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  1. #1
    Detlions is offline Junior Member
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    Shift worker in need of help

    I am currently 37 years young.
    5"8 210lbs 21%bf

    I have lost 30 lbs the last year and I feel pretty solid now, but I want the beach body who doesn't lol.

    Please be nice here is my diet.

    Morning coffee skim milk & Splenda
    Whey protein shake.

    Afternoon hand full of almonds and a banana.

    Dinner 10oz chicken breast, and whatever greens wife dishes up, most broccoli.

    Evening protein shake with skim milk and banana.

    This has been working but starting to plateau.

    Want to get down to 185 10% bf.
    With me working shitwork in. A busy factory, 2 nights 3 days 2 day 3 nights. A 2 year old son and a wife that wants snuggle time I get to the gym 3 days a week, mostly around 10 pm, I lift for 1 hr and 45 mins of cardio. I also do 200 situps and 100 push ups at home everyday

    Please help want my wife to look at me the way she used to 15 years ago

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Are you 18% or 21%? Either way that is too high for a successful cycle. What do you intend to achieve over the next 10 weeks of your cycle?

    Honestly? Your diet is awful, cutting or bulking. It needs starting over dependant on goals. If you haven't started your cycle then don't. We can get you a long way just by eating properly.

    Oh, and doing it for your wife is nice, but you need to do this for you!

  3. #3
    havehotasianwife's Avatar
    havehotasianwife is offline Associate Member
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    Doesnt look like your eating enough? Goto the nutrition resource section. And check out "dieting 101" get your calculation good and you'll see your results sky rocket my friend

  4. #4
    Detlions is offline Junior Member
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    Of course I want to feel good and look good again.
    I have started the cycle. The thing is that I am strong and I have no problem with hard work.

  5. #5
    jasc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detlions

    Morning coffee skim milk & Splenda
    Whey protein shake.

    Afternoon hand full of almonds and a banana.

    Dinner 10oz chicken breast, and whatever greens wife dishes up, most broccoli.

    Evening protein shake with skim milk and banana.
    With that diet you have to have killed your metabolism. That's probably why you've plateaued. I eat more than that by mid morning and you've got me by 30 lbs.

    Add some ground up whole grain oats to your morning shake, you need the carbs for energy.

    Whats your lunch look like? surely it can't be mainly almonds

    Your dinner looks good, only meal of the day I agree with.

    You need to eat more bro.. think of your metabolism like a fire. You eat good food it burns strong throughout the day. When you don't eat enough it dwindles to a pilot light.

    If you want to boost your metabolism n burn fat, you need to fuel the fire.

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detlions
    Of course I want to feel good and look good again.
    I have started the cycle. The thing is that I am strong and I have no problem with hard work.
    That really doesn't answer any questions.

  7. #7
    havehotasianwife's Avatar
    havehotasianwife is offline Associate Member
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    Here is a good link for you @DetLions

    http://forums.steroid .com/showthread.php?491518-Dieting-101-Excel-Spreadsheet-Download&highlight=dieting+101

    and downloadable spreadsheet here that will calculate what you need whether cutting/maintaining/bulking

  8. #8
    Detlions is offline Junior Member
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    thanks havehotasianwife for the info, I will check it out, alot of you guys could be certified dieticians lol.
    OKAY my diet is crap, and that is why I feel soooo tired during the day, I thought NO carbs and high protien was good for weight loss and muscle gain, but I was wrong.
    wondered if someone could help me get on a food program. ven if its the same everyday I will follow to a tee!

    my goal is to be be 185 ripped, and I know this will not be an easy task, I figured if I ate ok, and got on a so so diet and threw some test in there I wouldreach my goal in 12 weeks LOL.
    I realize its going to take much longer with hard work and dedication.

    STEM I was wondering if I could look up to you for some mentoring? I have been reading awhile and you seem to take time out of your life to help alot of folks around here. I wanted to start a log to keep me on track. your nickname should have been coach lol.

    heading to the gym, thanks to all for the valuable information. look forward to getting serious about nutrition, diet and excercise!

  9. #9
    Detlions is offline Junior Member
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    I just watched the videos
    Milos Sarcev "Secret of the Pro's" on Nutrition!

    I didn't know you could learn so much in a couple of hours!! excellent source of wonder I was sooooooooooooooo tired all the time, I elimimated ALL carbs from my diet, feel like such a loser!!!!
    I went to the gym last night and struggled because of it. barely putting up 225 on incline bench..

    ok I feel more knowledge everytime I come here..they should charge money to be on the forum LOL

  10. #10
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    hey det stem is a smart dude he helped me thru my diet

    funny ur startn where i started and im currently where u wanna be.. i startd at 213lbs and 22%bf.. now i weigh 185 and @10%bf.. took from october 1 til about a month ago

    low carbs is a good approach and the one i took but some people dont do well with low carbs.. but if u keep ur total carb cals no greater than 20% of ur daily cals itll make it easier to drop bodyfat.. wat u could do is have ur carbs in meal 1, preworkout, and postworkout meals only.. this way u have energy to get thru the wokouts but also keep ur carbs low..

    my lbm at the start was 166.14lbs..

    ur current lbm is 165.9.. so very close..

