Hi all , I was wanting to start this thread a while ago but wanted to make sure that I will be truely committed to it. Since summer time is coming up pretty soon I thought that would be great time to start and get some encouragment from you guys. I started my cut 2 months ago with a starting weight of 217 lbs. I will go super hard right with the diet and hope to reach competitive condition

Age: 23
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 197 lbs
bodyfat: ~12-13 %
goal: reach 7-8 % body fat

My plan is to incorporate a carb cycling diet which will consist of low, medium , and high days

low days: All carbs coming from veggies ( 300 g of veggies per meal X 6 meals )
medium: 200 g of carbs
high: 350 g of carbs

Protein will always be around 300g a day and fats will be around 40g.

I dont have time to post my diet right now but will do whenever I can. I have done this before and will do it again.