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vegtable jucicing and protein shakes
Has anyone ever done a cycle whilst only taking a liquid diet? Juicing(100% fresh veg) is an awesome way to rid the body of toxins, so I was wondering if you could only use a diet consisting of whey protein shakes, and pure freshly juiced vegtable.
04-04-2012, 06:50 AM #2
I have never done that.. are you doing this? if so what are your results so far
04-04-2012, 07:02 AM #3
I have never done a total liquid diet while on cycle but probably closer than anyone here. I have an Omega Juicer and a Blendtec blender. I go through juicing phases but consistently drink green smoothie/protein shakes. I have juice fasted for close to a week while on Hdrol. I did have energy but I didn't have the endurance to really lift heavy weights. Throwing in protein shakes would surely help and be needed to keep your body from burning muscle if you are already at a low body fat. I am starting a 3 month cycle towards the end of this month, maybe I will juice fast the last week or so just for kicks. Will be Test/Win at that point so why not! If juice fasting for a cleanse I would think hemp/pea protein would be better than loading up on whey. Those inspirational documentaries get people all pumped up about juicing to lose weight and cure disease, which is great. But I think dropping the bread (actually all wheat) from their diet is helping them more than the juicing.
Cool response, i totally let this thread go. Never did get my juice cleanse on, and I have no viable I may try a clease inbetween cycles...don't know if I can do it whist working.
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