges..

    Typical day = Up at 7-7.30 am have porridge or cereal, train at 9- 10am, have PWO shake, Im usually sitting down most of the day at work, lunch at 12-1pm, usually a chicken salad sandwich on seeded bread, 3pm have another protein shake, 6pm or later i'll have chicken/beef or fish with some white rice, bed about 10-11pm.

    Im currently lifting Mon Wed Fri, im not doing any cardio apart from a 15 min warm up before I lift.
    I have done some reading here and watched the diet videos on one of the stickies.I will work out a new eating plan and routine and post here, please let me know what you think. Do you think I need to get leaner before I try to put on some size?



  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    Thx gb

    Thanks for your honesty and inspiration. Its good to hear from someone who has been up against the same challenges..
    No problem brotha, I have definitely been there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    Typical day = Up at 7-7.30 am have porridge or cereal, train at 9- 10am, have PWO shake, Im usually sitting down most of the day at work, lunch at 12-1pm, usually a chicken salad sandwich on seeded bread, 3pm have another protein shake, 6pm or later i'll have chicken/beef or fish with some white rice, bed about 10-11pm.
    Sounds completely haphazard and unplanned if i'm being honest. Do you have any idea how much you're eating, macro wise? How much protein, carbs, fats, calories, etc?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    im not doing any cardio apart from a 15 min warm up before I lift.
    Huge mistake. What good is this doing you, other than a warm up before lifting? You need to be doing MUCH more cardio mate. I'd recommend no less than 60 mins/day, 6 days/week. PWO would be great, or am fasted. You could split it and do both. Also your lifting sessions need to become quasi-cardio sessions. For now, you need to burn calories/bodyfat as a priority.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    I have done some reading here and watched the diet videos on one of the stickies.I will work out a new eating plan and routine and post here, please let me know what you think. Do you think I need to get leaner before I try to put on some size?
    100% without a doubt. Trying to put on size now will likely result in additional bodyfat. You won't be able to see any gains you might make, which will depress you and you probably won't stick with it. Cut the bodyfat down now, don't worry about looking small; it's temporary. You're priming yourself to put on size later. That's exactly what i'm doing right now. It's worth it. Your body will partition nutrients differently/more efficiently when you're lean. You have so much bodyfat right now (relatively speaking, and no offense) that alot of your intake will be wasted by 'feeding' fat cells.

    Calorie restricted, high protein, low/moderate carb, low fat diet. Lots of cardio. Plenty of lifting, but lighter weight, higher rep, cardio type sessions (i.e. shorter rest periods). You will transform.

  7. #7
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    ^^^x2 Welcome to the board Stevie, you walked into getting advice from one of the boards best diet consultants right off the bat...Gbrice has got good insight on how to accomplish clean diet.

    Hey Gbrice what kind of reach you sporting? looks like you would make a good fighter..ever entertain the idea?

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    ^^^x2 Welcome to the board Stevie, you walked into getting advice from one of the boards best diet consultants right off the bat...Gbrice has got good insight on how to accomplish clean diet.

    Hey Gbrice what kind of reach you sporting? looks like you would make a good fighter..ever entertain the idea?
    Appreciate the kind words mate.

    To answer your question - really not sure off the top of my head, but I could measure later tonight. I'm 35 now, but when I was younger I entertained getting into boxing. This was before MMA was so big. Never really followed through though. I still think about doing it now, just to learn and for the cardio/conditioning aspect, but I don't think I'm at a point where I want to be getting knocked around by some 20 something year old kid who's faster than me.

  9. #9
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Ok ,here we go.....

    Today I did some homework, see what u think?

    Im currently 156lbs
    BF 22.2% (as per BF meter, did 5 reads this was average)

    I'm thinking I need 300g protein, 250g carbs and suppliment with EFA's (Omega 3 fish oils, rather than flax), If i stick to lean cuts of meat and vary protein sources from eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, fish ect I will get all the required fats I need. Split over 6 meals per day. What do u think guys?

    I'm looking at training cardio 6 times per week and lifting 3 times per week a little lighter than normal with more reps as to bring a cardio element into my workouts in order to get my BF down.

    How much should I be looking to drop in BF per week on average, is it possible to estimate or just depend on the individual? What % should I be trying to get my BF down to before I do a clean bulk?

    Any comments appreciated...

  10. #10
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    Ok ,here we go.....

    Today I did some homework, see what u think?

