Quote Originally Posted by qkcam View Post
what's your secret ingredient, I see guys at the gym pulling really wide rows with alot of weights? is that it?
Let me preface my answer by stating I hate my back personally - I think it sucks and is really lagging - therefore I don't claim to have any 'secrets'.

With that said - I think back is one of those macho exercises that guys tend to sacrifice form form heavy weight. Put the ego aside, lower the weight, and execute proper form. Full ROM, squeeze and hold every rep for a second. Twist put it best - try and imagine pinching a pencil between your shoulder blades. This is with rows and pull down type exercises alike.

Also, with pull ups - guys do these half assed reps where they don't go all the way down - and in so doing, they give their bi's a good workout but not the back. I make sure to come to a complete hang on every rep. That ensures my back is doing the bulk of the work.

For me though it's probably deads. I really go all out on them.

Quote Originally Posted by qkcam View Post
also could you give me more ideas of "complex carbs?" i used to know, but the ticks got to my brain with the lyme... forgot some.. i need a new food or two idea to obcess on.. i keep eating the same thing all the time makes it easier- will worry about bordem when that day comes- for now, i am just glad to be eating-! and i think it is saving me money too boot!
Not sure what's on your current list, but here's an incomplete list:

yam/sweet potato
whole grain/brown pastas
whole grain/brown breads (sprouted grains are best vs. flour)
brown or basmati rice
cous cous
some cereals - in moderation. Ones very low in sugar - cheerios, wheetabix, shredded wheat (no not frosted, lol)

I'm sure there are many others, but those are what I can think of off the top of my head.