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  1. #1
    imholol is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Please help me fix my diet

    Meal 1:
    4:00 am Oatmeal+protein shake+1 fruit
    6:00-7:00 gym
    7:00 protein shake with dextrose
    8:00 rice with some soyabean stuff(100gm has 54gm protein and 30g carbs) cooked in safflower oil for my EFA's
    with some vegetabes

    8:00 - 4:00 pm college
    i drink 2 shakes at college : oats+whey+almonds -yes two times
    5:00 pm
    wheat bread+vegetables cooked in safflower oil+some soyabean stuff

    whole wheat bread+vegetables cooked in safflower oil+pulses+8 whole eggs

    My diet is almost vegetarian and i cant include non-veg,sorry
    i am consuming apxx 200g protein,400g carbs and 70g fats
    and appx 3000 calories

    Workout routine:

    Mon: Biceps+Triceps
    Tue: Legs+ABS
    wed: 20 min slow pace cardio
    Thur: Chest+biceps
    Fri : 20 min slow pace cardio
    Sat: shoulders+ Back+Triceps
    Sun: OFF
    Mainly doing heavy compound movements only with 1 or maybe two isolation ex's,someone at gym said only compound exercises build mass

    Please comment and don't bash me because i am new here,just correct me if i am wrong

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    USA and many other places

    So from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon you are only having 2 shakes?

    And you cannot eat meat?
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  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    What are your stats and goals?

  4. #4
    imholol is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011

    no bro'

    stats before i jumped into this game: 5'10 198 lbs 38% bodyfat
    now 5'10 160 lbs,never checked bodyfat again but i guess it should be less than 15-16%.
    Goal: my goal is to gain lean muscles and yes i can't eat meat because here in India,relegion sucks my parents dont allow meat in the home,but i will be moving to USA after a year where i can eat whatever i want and inject whatever i want

    so far this kind of diet has helped me a lot,and the shakes i prepare for my college has 80gm carbs,50g protein and 15g fats .. is this a bad idea??

  5. #5
    imholol is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    So far i am happy with the results,strength is increasing day by day.I am going to add 500 more calories.

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