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Thread: diet & plan

  1. #1
    Swalk is offline New Member
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    diet & plan

    Just checking in to see who thinks what about my diet and plan. Stats age 44 6'1" 250lbs BF not sure but would guess around 25, been working out for 25yrs. In pretty good shape but need to lose about 20 more lbs before i get started. I do switch up the meals (veggies, meats and fruits) but stick with the same quantities. I have been eating this way for 6 weeks now and have dropped around 12lbs. When I hit 230lbs im starting a cycle of test e 500mg, equipoise 500mg per week for 14 weeks test will go two weeks longer than eq. while on and after the cycle I will continue to eat the same diet and see where it takes me. This will be my 4th cycle with pretty good results in the past with test cyp, anavar and Win. Any advice would be appreciated.

    meal 1
    6 egg whites
    1/2 avacado
    1/2 cup spinach or fruit
    multi vitamin

    meal 2
    8 oz tuna or chicken
    1/2 cup brown rice
    1/2 cup spinach or asparagus
    15 to 20 almonds

    meal 3
    protien shake
    1/2 cup green beans, spinach or fruit
    1/2 avacado or 15 to 20 almonds

    meal 4
    8 oz tuna or chicken
    1/2 cup brown rice
    1/2 cup broccoli or green beans
    1/2 avacado or 15 to 20 almonds

    Meal 5
    8 oz lean steak, chicken or fish filet
    1/2 cup spinach, broccoli or green beans
    2 TS of olive oil drizzled on food

    meal 6
    protien shake
    1/2 cup spinach, broccoli or green beans
    15 to 20 almonds

  2. #2
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    Swalk welcome to the forum..

    1. If ur 250@25% bf then u have 62.5lbs fat currently.. If u lose 20lbs and its all fat thatll put u at 230lbs with 42.5 lbs fat left which will have u at 18.5% bf.. Too high to cycle IMO.. I suggest u cut down to at least 12%bf before considering a cycle.. Prob not wat u wanna hear but the truth nonetheless..

    Wat r total cals and macros of above diet?

    Also i suggest u get ur bf chekd to see if ur incorrect on ur estimate.. U say ur in Pretty good shape and at 25%bf (if accurate) proves otherwise.. And i mean this as nicely as possible..
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 04-27-2012 at 01:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Swalk is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012
    Thanks for the reply. Your right I will get my BF checked when I reach the 230lb mark and re-access at that point. As far as the calories go I Im thinking around 3,000 cals but have never sat down and calculated. 6 meals seems like I'm eating all the time and never hungry. How do you figure the 12% bf stat before starting? lower Bf better results you can see? Thanks again for any advice

  4. #4
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    12%bf for many reasons:
    1. Less prone to negative sides
    2. Assuming u want to bulk u can be more aggressive with ur diet cuz u have more room to play with..
    3. Ur gains will be more pronounced visually
    4. Ull have less fat to lose (and on u) when u finish
    5. Ull look better and be happier!
    6. Ull have a successful cut under ur belt which i assume u may have never been that low bf before?
    7. Do u need more reasons???

    And also not being hungry is a good thing! Be glad of that..

    With ur stats (assuming 250@25%bf) id start @2500-2600cals low carb...

  5. #5
    Swalk is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012
    Sounds like good reasoning to me. To be honest with you I have only had my BF checked once and this was when i was wrestling in HS at 171lbs I was at 7% that was years ago a lot more muscle mass now. This was long ago and there is no possible way I could ever get down even close to that weight again. Hows the diet look? types of food?

  6. #6
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Food choices seem ok.. May have to do some moving around and it appears ur eating a lot of nuts.. Prob a lot of fat in that diet..

    Read stickies:
    1. So u wanna learn how to diet
    2. Tdee
    3. How to cut
    4. How to bulk

    After reading these u shpuld have a better understanding.. Some of the info u read we may do difftly.. Such as simple sugars PWO..

    How many days u lift and how many cardio? How long cardio and at wat time? I suggest u do all cardio either am fasted or pwo for 45mins 5-6days per week..

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Double post

  8. #8
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    1 more thing.. Dont sell ur self short as far as how low u can go in bf%.. u could get to 10% with the rite diet no matter how unreachable it may seem rite now.. Trust me.. I did and i started at 22%..

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