I've been dieting correctly for the past 4 months now on zero carbs until about 2-3 weeks ago that i kind of hit a plateau and i started adding carbs to meals 2,4,6. I have become very obsessed with this new lifestyle and i wish to learn more everyday. For the past few days i have been reading and taking in all this threads which really have helped me a lot to realize what i need to do and understand better the nutrition part of dieting.

This Monday October 31 i will start a new diet which will consist of the famous 40/40/20 which i have never done before, like i mentioned i was eating 6 times a day plus a post workout shake with carbs, 5 meals of chicken breast, 1 of tilapia and the other was the post workout shake. No carbs whatsoever until recently and now i want to do it properly since i went and got my body composition with the BODPOD which i wanted it to be really accurate. So here it is, i haven't finished the diet yet since every time i read here i keep incorporating what i read and learn, it will be done by tomorrow since i will need to prepare my food over the weekend for the upcoming week.

Sorry for the long read but hopefully i get all kinds of advices and criticisms to better my diet and keep motivated, which normally isnt a problem specially since i so far look better then i think i ever have and i am still fat.

Body Comp:

BODPOD Measured
FAT: 26.6% = 60.3lbs
LBM: 73.4% = 166.2
Total Weight: 226.5lbs on 10/20/11, today i am on 223lbs

I work as an Roadway Construction Inspector, i workout now twice a day, 5AM - 7AM is my weight training Monday thru Friday and 4PM-5:30PM is my 1hr cardio session 65-70% Max heart rate and some abs after. Some weekends i go do cardio most i don't since is the only time i have to relax and catch a breath, which i am taking this into consideration when calculating my TDEE.

Based on my calculation my BMR is 1996.5
TDEE is 3793 kcals Monday thru Friday, 2745 on weekends i do cardio, and 2396 on weekends that i am a bed potato.

I am completely into this and doing whatever it takes to get my BF down below a 10%, i am a picky eater, i do not eat veggies or fruits which makes this even harder but i am willing to try little by little to eat greens and stuff, but for now keep that in mind if you have some diet advices. As follows is the current diet which i was not counting anything except for the amount of proteins i was indulging which now i see is quite a lot based on my LBM.

4:30 AM Pre Workout, (NO Xplode with 5g glutamine, 1 scoop of InfiniteLabs BCAA)
7:00 AM Post Workout Shake (Isopure Zero Carbs with 50g of Malto, 50g of Dex, 5g glutamine, 1 scoop of BCAA) a bit after i indulge in a bunch of supplements such as multivitamin, biotin, r-ala, milk thistle, l-carnitine, omega 3,6,9 cap, some other which i don't recall now.
9:00 AM 5-8 oz chicken breast with 1 cup cooked basmati rice
11:00 AM 5-8 oz chicken breast
1:00 PM 5-8 oz chicken breast with 1 cup cooked basmati rice (i also indulge the same concoction as in the morning but i add 3g glutamine caps and BCAA caps.
3:00 PM 5-8 oz chicken breast
5:00 PM 5-8 oz chicken breast with 1 cup cooked basmati rice
7:00 PM 2, 6oz tilapia filet blackened. More indulging of supps as 1:00 PM plus ZMA

This is what i have been doing for the past 2-3 weeks with some results already but i plan to change it to the 40/40/20 so i can definitely see more results and do the right diet.

Please criticize and bombard me as i want your input to learn and know what i am doing right or wrong. Thanks