    320g pro
    120g carbs
    49g fat

    would be a good starting point.. i started at 305/101/55 (respectively) ..

    limit carbs to oats, sweet potatoes, brown rice ONLY..

    once u get further along u can consider cycling ur carbs if u feel so inclined.. its proven to be a good switch-up for myself..

    CARDIO: u wanna do as much as u can in the am before eating anything.. i prefer and rely on the elliptical.. a good method ive learned as of late (at least once or twice per week) is:

    5minute warm-up
    10mins HIIT (intervals)
    5mins complete rest
    20-40mins moderate

    do this 1 or 2 times per week coupled with ur diet and 3 or 4 more am fasted cardio sessions (shoot for 5 per week.. 6 is optimal) and ull really see the fat start coming off man..

  11. #11
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Det, this is a toughy tbh. You should cut, but I appreciate you wanna bulk too. So we need to be careful. If you continue with your cycle you need to consider what you need to do in PCT too.

    If you bulk on cycle then try to cut in PCT you will lose everything. Dirung PCT you will need to UP the carbs/cals and reduce the cardio! So your cycle needs to be as lean possible!

    405 has given you some pretty good advice there but I think we can afford some slightly different macro's for you. Your cals and macro's will need careful manipulation during the course of your cycle to ensure absolut minimal fat gain!

    I'll assume you eat 6x per day?

    Meals 1-6 - 50g protein each meal
    Meals 1, pre and post workout 50g carbs
    Other than post workout add 10g fat to each meal.

    That should tell us how your body suddenly handles some carbs. It's not a great deal of cals but if you suddenly bombard your body with carbs after your restriction, they may be fat gain trouble!

    Put together a meal plan and list it and we'll see what we can work with!

  12. #12
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    SteM am i blind cuz i dont see anything about a cycle in the OP

    did this conversation carry over from another forum?

  13. #13
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Yep, he has a thread elsewhere, he has started a test e cycle for 10 weeks if memory serves.

  14. #14
    Detlions is offline Junior Member
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    I just got off a rough night shift at work, I did get me 6 meals In very 2 hours.
    Gonna get some sleep when I get up I will post my diet/ meals

    And I have clomid on hand and nolva is coming next week.
    I did fit in some carbs it was a long night at work but I had tons of energy.

    Talk to you tonight.

    And 405 you are going to be a great motivation for me I am going to go back and read all of your posts,
    Thanks brother..

    Ok time to get some ZZZZZzzzzzzz

  15. #15
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    thx man

  16. #16
    Detlions is offline Junior Member
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    Just got back from work and it was a good nite.

    What my diet was

    1st meal
    1/2 cup of oatmeal and banada
    2nd meal
    Whey protein shake 1/4 cup of almonds
    3rd meal
    8 oz chicken breast with baby spinach
    4th meal
    Can of tuna with green/ red peppers
    5 meal
    10 oz rib eye steak and 1/2 cup of brown wild rice.
    6 meal
    Protein shake and table spoon of peanut butter.

    I know it's not perfect but trying to get on track with so many meals.
    Cal intake about 2400
    Protein 220 grams

    I am going to count all calories, carbs and fats tonight. (last night shift)

    Time for bed lol...

    Hey 405 is there a easy to keep track of cals, carbs and fats? Calculator?

    Talk tomorrow morning.

  17. #17
    sheytoon is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Detlions,

    Good luck mate. Just a some friendly advise, stick to it and be consistent. It wont happen within a week or so but if you stick to it and you're consistent with your dieting and training, then you will reach your goals.

    Also advice from users such as SteM is gold. Ensure you utilize it

  18. #18
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Check out MyFitnessPal if you have an Android or Iphone.. should be free
    It keeps track of meals, macros, huge database of foods

  19. #19
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Whatsup man,

    If you count all your cals and macros the day before you can then precook all your meals for the upcoming day. This way you know how much you are eating and have all of it with you, buy a few small tupperware containers and take um to work.

    I find this to be most effective for me. This way i have everything i need to eat for that day and i don't have to worry about counting calories all day.

  20. #20
    Detlions is offline Junior Member
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    Ok I just about got everything in place,
    Wil finally post my diet tomorrow I am on days for 2.
    And post some pics of me and my goals.

    I do have one question, in have a pretty good ear infection, I got a script for antibiotics, no interference with test eh?
    I figure not just wanted to ask

    Off to work for 12 hrs on the plus side my work is a lot of heavy lifting, bending reaching repetition work o it's kinda like a workout/ cardio and I get paid for it lol

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