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  1. #1
    nutrition7771 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2011

    Thumbs up upcoming diet for first ever cycle (propionate) improve it if possible

    getting in 5-7 small-medium size meals ED, high protein & lowish carbs as goal is to lower b,f while adding clean muscle mass, cycle is propionate @ 100mg eod.

    meal 1: 5 egg whites, 50g oats, 1 table spoon natty PB, mixed with water or milk (skimmed)

    meal 2: tin of macrall fillets (100g drained), 5 boiled new potatoes, red apple, 5g creatine, 5g BCAA's & black coffe


    meal 3: 50g whey protein,5g creatine,5g BCAA's, 1 large banana

    meal 4: 400g lean minced beef, 2 large tomatoes, 5-6 sliced mushrooms, table spoon olive oil

    meal 5: tin of tuna or large chicken breast & 4 heads of brocoli

    meal 6: half a pot cottage cheese, mixed berries

    my question is am i getting enough carbs in my diet to get good gains ? like i said my goal is to keep the water & fat off and try add a nice amount of lean muscle

    thanks and please comment !!!

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    what are your stats

  3. #3
    nutrition7771 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    training 3 years
    13% b,f
    goal is to gain good quality muscle and get as shredded as possible

  4. #4
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    Gods own country
    you need to work out the macros for your diet, in grams Protein/carbs/fat/calories is the usual format round here.

    The short answer to your question is : NO, not enough carbs, add either (or both) oats or brown rice to pre and post workout meals. also drop PB at breakfast, probably less fruit and more veggies.

    MACROS !

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