i am:
6'0" tall
20-22% fat - just a guess but im sure its close to that
21yrs old
and i am a powerlifter wanting to 40lbs in 5 months

I am on day 6 of my first cyclic ketogenic diet. I believe i am eating correctly, i have done my homework on what to eat. I dont count my calories like a bodybuilder, i just eat when im hungry about 15 snacks a day (no real meals) and attempt to achieve 150-200g protein 150g fat and 40g carbs. Ketosis is well underway as of day 3. I use ketostix and i have moderate to high ketone-urine level. Already down 10lbs. I am taking just about any supplement useful for cutting. I am on ECA at a high dose as i have used ECA many times before and i can handle high doses of stimulants. I do not take clen or any hormone as i am in a drug-tested league.

What happens if do not do the carb-refeed? or do it everyother week?
What happens if i have very high ketone level in my urine?
And what happens if i starve myself (like 1500 cals a day)?

And just out of interest slightly off topic. has anyone heard of Keto Bulking diet?