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  1. #1
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    few questions bout my diet and diet critique

    I have been running this diet for the last 6 weeks or so too cut up now want too fine tune it as i feel i am not eating right meals at right time like prewokout and postworkout after reading threw some of the other threads. I am 6 ft tall 14 percent bf now 205 lbs 31 yrs old i am currently a week into 50 mgs a var a day 300 mg test cyp/prop blend a week.

    meal 1 - 2 packs of oats or grits and whey shake
    snack- greek yougurt
    meal 2- 2 slices whole wheat bread and chicken breast and 3 boiled eggs
    snack -1 muscle milk drink
    meal 3 - whole wheat chicken wrap w/ some cheese
    workout an hour later around 5 pm
    post work out 50 grams whey shake
    meal 4- 8 chicken strips and carrots/broccoli
    snack -2 tbp of all natural peanut butter
    bedtime -casien shake

    it ends up being around 2500 calories 300 grams of protein /180 grams of carbs/65 grams of fat my tdee was 3200 cals just want too fine tune this thing since im only a week into the cycle

  2. #2
    jypoll's Avatar
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    cutting diet obviously??

    meal 1- packs of oats? what kind of packs? instant often is shitty
    - grits( this is fried potato?) - not a fan of potatoes on cut

    meal 2- no bread, not even while wheat

    meal 3- i would advise against wrap (pita im assuming) even whole wheat
    - what kind of cheese?

    meal 4- chicken strips? are these pre-breaded chicken strips? - very bad
    - also carrots are the highest sugar content of all vegetables... no carrots, stick to fibrous greens

    you should keep your carbs to oats, brown rice, yam/sweet potatoe
    and i think you should decrease fats to 50g, right not fats are at 23%... should be max 20 or lower

    also im not completely sure about this but you have alot of shakes, i personally like to have more protein from meat

    can you also post macros for individual meals
    Last edited by jypoll; 03-09-2012 at 10:36 AM.

  3. #3
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    yea its the instant grits in meal 1 in 100 calories packs so meal 2 then should just be chicken breast and maybe sweet potatoe ? meal 4 is the skinless chicken strips the good ones not the breaded ones i will post macros when i get home

  4. #4
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    340g pro
    140g carbs
    53g fat

    Is wat id run.. Agree with jypoll regarding everything he said.. Protein shakes do accomplish getting u the amt of protein they provide but i like to eat I limit myself to 1shake postworkout only..

    I think ud be ok with 3 shakes but IMO u should at least drop the shake in meal 1 and have 1egg, 6 eggwhites instead..

    Also lose the carrots and replace with green veg..

  5. #5
    jypoll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    yea its the instant grits in meal 1 in 100 calories packs so meal 2 then should just be chicken breast and maybe sweet potatoe ? meal 4 is the skinless chicken strips the good ones not the breaded ones i will post macros when i get home
    ok chicken strips ok then. meal 2--chicken and sweet potatoe looks good, and i would change breakfast from instant grits/oats

  6. #6
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    what do you mean by fibrous greens can you give an example i assume like broccoli and peas stuff like that ? and eggs are better in morning that shake obv. can i drink them or must i cook them ? i will post macros this evening also and what about the greek yougurt how do you guys feel about eating that everyday for snack i ask cause it does have like 15 grams of sugar in it ? and should i do my carb meals at breakfast ,preworkout , and postwork out even though i workout at nite ?
    Last edited by cyounger100; 03-09-2012 at 10:48 AM.

