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  1. #1
    jandj's Avatar
    jandj is offline Junior Member
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    I just finished a sust 500 per week for ten weeks and a deca at 200 per week for 8 weeks and I'm
    very happy with the results. I went from 182 to 210 andy strength is through the roof.. I began a 4000 per day calorie diet and stuck to it through out the cycle. Now I want to shed some of the belly fat around the waste but im scared to reduce my carb intake as I don't want to lose the muscle I gained. what do you guys think as far as cutting carbs and doing cardio in order to lose bf without compromising my gains? I'm a week into my pct
    Last edited by jandj; 03-17-2012 at 06:25 PM.

  2. #2
    jandj's Avatar
    jandj is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Golden rules of pct diet are INCREASED cals and NO cardio. Not what you want to hear but the trick is to bulk meanly.

    What are your stats and macro breakdown for each meal?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Don't diet in pct its one of the fastest ways to lose your hard earned muscle. Increase your cals and recover

  5. #5
    jandj's Avatar
    jandj is offline Junior Member
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    Age: 36
    Weight: 210
    height: 6 feet

    Work out 5 to 6 times a weeks, sleep 8 hours a day.

    1-10 500 MG of Sutanon 250
    1-8 200 MG Deca
    Armidex .5 3x a week.


    Meal 1 = 700 Calories
    7 egg whites 26 grams of Proteins
    2 slices of Ezikeal Bread 29 grams of Carbs
    1.5 teasppon of Natural peanut butter 4.5 Carbs 5.2 Protein 12 grams of Fat
    1 cup of Oatmeal 54 grams of Carbs

    Meal 2:= 288 Calories

    2 Slices of Bread= 29 grams of Carbs
    Tin of Tuna= 33 grams of Protien

    Meal 3: = 340Calories
    1/2 of Almonds 30grams of Fat 32 Grams 14 grams of protein

    Meal 4= 660 Calories
    Brown Rice 40 grams of Carbs
    12 ounce cheicken breast 68 grams of Protein

    meal 5:= 340 Calories
    1/2 of Almonds 30grams of Fat 32 Grams 14 grams of protein

    Meal 6 post work out shake = 600 Calolires
    Monster Mass= 50grams of Protein 80 grams of Carbs

    meal 7= 660 Calories
    Brown Rice 40 grams of Carbs
    12 ounce cheicken breast 68 grams of Protein

    Meal 8= 180 Calories
    1 Cup of Cottage Cheese 30 Grams of Proteing

    Calores= 3800
    Protein= 308 Grams
    Carbs= 277 Grams
    Fats= 90 Grams

    Your help would be greatly appreciated..

    What's the logic behind eating more cals than the above post cycle. I have belly fat and roles in my waist. I want to lean out now and don't mind losing a couple of pounds in order to show my abs

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Apologies for the delay. I'll put this as simply and as short as I can. When you eter PCT the 'artificial' testosterone is starting to leave your body and you become less adept at gaining/maintaining the muscle you gained, especially as your own test levels are trying to get back to normal. To counteract the test imbalance you should eat more (partic carbs) in an attempt to maintain the muscle you gained. Once PCT is finished you will have a new, higher, maintenance target of calories.

    That's the explanation. Now, if you wanted to cut in PCT then you will, undoubtedly, lose alot of muscle. So, and I don't mean to offend, I can only summise you either started at a high(ish) bodyfat or lost control of your calories and ate too much on cycle. Possibly even both?!

    What were start and end bf%'s?

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