    Im currently 156lbs
    BF 22.2% (as per BF meter, did 5 reads this was average)

    I'm thinking I need 300g protein, 250g carbs and suppliment with EFA's (Omega 3 fish oils, rather than flax), If i stick to lean cuts of meat and vary protein sources from eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, fish ect I will get all the required fats I need. Split over 6 meals per day. What do u think guys?
    I think the plan is great (re: no additional fats except fish oils) but the numbers are way off. You don't need any more than 200g protein - that's more than 1.5g/lb of LBM which is plenty. It may sound low, but considering you have roughly 120lbs of LBM, I promise you it isn't. Also, I think 250g of carbs is way high. 150g would be more appropriate to start with. Again, considering your size/weight, you do not require that much food - remember this is not going to be a growth phase, it's a cutting phase.

    I also think you should cycle your carbs, i.e. lower them dramatically (<50g) on your non-training days. Less energy requirement = take in less energy. Add more fibrous green veggies to fill up on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    I'm looking at training cardio 6 times per week and lifting 3 times per week a little lighter than normal with more reps as to bring a cardio element into my workouts in order to get my BF down.
    Good idea. Train more than 3x a week if possible... 4-5 would be optimal

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    How much should I be looking to drop in BF per week on average, is it possible to estimate or just depend on the individual?
    I wouldn't get too obsessed with numbers bro. As long as you make steady progress, that's all that counts. A combination of the scale, mirror, the way your clothes fit, and measurements will all tell you what's happening with your body. You will likely need to make caloric/macro adjustments until you're in the zone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    What % should I be trying to get my BF down to before I do a clean bulk?
    For me personally, it's 10% max. Some people look ok around 12% and/or are fine with that, i'm just one one of them.

  11. #11
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Thx GB

    Going on Holiday to Canaries for 2 weeks, will formulate all your info into a plan and get serious with it when I get back. Will try to be as good as possible while im away.... im taking a pair of running shoes with me.

    BTW had a look at your cutting progress pics, gotta hand it to you mate you sure put your money where your mouth is!!!!

    Much respect GB, thx again buddy!

  12. #12
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    My advice at this point would be to enjoy your holiday to the fullest, do not worry about the diet right now, you have not started dieting so why ruin the holidays ? another 1/2 weeks of eating crappy will only put you back 1/2 weeks, use the time to think of why you are eating all that stuff and does it make you feel good ?, just make sure you have a plan for when you get back and absolutley stick to it for three months minimum.

    I know it may seem like crappy advice for your body but mentally it will prepare you for the journey ahead.....and a long journey it is.

  13. #13
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie2929 View Post
    Thx GB

    Going on Holiday to Canaries for 2 weeks, will formulate all your info into a plan and get serious with it when I get back. Will try to be as good as possible while im away.... im taking a pair of running shoes with me.

    BTW had a look at your cutting progress pics, gotta hand it to you mate you sure put your money where your mouth is!!!!

    Much respect GB, thx again buddy!
    Thanks for the kind words bro, much appreciated!

    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    My advice at this point would be to enjoy your holiday to the fullest, do not worry about the diet right now, you have not started dieting so why ruin the holidays ? another 1/2 weeks of eating crappy will only put you back 1/2 weeks, use the time to think of why you are eating all that stuff and does it make you feel good ?, just make sure you have a plan for when you get back and absolutley stick to it for three months minimum.

    I know it may seem like crappy advice for your body but mentally it will prepare you for the journey ahead.....and a long journey it is.
    I agree 1 million percent. Go enjoy your holiday, do whatever you want and don't think about this. I'd rather see you come back and go into this thing with 100% dedication, vs. the mindset of "DAMN!! I should have eaten this or that when I had the chance"!!!

    I tried quasi-dieting on vacation and it's just not worth it. Enjoy yourself then get your ass in gear when you return!

  14. #14
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Hi ALL

    Back from break n ready to get into this, took all the advice n didn't think too much about what I was eating, although the food was pretty clean anyway, lots of seafood n steak over there.

    Current stats on returning: 156.2lbs,BF 24% (up 3% in a week!)

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Meet my new best friend for the foreseeable future!

    Please review my suggested diet, any comments greatly appreciated, thanks again for the motivation to get this thing done

    Non Training day
    30 mins LIC Target HR 130 (fasted)
    100g instant oats with water 2.5/10.2/1
    2 Slices turkey rashers, 6 egg whites 32/1.8/0.9
    1 scoop MP True whey in water 19/1.8/1.7
    Chicken breast, cup broccoli,cup carrots 29/1.4/2.5
    1 scoop MP True whey in water 19/1.8/1.7
    100g pollock, 100g brown basmati rice 24.8/35.9/2.3
    Chicken breast, cup broccoli,cup carrots 29/1.4/2.5
    Evening 30 mins HIT I min Target HR 130, 30 Second Sprints

    Protein 130g Carbs54.3g Fat 12.6g (struggling a little to increase protein, any advice?)
    On Training days I will increase carbs to about 150g per day pre & post (amy adivice on best pre & pwo meal?)

