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  1. #1
    XxxRagexxX is offline Banned
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    Jan 2012

    Need advice for gaining lean mass.

    I train 4 straight Days a week, no cardio. I train chest and triceps on monday, back and shoulders on tuesday, biceps on wednesday and legs on thursday. Rest on friday, saturday and sunday.

    I do high reps with alot of sets. I found that my body responds better to this type of workout th an any before. When I was in high school ive been following the same routine for years. I ve gotten stronger month after month but I could not gain any size no matter how much I ate. I've tried doing different exercises, heavy weights, pyramids, taking time off. Nothing really helped.

    Diet . 1 scoop of whey protein , 1cup of oatmeal, 4 whole eggs Workout Post workout , 1 scoop of whey protein , celltech. 1 hour after workout , 4oz steak, 1 cup of brown rice, half a cup of broccoli. Snack, 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese, 4 oz steak. Meal, 5oz chicken breast, half cup of brown rice and half cup of broccoli. Snack, 1 scoop of whey and an apple. Meal, 4oz of ground turkey half cup of broccoli. Meal before bed, 5oz steak and 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese.

    400g protein , 349g carbs 50 grams fat., 3445 calories.

    Ive tried modifying my diet a couple times and I still have a hard time gaining mass. Ive just recently added a few pounds when I modified my training, I started doing higher reps (15-20) with 4sets and 2 heavy sets in the beginning after a light warm up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    XxxRagexxX is offline Banned
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    15% BF
    24 yrs

  3. #3
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    thats pretty interesting man.. ur almost 750 cals over ur tdee and not gaining? ill be interested to hear what other more experienced guys have to say.. good luck

  4. #4
    XxxRagexxX is offline Banned
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    I used to weight 200lbs, I don't know what my body fat was then but I was pretty fat. In 6 months I was 150lbs 13% BF, soon after that I tried gaining more muscle mass, And now I'm at my current weight.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Dude, you don't need anywhere near 400g of protein. That's a waste of caloies for you. Personally I'd drop protein to 300g and bump carbs to 450g. No difference in caloric intake, but huge difference in the role they play towards your growth.

  6. #6
    XxxRagexxX is offline Banned
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    Ive done that before, but someone told me that was way to many carbs, it wasnt 450g, but it was close to 400...... which is why I changed it around to more protein and less carbs...
    I didn't try it long enough to see any results but ill give it go..... Thanks for the help.

  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I'd love to hear their rationale on why 400g of carbs is too much but 400g of protein is ok. I could see if you were putting on a ton of fat, but that doesn't sound like it was the case.

    I always have carbs higher than protein on an 'add mass' type diet. I'm currently lean bulking at 275g protein / 450g carbs/ 65g fat. 1.5g protein/lb of LBM is a good starting point. Most people won't need to adjust much from there. Everybody thinks they need to eat a ton of protein because they see the pro's doing it. The pro's are also using extraordinarily large (and sometimes dangerous!) amounts of AAS, and already have a TON more LBM than us average guys.

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