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  1. #1
    xashhh's Avatar
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    Help with diet -

    Hey guys; I was wondering if I should/needed to add or change anything in my current diet.
    My goal is to slim down, and tone my body/increase muscle.

    I'm a 20 year old female. I'm 5"7 and I weigh approx 72.8 kilos with a body fat total of 31.2 (if I've done the calculations correctly).

    I follow a gym routine 6 days a week; and my diet is as follows

    7am Half hour walk.

    8am (breakfast) 1/2 cup cooked oats (76 cal) + shake (120 cal) + egg whites (32 cal).

    10am (snack) Tin of tuna (84 cal) + rice crackers (32 cal) - 2 of.

    12:30 (lunch) 100g grilled chicken (165 cal)/fish (100 cal) + vegetables - Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots (42 cal)

    3 (afternoon snack) Shake (120 cal) + tuna (84 cal)

    5pm 1 Hour of cardio, 30 mins circuit training, 30 mins cardio.

    7:30 (dinner) 100g grilled fish (165 cal)/chicken (100 cal) with salad (apparently roughly 140 cal) and vegetables (42 cal)

    Roughly 1200 cal intake a day.

    Any suggestions would be great.
    Last edited by xashhh; 01-10-2012 at 10:55 PM.

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Looks pretty good to me. What kind of shake? and do you plan on any fasted cardio?

    Good luck to you. Glad you are here~
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  3. #3
    xashhh's Avatar
    xashhh is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post

    Looks pretty good to me. What kind of shake? and do you plan on any fasted cardio?

    Good luck to you. Glad you are here~

    The shake is called 'Sculpt' by Horleys. I believe it is a protein supplement.
    In regards to fasted cardio; I walk for about half an hour every morning before eating breakfast.

  4. #4
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Nice you started your log

    Can you add where and what your workouts consist of during that day and add your macros/cals in for each meal and daily total. It makes it easier for everyone to pick apart. (You can use calorie king to work out cals and macros)

  5. #5
    xashhh's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure I did what you needed!

    I do roughly 1200 cal a day.

  6. #6
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xashhh View Post
    Hey guys; I was wondering if I should/needed to add or change anything in my current diet.
    My goal is to slim down, and tone my body/increase muscle.Either cut fat or add lean muscle, you'll need to choose one.

    I'm a 20 year old female. I'm 5"7 and I weigh approx 72.8 kilos with a body fat total of 31.2 (if I've done the calculations correctly).

    I follow a gym routine 6 days a week; and my diet is as follows

    Half hour walk. Make this 45-hour brisk walk, jog a little every now and then to get your heart rate up. You'll want it around 130b/min. Walking usually won't get it high enough and jogging will usually get it too high.

    8am (breakfast) 1/2 cup cooked oats (76 cal) + shake (120 cal) + egg whites (32 cal). Good

    10am (snack) Tin of tuna (84 cal) + rice crackers (32 cal) - 2 of. I'm not a fan of rice crackers for a carb source, unless just before weights on clean bulk, maybe some green veggies

    12:30 (lunch) 100g grilled chicken (165 cal)/fish (100 cal) + vegetables - Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots (42 cal) Is this chicken breast? If not make it breast, thigh fillet have too much fat. (chicken breast-100g 3.6gfat/31gprotein/0gcarbs)-this is macro breakdown of chicken breast.

    3 (afternoon snack) Shake (120 cal) + tuna (84 cal)

    5pm 1 Hour of cardio, 30 mins circuit training, 30 mins cardio. Don't be afraid of weights, trust me you won't get huge like some women are scared of. I'd recommend weight session that should go for about 45mins followed by 45mins-hour moderate cardio-120 to135 heart rate. Weights 3 times a week, mon-chest/shoulders/tri's, wed-legs, fri-back/bi's. Reps to failure at 12-15 reps upper and 20-25legs and 3 working sets per body part. No more than 20 working sets a day. Really push to failure.

    7:30 (dinner) 100g grilled fish (165 cal)/chicken (100 cal) with salad (apparently roughly 140 cal) and vegetables (42 cal)

    Roughly 1200 cal intake a day. Needs to be exact, not roughly.

    Any suggestions would be great.
    See bold*

    Need more good sources of fats, try avocado, almonds, fish oil caps.

    Run 5 low carb days followed by 2 higher carb days. Higher carb day example 40% carbs/ 40% protein/ 20% fat. on a low carb day make it 20% carbs/ 40% protein/ 40% fat. That percentage is by the gram not cals. This is for losing fat.

    To clean bulk make the higher carb days on training days and adjust the lower carb days so the carbs are at 30% of total grams. Also have complex carbs either side of PM training session. Hour before and 30mins after.

    This is one method you can try. There are others, but see how you go with this.
    Last edited by auslifta; 01-10-2012 at 11:17 PM.

  7. #7
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Eat red meat at least twice a week too. Kangaroo and lean beef are great. Women need iron intake even more than men

    Do you like mushrooms? good source of iron.

  8. #8
    xashhh's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for the advice 'auslifta'!

    I've altered my diet a little bit to include red meat twice a week as well as avocado with my tuna. I've also added mushrooms to my diet; as my anemia was starting to worsen; silly me.

    This week I'll be speaking to a PT about adding weights into my training as well!

  9. #9
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Good stuff, goodluck with the PT.

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