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    I have been running this diet for the last 6 weeks or so too cut up now want too fine tune it as i feel i am not eating right meals at right time like prewokout and postworkout after reading threw some of the other threads. I am 6 ft tall 14 percent bf now 205 lbs 31 yrs old i am currently a week into 50 mgs a var a day 300 mg test cyp/prop blend a week.

    meal 1 - 2 packs of oats or grits and whey shake rolled oats(not packs/instant) egg, eggwhites = better
    snack- greek yougurt
    meal 2- 2 slices whole wheat bread and chicken breast and 3 boiled eggs ditch bread have sweet pot, id lose the yolks
    snack -1 muscle milk drink Wat kinda carbs here? No simple carbs!!
    meal 3 - whole wheat chicken wrap w/ some cheese drop wrap have oats, or brn rice.. Drop the cheese!
    workout an hour later around 5 pm
    post work out 50 grams whey shake Add complex(oats,sweet pot) carb here
    meal 4- 8 chicken strips and carrots/broccoli lose carrots have more broc
    snack -2 tbp of all natural peanut butter
    bedtime -casien shake

    it ends up being around 2500 calories 300 grams of protein /180 grams of carbs/65 grams of fat my tdee was 3200 cals just want too fine tune this thing since im only a week into the cycle
    With ur stats id do 2400cals hitting macros i suggested..

  8. #8
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    what do you mean by fibrous greens can you give an example i assume like broccoli and peas stuff like that ? and eggs are better in morning that shake obv. can i drink them or must i cook them ? i will post macros this evening also and what about the greek yougurt how do you guys feel about eating that everyday for snack i ask cause it does have like 15 grams of sugar in it ? and should i do my carb meals at breakfast ,preworkout , and postwork out even though i workout at nite ?
    1. I see some eat greek yogurt.. I dont.. I avoid sugar in everything except lowfat cottage cheese before bed.. To me yogurt is for girls..

    2. Carb timing: meal1, pre w/o, pwo (even if u wk out at nite)

    3. Eggs/eggwhites . Eat em drink em cook em dont watever is fine..

  9. #9
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    the muscle milk is the stuff they sell in a bottle was bascially doin it for a snack too add a lil more protein and calories too my diet im sorry for stupid questions but what do you mean by simple carbs i assume the drink would be simple carbs not really sure the difference

  10. #10
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Simple carbs are refined carbs .. Mainly sugar.. They rnt good to ingest.. Cause spike in insulin .. Id stay away from the muscle milk.. Have a chicken breAst and broccoli man if u want a snack.. Or some tuna and asparagus.. Or a 96% fat free burger patty and some spinach.. Really i dont eat anything caed a snack.. 6 meals.. Thats it!

  11. #11
    jypoll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    what do you mean by fibrous greens can you give an example i assume like broccoli and peas stuff like that ? and eggs are better in morning that shake obv. can i drink them or must i cook them ? i will post macros this evening also and what about the greek yougurt how do you guys feel about eating that everyday for snack i ask cause it does have like 15 grams of sugar in it ? and should i do my carb meals at breakfast ,preworkout , and postwork out even though i workout at nite ?
    yes i eat broccoli, snap peas, green pepper and aspargus

    i drink all my eggs, there is no problem with this, but i think i am becoming allergic to them as my throat gets all mucusy and weird after

    i would scratch the yogurt if it has 15g of sugar. that should be your daily max on sugars and would best be from vegetables

    and yes if you workout at night you can still have carbs pre/post

  12. #12
    cyounger100's Avatar
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    okay havent got the macros together yet will do tonite after i drop the lil one off but i went too store and adjusted the meals around just have too figure out portions and macros now it gonna look like this .

    meal 1- rolled oats ,4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs
    meal 2-basically when i get too job 1.5 after meal 1 greek yougurt
    meal 3- 6 oz of chicken chunks non breaded of course and 1 sweet potatoe not sure how too cook it yet lol
    meal 4-brown rice and chicken chunks and broccoli thats post workout
    postworkout -50 gram shake
    meal 5 -will be either chicken chunks or lean beef and broccoli
    meal 6- 2 tbp of natural peanut butter
    before bed casein shake

    what you guys think does this look better of course i will get macros tonite but should be around 2400 calories 340 pro/150 carbs / 55 fat

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