I am a bit confused. I followed Admin's Cutting 101 directions. Here are my numbers:
Ht- 5'6" (167.64cm)
Wt- 170lbs (77.27kg)
BF- ~20%

BMR= 1784.19

TDEE = 2141 (Sedentary) 2765 (Moderate)

Cutting Diet

Following 40/40/20 Split:

Sedentary Days = 1641 cal. Prot-164.1g Carb- 164.1g Fat- 36.4g

Moderate Days = 2265 cal. Prot- 226.5g Carb- 226.5g Fat- 50.3g


I am no mathematics genius so I question the fact that my Prot/Carb grams came out to exactly 10% of my daily calorie count. Did I calculate that correctly?

Second question.. ADMIN gives an example for a 2000 calorie diet and says "then modified a bit" comes up with 250g Protein and 150g Carb and 45g Fat. That is a significant departure from a 40/40/20 split. So given my numbers and throwing the 40/40/20 split completely out the window, where should my numbers be?

Third question.. Should I adjust my diet daily depending on whether it is a sedentary day or moderate day?