    Thanks again guys, stevie.

  15. #15
    im83931's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    This was before MMA was so big.
    Good to know I am not the only one who remembers when MMA wasn't big.

  16. #16
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    Dude, no disrespect , have you got your stats right ? How tall are you ?

    What are the calorie totals for each meal and daily totals ? Looking at your photos, you seem to be more than 156lbs, I suppose your proposed diet calorie total would Be on par with a 156 lbs male wishing to cut weight.

  17. #17
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Welcome back mate.

    Food choices look decent (wtf is a turkey rasher?), but would need to see time of day for each meal.

    Fat macro is WAY low. Protein can come up as you mentioned, but get your fat macro up as well! Add 3x fish oils with each meal to start, that'll tack up another 15-20g right there.

  18. #18
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Lol MR,

    My stats are correct, I checked my weight & body comp this morning.
    H 5' 6" or 167.64cm
    W 155.6lbs
    BF 22.2%
    Maybe i need to take the W I D E angle lens of my iPhone ha-ha
    I'm gonna try changing things up a bit, will post all totals including calories up when I'm done.


    Click image for larger version. 

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    These are turkey rashers. The macros are 10.4/1.4/0.3 Cals 51 per 2 slices

    I'm gonna adjust thinks up a bit following your advice and will post up once I'm done.
    How's things coming along with the cut big guy? You look pretty lean in the pics?
    What's your BF now?
    Last edited by Stevie2929; 08-26-2011 at 03:01 AM.

  19. #19
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Ok Guys, see what u think?

    Katch McARdle Formula - Looking at this the calculator is mere guestimate of what your actually doing but since I havn't found anything better...

    370 + 21.6 X 63(LBM) = 1739 X 1.375 2391 Cals Training Day
    370 + 21.6 x 63(LBM) = 1731 X 1.2 2077 Cals Non Training

    P C F Calories
    7.00 30 Mins LIC

    7.30 100g Oats/Water 11 60 8 360
    6 egg whites 24 0 0 102
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    8.45 25g Whey in water 19 1.8 1.7 98
    3 fish oil 0 0 3 30

    10.30 2 Turkey rashers 10.4 0.6 0.3 61
    6 egg whites 24 0 0 102
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    12.30 Med Chicken breast 37 0 3.4 180
    1 cup Broccoli 3 6 0 30
    1 cup peas 7 18 1 100
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    3pm 65g Tuna water packed 16.3 0 0.3 68
    I cup brown rice 3.6 25.7 2.1 136
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    4.30 Resistance training
    30 Mins Cardio PWO

    5.30 PWO 1 scoop whey 19 1.8 1.7 98
    50g cup oats 5.5 30 4 180
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    6.30 100g Turkey Breast 35.5 0 1.5 156
    Rocket Salad 1 1.7 0 14
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    TOTALS 216.3 145.6 45 1895


    7.00 30 Mins LIC P C F Calories

    7.30 40g Oats/water 6.6 36 4.8 216
    6 egg whites 24 0 0 102
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    8.45 25g Whey in water 19 1.8 1.7 98
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    10.30 2 Turkey rashers 10.4 0.6 0.3 61
    6 egg whites 24 0 0 102

    12.30 Med Chicken breast 37 0 3.4 180
    1 cup Broccoli 3 6 0 30

    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    3pm 65g Tuna water packed 16.3 0 0.3 68

    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30


    5.30 PWO 1 scoop whey 19 1.8 1.7 98

    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    6.30 100g Turkey Breast 35.5 0 1.5 156
    Rocket Salad 1 1.7 0 14
    3 Fish Oil 0 0 3 30

    TOTALS 195.8 47.9 31.7 1305

    Cardio 7 days 2x 30 mins per day
    Training 4 Days quasi cardio

  20. #20
    Stevie2929 is offline New Member
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    Quick update

    Been eating clean for a week now and feeling pretty good. Lost 2.5Lbs in first week,also BF dropped to 21.5%.

    Cardio currently 6 days, 30 LIC in morning on empty stomach & 30 mins LIC after workout. Hopefully I can maintain a steady loss. I will continue to add more time to cardio on a weekly basis.

    I'm determined to do this and thanks to the inspiration & advice of all you guys on here I now believe I can.

    Many thanks to GB for setting me off on the right track, cheers buddy !

  21. #21
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    ^^^ congrats bro!!! Bumping this for diet scrutiny later!

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