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  1. #1
    Andrew7491 is offline New Member
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    How to maximize weight loss and muscle diet plan.... Need help!

    Hey everyone! Im new to this though I have been on here a couple of times. Heres the breakdown:

    Want to lose weight but still maintain strength (ie lean muscle mass)
    Height 6' 1"
    weight 200 (want to get down to a solid 185)
    BMI around 22%
    TDEE: 3500
    workout 5 days a week

    Heres my meal plan each day:

    Meal 1
    3 egg whites
    1 cup oatmeal
    1tbsp strawberry preserves
    8fl oz milk(skim)

    Meal 2
    1/2 cup granola
    1 can tuna=1/4 cup
    1 chicken breast

    meal 3
    protein drink

    meal 4
    2 chicken breasts
    1 oz/24 almonds

    meal 5
    protein drink

    Meal 6

    All this combined equals a little over 250 g protein and little over 2000 calories

    What I am wanting to know
    1. a good meal 6
    2. substitutions for meals to make a little more 'eatable'
    3. anything else you can provide!

  2. #2
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrew7491 View Post
    hey everyone! Im new to this though i have been on here a couple of times. Heres the breakdown:

    Want to lose weight but still maintain strength (ie lean muscle mass)
    height 6' 1"
    weight 200 (want to get down to a solid 185)
    bmi around 22% bmi or bf%??if not bf% get it
    tdee: 3500
    workout 5 days a week

    heres my meal plan each day:

    Meal 1
    3 egg whites
    1 cup oatmeal this dry weight?
    1tbsp strawberry preserves sugar free i hope if not change it
    8fl oz milk(skim)drop it

    meal 2
    1/2 cup granola hmm id go with a yam or oats for all carbs while cutting
    1 can tuna=1/4 cup
    1 chicken breast

    meal 3
    protein drink pwo??if so add oats or yam if not change to real food and veggie

    meal 4
    2 chicken breasts
    1 oz/24 almonds how bout a veggie like broccoli or spinach

    meal 5
    protein drink id have protein and fat or veggie here

    meal 6
    undetermined??? protein and fat or just protein(2% cottage cheese or casein shake)

    all this combined equals a little over 250 g protein and little over 2000 calories thats nice but what about the other 2 macro totals??

    what i am wanting to know
    1. A good meal 6
    2. Substitutions for meals to make a little more 'eatable'
    3. Anything else you can provide!
    need bf%
    when do u lift?
    How much cardio r u doing and when u doing it and for how long?
    Include total calories and macros for the day not just protein...

    And welcome to the forum

  3. #3
    slfmade's Avatar
    slfmade is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree with 405...we need that info. I'm a bit confused are you trying to gain lean body mass, or cut? I'm assuming you meant 22% BF. If this is the case I would recommend cutting first then gaining LBM. Though it's not impossible to do both at the same time, most people would advise to do one or the other.

  4. #4
    jypoll's Avatar
    jypoll is offline Member
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    chances are you TDEE is less than 3500 at your weight, unless you exercise all day everyday
    as said above, no milk, not even skim
    and if you do have a 3500 TDEE, then a 2000cal diet is probably a little low

  5. #5
    Andrew7491 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    Yea my BF is 22%
    I workout at different times during the day because a full time student....though I workout fivedays a week. I also box in the afternoon which I do for an hour each day for cardio.

    405, what do you mean by oats? Is it the same as eating dry oatmeal Im guessing? The oatmeal is dry weight on my diet plan too.

    The total calories is about 2250 and fat is about 42 g. I hear broccoli is also really healthy for you but why? And why do you say yams? Thanks!

  6. #6
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew7491 View Post
    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    Yea my BF is 22%
    I workout at different times during the day because a full time student....though I workout fivedays a week. I also box in the afternoon which I do for an hour each day for cardio.

    405, what do you mean by oats? Is it the same as eating dry oatmeal Im guessing? The oatmeal is dry weight on my diet plan too.

    The total calories is about 2250 and fat is about 42 g. I hear broccoli is also really healthy for you but why? And why do you say yams? Thanks!
    Ok at 200lbs and 22% bf:
    BMR = 1898cals
    TDEE = 2943cals

    1. Oats = oatmeal (dry weight)
    2. Yam = easier to type than "sweet potato"
    3. How many grams carbs per day?
    4. Is ur fat being "about 42g" as far off from reality as ur diet is " a little over 2000 cals"?

    To cut fat efficiently u wanna focus ur carb intake in meal1, pre w/o, PWO only... I hear boxing is good exercise.. Never dun it.. Cardio is most effective performed in the am fasted or PWO...

    If ur 200lbs at 22% bf ull prob have to drop well below 185 to get lean and then bulk back up (lean bulk).. I also started at 22% bf and i dropped down to 190 from 213... Stayn there and still losing fat .. (Think the TRT is kickn in )...

    My tdee was 3100 when i started and cut at 2150cals.. Urs being 2950ish id suggest i consider 2050cals/day... Keep ur protein high and ur carbs low and get cardio in am fasted or PWO if u can and u shoukd see the fat start coming off man...

    305g pro
    105g carbs
    46g fat

    Oughtta get u going well man.. Bout the same as wat i ran/am running... If u do that ull wanna add a carb refeed every 14days.. I refeed at about 200g carbs..

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