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Thread: metabolism

  1. #1
    tlash88's Avatar
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    So I was just curious about this, if someone drops there calories to cut weight, will your metabolism ever just slow down because of the lower amount of calories? If so how long will it take to start to slow down?

    Then that leads me to my next question, when running a low calorie diet is there any way to spike your metabolism so that it stays high?

  2. #2
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    thats why u wanna do a refeed (high carb day)... say ur eating 100g carbs per day.. every 14 days ull want to have 1 day where u eat say 250g carbs ...

  3. #3
    tlash88's Avatar
    tlash88 is offline Associate Member
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    I just read up on that after I made this thread, thanks

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Yes it can happen, but how long before it does depends on the individual. I can tell you though not to worry about the broscience bs that would have you believe it can happen because you *gasp!!* missed a meal! That's ridiculous and untrue. Our bodies certainly will adjust and adapt to a lower (or higher) caloric intake, but it'll take a hell of a lot longer than a day, or a week, etc.

    On a low calorie diet it's a good idea to intermittently have a high calorie meal. This doesn't mean eat junk food, it simply means to overeat more of the good stuff. If you're diet has you on very low/no carb days, then a carb refeed is always recommended.

  5. #5
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    GB whats ur opinion on amt of carbs necessary per individual to achieve the desired results of said refeed????????

  6. #6
    jypoll's Avatar
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    ive just been reading about carb refeed to increase leptin. Guy says he is 19 stone and low bf% i dont know what the stone-lbs conversion is but he says he had 1500g of carbs in one day and that bodybuilders of his same size would need even more. how many carbs do you think one should have?
    Last edited by jypoll; 02-14-2012 at 04:16 PM.

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    well i tell u dude that seems ridiculously excessive IMO.. but i may just be a dumb ass LOL.. ur talkn 6000cals from carbs alone.. seems highly unlikely.. but again were talkn solely my opinion BTW 1stone = 14lbs 19stone = 266lbs

    would like to hear GB's opinion

  8. #8
    jypoll's Avatar
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    thats not what i do, i just read that an hour ago and thought it was ridiculous myself
    heres where i found it

  9. #9
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    GB whats ur opinion on amt of carbs necessary per individual to achieve the desired results of said refeed????????
    This is highly debatable and really dependent on the carb cycle itself, but generally I go with about double the amount of my moderate days, which is still quite moderate by a lot of standards. It's not necessary to completely overeat IMO. I don't care if you've been without carbs for a month; your body can only handle so much and the rest will be stored as fat. So if 300g is your body's limit (at that time) and you consume 600g because you think you need a huge refeed, you'll essentially be storing 300g.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    well i tell u dude that seems ridiculously excessive IMO.. but i may just be a dumb ass LOL.. ur talkn 6000cals from carbs alone.. seems highly unlikely.. but again were talkn solely my opinion BTW 1stone = 14lbs 19stone = 266lbs

    would like to hear GB's opinion
    Depending on his height, 266lbs at <10% BF is a big mofo, but this still sounds way excessive to me. Highly unlikely he needs this amount of food. Then again, he's likely on a ton of gear, so he'll have the advantage of more efficient nutrient partitioning.

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