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  1. #1
    FatHor5e77 is offline New Member
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    London, England

    Fat mans fat loss diet whilst training. I require a diet that suits early morning W/O

    Hi everyone, I need some advice please.

    I am starting @ a new gym this weekend and will be training early morning (6am) and I need a diet that will work with the training and help with fat loss. I weigh 250 pounds and I am 6'1. I havent found a great deal of information about the correct pre morning workout food. The aim is to lose weight and then cycle to help build the muscle. I have read about the risks involved with cycling with high BF% and have decided to put this to one side until I have lost weight and have a routine down that works. But the diet side seems to be where I am massively falling down. Can you please help, so that I can start on the right foot and then move closer to my goal of a low BF% and high muscle mass. Also I want to be able to get an accurate BF%, is there somewhere you can go to be tested accurately?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Welcome to the board.

    You need to post up what a typical day's diet looks like for you (as much detail as possible, and be honest!!). Nobody here is going to write you out a diet, however if you take the time to post up a proposed diet, we can help you sort it out.

    If you have no idea where to begin, read the sticky's and check out others' threads. The Sticky's are a bit outdated and we are in the process of updating, but the will provide you with some fundamental knowledge that doesn't change.

  3. #3
    FatHor5e77 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    London, England
    Thanks for your reply gbrice, OK here it is.
    This is typical during the week.
    Breakfast: Oats, Fibre cereal, fruit (blueberry, apple, grapes or banana) 1 scoop of protein powder, Skimmed milk. None of this is measured.
    Lunch: either 2 tins of tuna on their own or 2 chicken salad wraps.
    Dinner: varies, sometimes fish (peppered mackerel) and salad or mince potatoes and veg or grilled chicken and Salad. I can honestly say this is typical throughout my working week. And when I and going to the gym I normally throw in at least 2 protein shakes with the above. I drink a lot of coffee and have fallen out of the habbit of drinking lots of water. I have huge stocks again so this will change. there is no picking during the day, only what I have written. And like I said above, I will start gym next week and will be training from 6-7am at least 3 times per week.
    With the introduction of the gym I am thinking the breakfast I have would be way to heavy pre workout. I have read that some would not eat anything and just have a coffee for early morning workout and others make eggs and have a full breakfast. So on this I am confused. Especially as I would have a protein shake after workout and then I would feel bloated if I tried to eat after.

    However.... This is the routine I am in for the working week, the weekends look nothing like this. Where I dont get up as early the weekend and I spend time with my daughter my weekly routine goes to shit! I pick and I dont have my regular meals and I eat rubbish! I have alcohol at the weekends and generally drink between 4-8 cans. So I know I have displine issues and I am working on that. Also promised to kick the booze as soon as I am back in the gym, otherwise I don't see the point in paying £50 per month to stay fat! Sorry if this is an overload, I am trying to be as open as possible.
    Your help and opinion is very much appreciated.

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